

About Me: Pursuing M.B.A


8 Steps to Create a New Life
Tricks to Stop Overeating
Make a Morning Ritual
Live By 7 Legit Mantras

Take a few moments to inventory your values and achievements. Are you happy and fulfilled, or bored and restless? Maybe you’re simply confused and directionless! Before you design a Life List, it’s good to get a sense of where you are now and where you want to finish, so to speak. One way to jump start the Life List exercise is to list five adjectives that describe you now (be honest), and five adjectives you hope will describe you in the future (be optimistic).

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Jason Jasons
 Activity: 1. Evaluate

The 5 adjectives that describes me are

  1. Workaholic
  2. Impatient
  3. Serious
  4. Ethical
  5. Honest  

Now what would be the next step?

Divide your Life List activities into distinct categories that are meaningful to you, such as: -

  • Charitable Activities
  • Encounters with Key People
  • Ownership/ Acquisition Activities
  • Creative Experiences
  • And other

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 2. Classify

Classifying Life list into categories is a tough thing for me. It never happens. I am frickle-minded and can't get things right in my mind. Need some help - could anyone suggest me something?

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 2. Classify

When I classified, I found majority of my day iis occupied with to-do and career related activites. Even if I am giving myself some time - it is for my improvement in my profession. No fun, no self -motivation. Feels mechanical.


Jason Jasons
 Activity: 2. Classify

Here it goes.....






FItness Goals

Love life

Me (spiritual me)

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 2. Classify

The activities that I have in mind are;

1. Raise some funds for my friend Sally's treatment for Fibromyalgia.

2. I need to remodel my house, for these I need to meet the interior decorator.

3. There is a trip that needs to be plan.

4. The wedding!!

This is the fun part! Enlist friends and/ or relatives and make a party out of creating your Life Lists. (I do this with friends every year on New Year’s Day, and it’s always a blast!) Moving from category to category, ask each other exhaustive questions to begin adding items to your individual Life Lists. You’ll be surprised at what you find out about people that you never knew!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Brainstorm

Not sure but trying to give it a fresh try! 

  • Charitable Activities: Going to volunteer (not sure where exactly)
  • Encounters with Key People: I do communicate to some of my ideals.
  • Ownership/ Acquisition Activities: I will learn longboarding and get one.
  • Creative Experiences: Create a blog or youtube channel
  • And other: confused! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Brainstorm

Really fun! 

It tried mylifelist.org. It is cool - celebrating life. I am just starting. It would be too early to give a concrete feedback.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Brainstorm

Now I need to create my own life list. It appears so dull... I am having guest this weekends - will ask questions then..

Now that you have a rough draft of your Life List, loosely prioritize the items in an order that makes sense to you, such as which items will most impact your life, which items are most attainable in the near future, or which items will have to be done first for other items to follow (obtain a passport, for instance). You might even arrange items by the amount of time it will take to achieve them so that at a glance, you can select the activities that will take only 10 minutes.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Prioritize

Great that I prioritized my day last night. It has saved me precious hours in the morning. I could just straight jump to the task without thinking what's next! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Prioritize

So many things pending! Good that I sat making a priority list. 



By committing your Life List to paper or other medium, you become more accountable to your list— suddenly it’s tangible. Record your prioritized Life List in a way that is most convenient and motivating to you— in a spiral bound notebook, in a luxurious journal, on a poster board for your office, in an electronic spreadsheet, in your Smartphone— and keep your Life List close to your hand.

If, like most people, you tend to begin projects with zest, then lose focus, write on your calendar reminders to revisit your life list throughout the coming year, such as the same day every month.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 5. Record

I have also recorded my things in a journal and now in my phone. I also assigned special rintones to remind me. Hopefully, now my life will be bit better. 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 5. Record

Feeding all the important things on my iPhone. Pen and paper isn't working.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 5. Record

Not sure, but I have been doing this for sometime. It keeps me motivated and goal-oriented! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 5. Record

I have a life list in the form of a board in my bed room. I have sticked many images, memories. When I look at it - I feel so good. All the good memories at one place.

Plan your course of action to achieve the items on your Life List— perhaps reserve the same time every day (over morning coffee) or the same time every week (after reading the Sunday newspaper) for Life List activities. Also, train yourself to look for opportunities to make progress on your list during snatches of unexpected free time.

