3. Fasting

Course: How To Build SELF-DISCIPLINE: Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Term Goals

Goal: 5 Practical Ways to Train Your Discipline

Fasting, even infrequent, will help you better control your urges. A cold shower takes 5 minutes, while fasting takes at least 14-16 hours to benefit from it.

The temptation to break the fast and eat is always there – up to the moment you get used to the new way of eating. It’s not something that fits everyone, but it won’t hurt to try it as an experiment and see how it affects your willpower.

Studies show that intermittent fasting has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems and is a potential eating pattern for successful brain aging. It is also a powerful practice to develop your self-discipline.

It’s especially useful for anyone who wants to change her relationship with food and become better at controlling cravings. You don’t need to eat five meals a day to lose fat or stave off hunger. Neither does fasting reduce your cognitive performance, sleep or mood.

You can skip a meal or two, stop eating for a full day or temporarily change your eating pattern (you can always go back to your usual patterns if you find it’s not for you).

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Tags: intermittent fasting