Kayle Evigan

Kayle evigan

About Me: Painter, Photographer, Fashion Freak.. That's me Kayle

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Bust Your Depression
Maintain Enthusiasm
Start Strength Training

Since you aren’t always feeling great and could be going through your own emotional traumas, you start to feel more stressed out. The best way to deal with depression is to combat stress. And the only way to do that is to practice some calming techniques. Try yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are stressed out.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Okay, I am making chocolates and it is very relaxing. I tried making cinnamon chocolates, orange one, coconuty and so many more. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

The sixth tip of this tips' article is something I have learnt now. Keeping a stress diary is something I never thought of doing. But now I will be able to track down the cause of my stress.

Jason Jasons

I just try to play with kids, spend some time at the local shelter help them. It really helps me to keep my stress levels down.

Jason Jasons

Last night I was too nervious and anxious for some reason. I litterally had pain in my heart. I tried drinking water but couldn't help. It was bedtime, so I just switched of the light and started taking deep breaths after 30 minutes or so I realized I have fallen asleep and the pain was gone. And I have calm down.

Jason Jasons

Deep breathing helps me to control my racing heart. I am doing it very often these days. It also calms me down.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It has been 3 years, I have been crazy about workouts. Okay, I wanted to pursue a career in it but, life wasn't meaningful. I always felt, I have potential to do more something better. I got depressed. Should I change my career ..do something better? 

Jason Jasons

Though the course is for men, but I couldn't help to join it. I am still not sure if I can reduce my anxiety ith yoga, or meditation. It is generally so severe that I almost faint. 

Your diet must consist of sensible carbohydrates that can stimulate the production of Serotonin.

  • Limit simple carbs and sugars in your diet but indulge in whole grains.
  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and legumes as all of these have healthy carbs along with lots of fiber.
  • Also, limit caffeine intake.
  • To boost your alertness, eat lots of healthy proteins.
  • Add natural foods rich in Selenium to your diet, as this mineral is also known to combat depression.
  • Nuts, low fat dairy, whole grains and beans are all healthy options.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 3 times per Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

It helps me a lot. From the time, I started eating properly, my digestion improved. I didnt notice it earlier but I am less stressed these days - more in control of my life and situations.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

I am on Keto Diet these days and doing good. Initially, it was very hard for me but now I got it right. No carbs at all. I am actually feeling pretty healthy and fit these days and skin is glowing.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

As I eat fresh and organic food, I feel good and energetic. We need to eat healthy to be healthy.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

These days, I am pretty careful about my food. I am cooking oil-free in Phillips AirFrier. It's awesome! Tomorrow, I will be making beef steak and chips! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

I have always maintained a healthy diet, lots of healthy and llean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts! It is my top priority, also it helps me to stay in good mood.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

JUst having lots oof fresh fruits.. and no coffee.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

Made a note of what should I eat and what not. I just ordered a veg burger and lemon tea in the lunch today.

Any aerobic activity – be it walking, jogging, cycling or swimming can stimulate chemicals in the brain that combat stress, anxiety and moodiness. Don’t deny that there is a problem; rather accept the fact that you are depressed and take necessary action. Consult a doctor if necessary.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are stressed or anxious.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

A high-impact cardio followed by a steam bath works amazingly for women! Tried and tested stress-buster! did anyone else try it?

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Whenever, I miss my morning jog I actually do the dance carido routine. I saw one on youtube. However, it was a 40 minutes vedios I could only do for 15 minutes. What a result!!

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Walking under the open sky lets the fresh air into my head. Really feels good.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

When stressed, I take deep breath and take a walk in open. Fresh air unblocks mind.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Getting back to workout. An active life makes me so happy.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

My doctor wanted me to get moving and again meditate.............. It's so crazy! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Even my doctor suggested me to get more physically active. I am still confused..I have started taking anti-depressants. But I know I can't take that lifelong. I have no answer what exactly I should do.. I get home very late, and whenever I am home its mostly depressing. I even try not to return back.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Even my doctor suggested me to get more physically active. I am still confused..I have started taking anti-depressants. But I know I can't take that lifelong. I have no answer what exactly I should do.. I get home very late, and whenever I am home its mostly depressing. I even try not to return back.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

I must try doing some activity... I have become too much of lazy these days. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

I used sit down in front of the T.V. with some drinks. I will go for a walk next time I am depressed.