Stolen moments during your commute or at lunch can help you chip away at your list. Even the smallest success will inspire you to keep going.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Act

Right now I have an extreme desire to go out.. I just want to run away from these chaos. Can't stand it.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Act

I am acting right after one year... :) But going to act is something big enough to make me smile. I have decided to go out once every month.. staying without mobile phone and create a journal with fun and adventure.. I don't want to die with a regret ..

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Act

Not only this "ACT" is a great time management tip but also it deals with my lost serenity. I made a few calls today while I was on my way to office. I got a chance to know that there is a party next weekend from Paul, my uni buddy. He is getting engaged.

If I didn't call I would have missed a big chunk of fun and friendship out from my life.

Devise cues that in the midst of the daily grind, will remind you of your dreams. For example, a character in my humorous romantic mystery novel Got Your Number who has “Backpack across Europe” on her Life List wears a travel watch with two faces, with one face set to London time.

It is important to be diligent about tackling items on your life list - remember, ultimately your list will rescue you from being mired in.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Persist

Working hard on dream project.. It's lot of hardwork but super fun! Thoroughly enjoying, how I am laying down the structure, maintaining the usefulness and keeping it minimal. I realized, I got our ife so much cluttered with things we don't even need. This is life-changing project where I am creating my childhood dream - bringing it to reality.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Persist

I will persist, until I succeed..

I read it somewhere. Since then it is engraved in me. Motivates me to not to give up. Don't require my list much.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Persist

Life actually wired me up. I never know I need to persist and cue myself to the item on my lists. 


Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Persist

I have keychain.. that reminds me of a chilhood dream.. home on wheels.

Soon enough, I would fulfil it!!

Don’t forget to formally “check off” the items you achieve, and to celebrate your achievements in a way that enriches the experience even more. Get together with other Life-Listers occasionally to compare and discuss everyone’s accomplishments and perhaps update your list. My own Life List has morphed tremendously over the years and expanded to a loose scrapbook.

You might even consider creating a website or blog for your Life List so that friends and relatives can follow along! (And when you make your Life List public, you’ll feel even more accountable!)

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 8. Celebrate

Everytime I celebrate, obviously not by spoiliing myself but in  good way... I find myself more motivated towards my goal. I work harder two times harder to do it.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 8. Celebrate

I have sticked a goal cum to-do list on my refridgerator door. Every morning it just push me to work hard..

I know, I celebration time is about to ring my doorbell.

If you are a perpetual overeater, first thing you need to do is figure out why. Is it emotional eating, is it boredom, is it a habit. No matter what the scenario, the why will help you learn more about yourself and how you can stop overeating.

Jason Jasons
Help wanted
 Activity: 1. Figure Out Why

I overeat. I accept that, but it's mostly when I am depressed. I feel lonely. I am not good at making friends. I just love sitting with my laptop and read. What should I do now?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp
Help wanted

I think in my case, it is a mix of boredom and habit. When I am watching a movie I need to have some thing in my mouth. Again, I got nothing  happening.. in a word, BORED - I kind off feel hungry...

60% of the time we feel hungry, it is actually because we are thirsty. Many people do not drink enough water on a daily basis. You need about 64 ounces a day or about half or your body weight in ounces of water per day. If it is hot outside or you have been active you will need more. So when it is warm day enjoy a glass of refreshing cold water. But if it is cold outside, opt for sipping on some warmed water to help avoid eating.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 2. Drink Some Water

I have started drinking water.. Actually my problem is I don't have adequate amount of water at all. Finally, now I am having some water! But strangely, my appetite also increased.

This will keep you hydrated. It will also keep you occupied if you just need to chew or have an oral fixation.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

Got a root canal treatment done. I noticed my obese issue is much less now. My dentist told that sometime, we face this problem when we don't maintain a proper oral hygiene.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

This is fantastic! I tried chewing on ice when I was feeling hungry. It really works.

When you have a nice clean mouth, it will decrease your desire to eat. Try it. It does work because no one wants to dirty their pearly whites. The added bonus is that your dentist will be happy too.

  • Timing: 2 times per Day

Jason Jasons

Soda and sugar is definitely not good if you want nice pearly whites. Here, I went wrong. I love sodas. Check out more on how to maintain your oral health.

Jason Jasons

I floss my teeth jbefore going to bed ... but I like the idea of not getting my pearls dirty. So I will do it in the morning as well. I can't stand after brushing my teeth, I have to have some food and miss workout.. 

This helps occupy you while giving your mouth something to do. Plus most foods don’t taste that great with a minty mouth, so it will help you avoid unneeded food.

