Happiness Bubble 5 - Volunteer and Give of Yourself

Course: Happiness Bubbles: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Goal: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Timing:1 times per Day


The science is clear. Volunteering makes you happy! The more satisfaction you get, the better you will feel, and the more likely that you will continue volunteering.

  • Look where you go where you like to spend time and then see if there is an opportunity there.
  • The first thing to do is to understand your benchmark or what you might like.
  • Walk into your local charity of choice and ask them what kind of volunteering help they need.
  • It’s an easy step to take. But if charity is not for you, then find the activity that you are interested in and ask. If you are in full-time work but want to give back something to the community, then helping out with homeless shelters is ideal as only a few hours commitment every year is what they need.
  • If you want to give back time on a regular basis, many nurseries and schools welcome parents to give a little time every few weeks to help with story time sessions.
  • Local libraries also welcome any additional volunteering time, too. What you do need to do is just ask because if you don’t, you will never know what you are missing out on.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.