Most men ignore the initial symptoms of depression, dealing with it either by drinking or simply becoming more aggressive in general. Take healthy measures to try and fight your negative feelings. If you don’t find any relief in your symptoms even after trying the above mentioned tips for 2 weeks, its best to book a doctor’s appointment.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you are having initial symptoms of depression.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I came across a lupus-depression article which was focused on depression in people with chronic ailments.  I wonder, how they are coping up with it - I faced nothing as compared to what they are dealing with. I am definitely going to win over it. #StayingPositive

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I am really happy, that finally I am free of my depression. But I must do it the right way now. Even, my doctor mentined that if I don't work it out myself next time it could be worse than this. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It's been a week now I am seeing the doctor. It is good but not much. Doctor says I need to meditate and calm down. Still having difficulty to sleep! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

The biggest blunder of my life. I ignored my headaches thoughts its migraine. Finally consulted a doctor. 

When you are in the flow, never do anything in one turn, keep a piece of work for later, but “contaminated” with the positive energy that started the whole lot. When you are doing stuff enthusiastically, you tend to consume everything, to live it totally and end up tired and somehow empty. Allow yourself “to be continued” in another episode of the same movie… In terms of GTD it might translate as a “Someday/Maybe” promise that you will actually enjoy to do and enjoy to see when you are doing your weekly reviews.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are working on something.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

So right! I kind of experimented this one - to make sure it does what it says. Here goes my experiment. Last night I was lil' bored - so I got a thriller book Hide & Seek by Ian Rankin out the shelf ( I bought it recently but did get a chance tostart reading). So it took me around 45 pages - then I got very much into it. I was living in the story witnessing how Rebus is checking out the crime scene. I read 15 minutes more and when I was totally "can't-put-it-down" situation. I closed it and went to sleep. It help me sleep better - I felt the enthusiasm gave me a good night sleep. Then in the morning I am so excited, eager to return to the book.  I am doing all my chores with much enthusiasm! 

It really worked!

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

This is lovely!!! I would surely try this piece of advice! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have never been adviced to keep a portion of the task for later! But wow! I always felt like lets finish it later but now..Seems like I'm already excited!


Enjoy as much as you can what you do. The higher the pleasure you take from doing your stuff, the easier to remember. Each action resulted from enthusiastic processing it’s actually a positive milestone in your brain, a positive memory that can easily be reproduced, or at least used as a “state-igniter” in other contexts.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you are working on something.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am bad at it that too very horribly. For this reason I prefer doing jobs that has short projects, exciting ones too. 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

My job gets monotonous at time but I can't drop it. Sometime I don't enjoy it get bored - STUCK! I am doing a desk job there is no challenges no creativity in it. What to do?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I generally have very less enthusiasm in my tasks. But, if I lose interest in everything like this - life will be a burden. So I started spicing up things. I have subscribed to 5-Minutes Craft Youtube Channel It is getting interesting. I am learning new ways of doing old things. Now I look forward to a chore. :)

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I love and enjoy what I do. It really keeps me going on.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I really do believe it right from the bottom of my heart. Whether it is a relationship or a writing, it must from inside.... I should be enjoying it if not then there is something wrong. If I am not enjoying what I am doing it is never going to turn up good! Gosh.... seems it is too much to digest but I think it this way only.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Yes as a matter of fact, but what about those that I hate doing?

When you are in the flow your attention is much more detached and capable of understand and see things that you can imagine. Only because you feel monolithical it doesn’t mean you can’t actually understand far more that you could understand from your environment than in a normal state. So, knowing that, make a special attention to the periferical signs of pleasure and joy that you encounter in each specific action. There might be signs that you don’t even notice, but remembered lately, and create a favorable context.