Briana Regrg r

If my mouth is busy, I may not feel like eating anything else. However, according to a study there is hardly any effect on the weight. I will be getting some minty chewing gum today. Weight loss isn't my priority but I am a food addict..Need to check on that.

Jason Jasons

I love having a gum. As if it helps me focus better! 

Many times we eat out of boredom or habit, therefore by breaking that cycle by moving around a bit, we can help avoid eating for no reason. This also helps you burn calories.

  • Timing: When hungry Day

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Move Around

Best way to divert my mind when I am carving for some after-lunch snacks.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 6. Move Around

I tend to eat if my hands are not busy! Moving around.. it burns my calorie! 

This really helps during that night-time want-to-snack-for-no-reason moments. I recommend making a list of things that you like to do and/or a list of things that you may need to do around the house. Then if the urge to snack hits you, you can go to this list and do something fun or productive instead.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Do Something Else

It was one hour passed the lunch time. I already had my meal and I was craving something mouthwatering. I guess I was craving for some chocolates. I was preparing something on my laptop. It was 40 minutes I didn't leave my station. So I saved my files and took a warm shower and then drank a glass of water... Not only I relaxed, but I worked on my hunger.

Play some of your favorite tunes. Music is actually a natural appetite suppressant because it actually triggers some of the same endorphins as eating.

Jason Jasons

Music is a big blessing to me - I actually play some fun dance numbers and move around with it. I am a bad dancer and never danced earlier.  But I tried this hack earlier and was glad to see how wonderfully it worked. 

Jason Jasons

I got a good willpower. Hardly, required some divertion to get over my curving, but yes today I tried playing music. It was a bad time to eat anything after getting a root canal treatment. Music made the wait easier for me.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I was in a weird mood today. Was feeling hungry right after an hour I had my creakfast. I decided to listen to some music. Played some jazz! 

Eat breakfast everyday to help kick-start your metabolism and energize you in the morning. From there you should be eating every 3-5 hours depending on how much you are eating. Measuring portions is essential to avoid overeating. So learn how much you should be consuming and measure food accordingly.

Jason Jasons

Pesto salmon, grilled fish steak, stuffed tomatoes, broccoli roast, chicken roast, sweet and sour chicken stew: This week's menu for dinner.

Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

Couple of hours back I had my lunch.. Now I am again hungry.. What should I do now?

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Now rate how hungry you are from a scale of 1-10. One being not at all and ten meaning you are actually physically very hungry and in need of some food. With this assessment you can do one of the above tricks to avoid overeating if it is a small number or realize it is time to actually have a snack or meal.

  • Timing: When you feel hungry

Briana Regrg r

It is around 6. I will bear it for another hour - by the time it will be tea time.

Jason Jasons

I actually assessed my hunger before I went for the bath.. It was 2 out of 10.

Depending on your schedule and social calendar, you might want to go with an earlier or later time.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I wake up at 6 am these days. I am living a better and healthy life now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I am having difficulty to sleep in the night so I decide I would wake up at 5 a.m. from now on.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Generally, I wake up at 8am. But, I am getting old and putting on weight. I must follow a healthy lifestyle. It would be better if I get up by 5.30 in the morning.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

Yes, I am always running late so I miss out on my workout. In fact, no morning walks at all. I got no fixed time.. I end up snoozing my alarms every morning. So it would be 

6 a.m. every morning 

Good investments for your morning ritual include:

  • Exercise – Jog, hit the gym or stretch to start your day.
  • Projects – Get some work done on your novel, website or building the next killer app.
  • Study – Learn something new, build skills or practice an ability. 


Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My investment is really paying me well - it is time for returns. My tomato plants are getting heavied down with bunch f tomatoes. Got roses.

Couldn't be happier than this.

Briana Regrg r

Working on a few things that I wanted to do for a long time but failed to do so. Finally, my morning routine helped me to do so.

Briana Regrg r

It is going so great, now I feel so energetic and motivated from the morning!

Jason Jasons

I work out and meditate in the morning.


Briana Regrg r

Not sure what I will do but I guess I will work out and then get along with my daily chores. So that I have some free time in the afternoon.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I think, I would do something positive with the extra time. I would go out for a walk and do some gardening.

Jason Jasons

Oh yes I will exercise that is why I need to wake up early.

This great tool, first proposed by Steve Pavlina, forces you to focus on the hardest part of changing behaviors–getting through the initial conditioning phase.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: before 11/27/2016

Jason Jasons

Yes yes yes... I did it!

