1. Evaluate

Course: Get a Life! 8 Steps to Create Your Own Life List

Goal: 8 Steps to Create a New Life

Take a few moments to inventory your values and achievements. Are you happy and fulfilled, or bored and restless? Maybe you’re simply confused and directionless! Before you design a Life List, it’s good to get a sense of where you are now and where you want to finish, so to speak. One way to jump start the Life List exercise is to list five adjectives that describe you now (be honest), and five adjectives you hope will describe you in the future (be optimistic).

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 1. Evaluate

The 5 adjectives that describes me are

  1. Workaholic
  2. Impatient
  3. Serious
  4. Ethical
  5. Honest  

Now what would be the next step?

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