  • Try to identify the zones of comfort and organize them.
  • Consequently, make as much as attention you can to the discomfort signs you perceive. You can be enthusiastic and your energy can surpass a lot of the difficulties from your environment, but that doesn’t mean there are not real problems. But identifying each stress and discomfort sign makes it easy to organize them somehow and, next time, to avoid them.
  • Understand what you like to do and what you don’t. You cannot always be energetic. There will be periods of boring and depression in your life. Being attentive on your periferical signs doesn’t mean you will eventually eliminate all the negative expressions of yourself, but you will be capable to shorten their manifestation, episode by episode, if you consciously acknowledge the existence of those situation and the fact that they have a beginning and an end.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I believe in being sweet - there is already so much trouble going on around. My stress factor isn't an external one. But the thing is that I feel scared of hurting someone. Probably that is my nature - born like that. :) But that shouldn't be so - the world is rough outside even if I am not rude - practical but at least I shouln't blame myself. I am still trying to identify what can help me in this situation.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

So is it more like breaking the flow?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Recognizing and understanding the signs of discomfort can actually help me to maintain my enthusiasm. It is very important to make a note of all the things disturbing me! I just did that today!

This one relates closely to the last one: encourage the favorable contexts of your actions. Once you have identified your favorable contexts try to use them as frequently as you can. If you are a person that enjoy socializing, try to put your @Phone context higher than @Computer context. You will act more often on that context and you will feel less stressed. But if you are more like an introverted person don’t hurt yourself with higher social endeavors and push the @Computer context first. And don’t be guilty about that also. That’s the trick.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

Giving priority to what I favor more? How to apply that on my work out regimen?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

So is it doing what I feel relaxed doing?

Prioritize emotions instead of thoughts. Once you have consistently integrated the collection habit enjoy your RAM emptiness and don’t feel guilty if you don’t think at anything for 30 seconds. Or 2 minutes. Or 10 minutes. Give yourself the very rare benefit of not thinking and only let your emotions to surface.

Express them in language, physical exercise, specific activities like playing with your kids, talking to your wife or relaxed conversing with your colleagues at work, but let your thinking aside. Your growing emotional energy will seed your future enthusiasm.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Most of the time, I am trying to workout my emotions. They are never at a level. Always flowing over the danger level.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Sounds too much crazy - lil' hard for me to absorb in one go. But I started with a minute.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

It is really a rare benefit of not thinking. Amazing. I have never thought about it like this way. But, unfortunately it never happened with me. I overthink too much.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Emotional energy - nice! I tried it this morning and I actually felt my lost enthusiasm coming back!

And the last one: if you don’t feel enthusiastic at all, don't blame yourself. If you don’t blame yourself and let your energies constantly grow. If you constantly consume your feeble resources with guilt and desperate bets on your next enthusiasm state, you will eventually consume every little piece of common sense left and get burned out pretty soon.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you don't feel enthusiastic at all.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I try not to blame myself but I do it all the time. This is getting SICK for me 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

There is a small difference between blaming myself and taking responsibility of my actions. Yes, I must look at the circumstances before blaming. Whether it is me or someone else to be blamed! 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I give up hardwork so easily, I give up on me... Then blame. But I am now doing a strength training - though I got sore shoulders but still pushing myself hard not to discontinue. It has taught me... to not to give up is better than giving up and later on blaming myself.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I was having a really bad time to not to blame myself - finally I came across this huffinton article. Stop blaming yourself in 3 steps. I was literally losing my confidence and trust! 

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I get disappointed early and start blaming myself even before others say a word to me. I suffer a lot of depression. I even hesitate to try it again. I understand something I am not the reason of the failure. There are X factors as well. I do try but fail and get back to blame game. But, this time I promise to myself I will not blame myself - it will give it another sincere try.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

Okay, I won't accuse myself for not doing it fine, but should I stop it altogether .. mean take a break? How to feel enthusiastic about it if I am not at all keen ?