Briana Regrg r

I tried it December last year but failed miserably. This is my second try - I am working to make a homestead. I also get a chance to change the look of my home. As my kids wake up, doing these thing get tough so I am enjoying my morning hours. 

Jason Jasons

It has been more that one and a half months.. I think I have got habituated but still cant dismiss the idea of enjoying a late morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Not being long, but tried it for 4 days. Rest of the days I slept till 8 am. It's harder than I thought!

Jason Jasons

It's 2 weeks now and I guess I am still doing good! 

Jason Jasons

For the last 1 week I am waking uo at 6.30 am. It gave me enough time to tidy up myself and get some work out. Really happy about that, but it is still not a habit.

By getting yourself moving you can boost your heart rate, making it easier to keep from falling back to sleep.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have kept my alarm at the other end my room - so I actually have to walk down the walk to silent it. Next to it, is my washroom. I go and get a cold splash and I am awake.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have always failed at it. I think I neve gave it my best shot - but enough is enough. I will be up at 6 am from now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have this problem to stay awake. Always tend fall asleep. After this activity, I could easily get to my normal morning routine without feeling tired or sleepy.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

A brilliant way to prevent my eyes from shutting down!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I remember I have been bullied around in my high school for being weak. I never participated in any sports even.. (never got selcted in the team). So this morning routine has helped me alot. I am working out and I actually look good. I feel confident to go and talk to the girls as well. 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Much more flexible! It has also improved my stamina.. Not that old anymore!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

Gaining strength - it's what I wanted to do! 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

I do light low-intensity work outs. 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It really works like a miracle. Hope it works even in the fall.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Though I generally love sit back on the couck with a cup of coffee, but I think that is where I was going wrong. I will stretch for 5 minutes as soon as the alarm rings! I promise to myself.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It is taking me less effort to get going and not to fall asleep. I in fact feel so energized and active.16 days more to go...

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

There was a time, when no alarm to wake me up and now the same guy is showing up way too early. I was depressed, but things are changing for good ... and yes as soon the alarm rings I don't stay on the bed. I did hit the door couple of times but that is still okay. A hard blow that wakes me up is still appreciated!

Don’t delay your ritual by eating breakfast, answering e-mail or having a shower.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

I have eliminated the unimportant so no need to procrastinate. I clean up as soon as I do the mess, Saves me time in the morning. 

Jason Jasons

I really do a lot of things that are unimportant like cleaning up last nights mess, taking a cup of coffee and reading books for almost an hour. I am too lazy that is why probably my days end in a big ZERO.

Okay, I will work it out.

Briana Regrg r

Why wasting time doing the unimportant things first? As I realized, I saved quality time for myself!

Briana Regrg r

I have always focus on the unimportant things so far! This is something new that I have learned! As I skipped everythign I got more time to workout in the morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

The fit thing that I do after getting up is to get fresh and then go for a brisk walk.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Changed my usual morning ritual... I am actually having more than an hour in my hand by 10am. After I work out, I take a shower and eat breakfast. I guess I am super-fast now, not lazy! Bottom line is; it worked great for me.

If you write down exactly when you’ll wake up and what you’ll do when you wake up it’s easy to go back on your commitment.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

I do maintain a journal, as well as a white board! It is really motivating and pushes me to do it even if I am feeling low.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I don't need this write up anymore. It is a habit now - A GOOD HABIT! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

We remember visuals better.So,writing it down helped me a lot to remember my motto and kept me focused.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

New year, new resolution - content change not hte habit.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

It works like a reminder and as I am closing to a month of following I really don't require much of a push.. I think it is becoming my habit now. Really Glad!

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

6.30 am in big bold letters!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

Through out this one month I have never failed. It kept me motivated.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

I will wake up at 6.30am and do some yoga.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

Written in big bold letters and pinned to the front wall of my bed! I see it, and know I have to get out of the bed. It works like some driving force acting against my will craving to sleep.. Hahaha..

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I have written it down and sticked it at two places. 1. on my bedside table - right beside my alarm clock.

2. on the refrigerator.


Stick to your wake-up time or investment plan for the whole thirty days. If you skip a day or two throughout the trial you sabotage your efforts in making the habit stick.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Another fail! I am getting furious now!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I lost the track on the day count - but I am really enjoyinh this now. I go for a walk, do meditation/ pranayam then get to my organic kitchen garden. I have so many plans for the coming year! Staying consistent...Enjoying it most.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Yes! I always fail at this .. But I am still trying not to put myself down!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I have been consistent for 35 days.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

For the ast 20 days I am waking up early.. Yes, I did fail a couple of days, but I wasn't well. But didn't waste another day with that excuse. Just being consistent.

