Timing:When your doctor advises
Regular Check up
You need to regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol. If you monitor regularly it would warn you before it’s too late.
Pulse - 125bpm
Blood Pressure - 144/100
Both don't seems good! Too bad, I didn't see my doctor for last 2 months..
Got to see my doctor, I didnt go for a full check up for long.
Its been couple of months since I went for a check up. So I planned to go and see my doctor today and check my blood pressure, a blood test.. After all health is wealth right? I have to make sure while building up my body muscles I didn't overlook my health..
Sometime we should conduct a detailed check up including blood tests,x-ray, kidney functioning test apart from the physical ones. Here's an article that explain the importance of routine medical check ups
My cholestrol is stable, blood pressure is 120/80 and the diabetes too. Wow.. Nothing could be better than this. Atlast I achieved..... I am fit and fine
Gone to doctor for a check up and run some routine tests.... gonna get my reports tomorrow.. I am just so excited to see how well it all go..............
Oh I am just fine.. all normal. Nothing could be better than this.
My cholesterol is almost getting normalized, blood pressure is perfect. The best part is that I lost weight 10lbs.
I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Am so tensed.