Silent Om Meditation

Course: Meditation: The Complete Guide: Meditation For Beginners, Mindfulness, Happiness & Peace

Goal: Techniques

Timing:When you meditate.

  • Simply align each breath with a silent chant of “OOOOmmmmmmmm.”
  • As you inhale chant Om, as you exhale chant Om. You will be astonished by the powerful transformative results constant silent chanting of Om will bring into your life.
  • Do it as often as you can. Whenever you find your mind straying, bring it back to focus on the breath and on the chanting of Om.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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I heard this silent humming is a natural way to treat thyroid. I have hypothyroidism for last 7 to 8 months. I found the TSH is much stabalized now. I just try to prolong the "Ooooooommmmmm" as long as possible. Ayurveda and yoga - they are a miracle.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Whenever I do this, I can feel my inside is vibrating. As I finish doing it for 5 minutes - I feel a difference. It is beyond words.

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