This should be so obvious it doesn’t need mentioning, but it’s easy to setup a habit because you feel you should rather than you really want to. Pick an investment that you’ll be really happy about waking up an hour earlier to work on.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

Writing something on my journey so far..

Lewis C Dsafsf

I tried planting tomato with the tomato slices, scallions, carrots! They turned out so well - really happy with my organic garden!

Jason Jasons

Oops! Sorry I never shared  what I have intended to do  in clear words. But I have been pretty skinny, I used to avoid going out even.. However, I have never been an obese person. I decide to stop being introvert and work on my physical look as well as my confidence level. I started with workout, dietery changes and I have gained 10 pounds in last few weeks.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Briana Regrg r

I used to do painting as a kid. So I have decided to do a bit og workout and then paint ...


Truly inspiring!! I wanna paint something like this but totally out of practice.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I started doing a bit of gardening now as well. Loved to set up small garden in my backyard.

Whatever issues, problems or troubles you’re dealing with, chuck it! Life goes on. Moping and crying and bitching and complaining about it won’t fix it.

And if it’s not possible to fix it, you’d be wasting your time trying to. So Chuck it! Move on and focus on what matters.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When there is an issue that you cannot fix.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

My life have been a rollercoaster for the last one year - so hard to manage everything. Lost everything, everyone around me. All my friends drifted away from me because I had a serious health problem. Starting my life back wasn't easy a little - it is a miracle that I am alive right now. Just my old parents kept up with me. Apart from them almost everyone left me - I was shattered. for 5 months,I kept thinking 'why me?', 'what have I done that I have to face this?' But, now I understand that it was an eyeopener. I learned from my sickness, life what  and who should really matter for me. It took me more time to accept the present - accept myself. I feel like a baby learning to take his first steps.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

It is very easy to chuck it but hard to move on. If you can do itthen nothing couldbe better than that. Well, I think trying to get busy with something else will be a better way to move on.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

Yes, right... I guess I waste a lot of time scrutinizing every. Probably that's making me crazy.

Does it? How often do we go through the day, doing things without questioning whether it matters or not? That argument you had the other day…. What If you asked yourself – “does it matter” before it started. Would the outcome have turned out differently?

Ask yourself does it matter when you are complaining, getting pissed, holding down jobs. In short ask it yourself for all your actions. If it doesn't matter than what are you really doing.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg


How does it matter if I am working behind the desk or making a living by doing things that I like doing and being happy. Is there any difference? It is a few thousands of dollars - than can make my lifestyle a comfortable but at the cost of my mental, physical and emotional well being. It may not matter for anyone else but it matters to me - The payout does not matter as long as it makes me happy and alive.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Right it seriously doesn't matter much.. I am giving it too much of attention.


“If you work hard on your job you’ll make a living. If you work hard on yourself you’ll make a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

Repeat it every day and do it nonstop. Repeat it so much that your lips fall off your face. And your vocal cords wear out.  You’re the best investment you’ll ever make in your life. And that’s why this mantra matters. The more you work on yourself, the better your results will be. If you refuse to work on yourself, then you can expect things to remain the same and never improve.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Trying out some anger management stuffs. Didn't join any class yet, but if it continues I think I have to look out for one.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

since I started focusing on myself... life has changed fro better! Life is simpler now.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

There are so many things to work on... I don't know where to start from. However, the first thing I need to work on is my TEMPER. I get angry too fast! 

If a person you meet can’t handle your past or truth, they doesn’t deserve to be in your future. If you can’t just be real, regardless of the circumstances or people around you, then you’re living a lie. You’re living someone else’s life, not yours.

There’s no real happiness or self worth without being yourself.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

You cannot live a life imitating someone else. Even wgen it comes to sport - the golden rule it to be yourself. From the time, I started following this - I am much more content and happy.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I can't live a lie anymore. I feel like doing something of my own. I have to accept my flauts where I went wrong. Learn from it and make a move ahead.

The easier something is, the LESS rewarding it will be.

Even winning the lottery is hard. Selling drugs and making the “quick” cash is easy. But the cons that come with it aren’t worth the rewards.

Look at Harvard University. Not everybody will get in there. Why? Because the rewards are so big, and the difficulty reflects that. Extremely hard, which is why the rewards are tremendous. There’s little, if any exception to this mantra. Live by it.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

What seems easy - doesn't suppose to be the best way out. Life makes us strong with all the challenges. It tests us - all we have to do is to face it. 

Scared to start a business or to approach the girl/guy you like? In situations where you’re afraid of failing, or things not working out.. Keep this mantra in mind:

What If I succeed?

Every time you come across something you’re scared of, say – what If I succeed?

The great thing about this mantra is…. It keeps you focused on the positive, and the possibility of success. It locks your mind onto a positive outcome, as opposed to an undesirable outcome.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Probably, I am afraind of failure. But, now I got the point. I can't sit idle and regret whole life "If I would have tried - my life would have been different".

You know what most people do when faced with a challenge? They say things like….

  • I can’t do this!
  • It’s impossible!I’m not good enough!I’ll never be able to do it!It’s too hard!I may as well quit while I’m ahead! 


But few of us will say – I’ll figure it out. 4 Simple words. And yet these 4 simple words keep you focused on what matters and what’s possible. This mantra declares that you’ll figure it out, no matter how hard or difficult it seems.

Saying I’ll figure it out is a declaration of commitment.

You declare that you’ll figure it out and overcome the obstacle, regardless of how big, ugly or problematic the obstacle is.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you face a challenge.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

We always panic whenever there is a problem or difficult situation. But now I try to stay calm and say "I will figure it out."


Jason Jasons
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

My life have been a rollercoaster for the last one year - so hard to manage everything. Lost everything, everyone around me. All my friends drifted away from me because I had a serious health problem. Starting my life back wasn't easy a little - it is a miracle that I am alive right now. Just my old parents kept up with me. Apart from them almost everyone left me - I was shattered. for 5 months,I kept thinking 'why me?', 'what have I done that I have to face this?' But, now I understand that it was an eyeopener. I learned from my sickness, life what  and who should really matter for me. It took me more time to accept the present - accept myself. I feel like a baby learning to take his first steps.

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Jason Jasons

Music is a big blessing to me - I actually play some fun dance numbers and move around with it. I am a bad dancer and never danced earlier.  But I tried this hack earlier and was glad to see how wonderfully it worked. 

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 2. Classify

Classifying Life list into categories is a tough thing for me. It never happens. I am frickle-minded and can't get things right in my mind. Need some help - could anyone suggest me something?

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Jason Jasons

Soda and sugar is definitely not good if you want nice pearly whites. Here, I went wrong. I love sodas. Check out more on how to maintain your oral health.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Persist

Working hard on dream project.. It's lot of hardwork but super fun! Thoroughly enjoying, how I am laying down the structure, maintaining the usefulness and keeping it minimal. I realized, I got our ife so much cluttered with things we don't even need. This is life-changing project where I am creating my childhood dream - bringing it to reality.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Act

Right now I have an extreme desire to go out.. I just want to run away from these chaos. Can't stand it.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

Got a root canal treatment done. I noticed my obese issue is much less now. My dentist told that sometime, we face this problem when we don't maintain a proper oral hygiene.

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Jason Jasons

Pesto salmon, grilled fish steak, stuffed tomatoes, broccoli roast, chicken roast, sweet and sour chicken stew: This week's menu for dinner.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Move Around

Best way to divert my mind when I am carving for some after-lunch snacks.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Brainstorm

Not sure but trying to give it a fresh try! 

  • Charitable Activities: Going to volunteer (not sure where exactly)
  • Encounters with Key People: I do communicate to some of my ideals.
  • Ownership/ Acquisition Activities: I will learn longboarding and get one.
  • Creative Experiences: Create a blog or youtube channel
  • And other: confused! 

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Another fail! I am getting furious now!

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Prioritize

Great that I prioritized my day last night. It has saved me precious hours in the morning. I could just straight jump to the task without thinking what's next! 

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Jason Jasons

I got a good willpower. Hardly, required some divertion to get over my curving, but yes today I tried playing music. It was a bad time to eat anything after getting a root canal treatment. Music made the wait easier for me.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

I do maintain a journal, as well as a white board! It is really motivating and pushes me to do it even if I am feeling low.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 5. Record

I have also recorded my things in a journal and now in my phone. I also assigned special rintones to remind me. Hopefully, now my life will be bit better. 

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Jason Jasons

I have eliminated the unimportant so no need to procrastinate. I clean up as soon as I do the mess, Saves me time in the morning. 

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Jason Jasons

Yes yes yes... I did it!

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have always failed at it. I think I neve gave it my best shot - but enough is enough. I will be up at 6 am from now.

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