  1. If you want to lose fat and get a toned body, then improve your performance every time you are repeating a workout. Get strong whenever possible. It is mandatory to challenge yourself, your strength level if you want results.
  2. Don’t think how your body looks. Think what it can do. Focus on your performance, not the future visual effects of your workout. You will be amazed to see how strong you have got. Broken your own limitations.
  3. Fatigue doesn't indicate a successful workout. Again focus on your performance. It is not about ending your circuits in soreness or exhaustion.
  4. Either you will be a quick-learner or be uncomfortable at first. Don't force yourself – take your own time. Again, don’t restrain yourself as well. It's not about finishing it fast, but doing it consistently.
  5. It could be a bit scary to venture into strength training in a crowded gym. You  can get a workout buddy to join you in it. Or you can play your favorite songs on your iPod while working out. Both are motivating. So just do it – you are there to get stronger and more awesome. Let no one distract you off your goal.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I wanna lose some weight - I am sick of putting others' pictures. Also, I have developed severe joint pain, and I kind of snor in sleep - difficulty to breath. 

  • Circuits: 2-5
  • Reps per exercise: 6-10


1. Goblet squat to a box

It is perfect for a beginner. Many get it correct at once and squatting to a box guarantees that you go the same depth with every time you squat. It idea is to make your hips go slightly lower than your knees, but it doesn't happen right away. So start higher then gradually lower your depth.

But don't sit on the box, make sure your hip just touch the box and then rise up. Check out the video.

2. Push-up

It is great but many women can't do the traditional ones from the beginning. Even if you can't do it – don’t' worry. You will soon get there. So start with a hand-high push-up, then slowly get to the floor. Check out the video.

3. Inverted row

It is similar to a push-up but in opposite direction. You can make it easy just like the push-up by using a higher bar or suspension trainer. As you gain strength, you may lower it. Check out the video.





Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

Ok... I am sorry. I have started doing strength training again three months back but didn't blog. There's a good improvement.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I am doing 3 circuits with 7 reps these days. I have built up my strength! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I started with some cardio, then squats! It has been difficult! But I have to do it! I am not giving up.

  • Circuits: 2-5
  • Reps per exercise: 6-10

1. RDL (Romanian Deadlift) from a dead-stop (with dumbbells or a barbell)

This exercise teaches the newbies how to use their hips. Initiate by positioning a barbell in a power rack or raise it up on mats/plates so the bar is just a couple inches lower than your knee caps. The bar should be over your mid-foot throughout the workout.  Use your hips to Pull the bar up using your hips (push them forward) and then stick your hips back to lower back down; place the bar gently on the safety bars in the power rack (or on mats/plates) after each rep. 


2. Standing one arm dumbbell press

Start with the dumbbell variant (instead of a barbell) because people seem to learn this faster. Keep your end and abdomen stretched the whole time, your elbow should slightly in front of your body  as shown in the photo below then push straight above head.


3. Assisted pull-up or Cable pull-down

Try doing an assisted pull-up with resistance bands. But if you have weight to shed, better start with a cable pull down as shown in the photos below. While doing the pull-ups and pull-downs, make sure your shoulders are in a pulled-down position. It should never reach your ear level – always stretched down.  Always pull your shoulder blades down together while you push yourself up to the bar or pull it down.



Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Exhausted after this workout.  Looking forward to soreness tomorrow.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Now I am doing 3 reps this week.. There is some improvement in me I think! I need to contnue doing this for a couple of weeks before adding to it.

Workout Routine for Week 1,3,5,7

  • Monday – Workout Set 1
  • Wednesday – Workout Set 2
  • Friday – Workout Set 1


Workout Routine for Week 2,4,6,8

  • Monday – Workout Set 2
  • Wednesday – Workout Set 1
  • Friday – Workout Set 2


Repeat the pattern for at least eight weeks, then you can progress to a new program.


Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.



Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have worked on the reps, weight... Initially, it couldn't do with additional weight - I played with my own body weight - like during the push ups. I am actually having my arms, shoulders sore.


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

Ok... I am sorry. I have started doing strength training again three months back but didn't blog. There's a good improvement.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Most of the time, I am trying to workout my emotions. They are never at a level. Always flowing over the danger level.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

It helps me a lot. From the time, I started eating properly, my digestion improved. I didnt notice it earlier but I am less stressed these days - more in control of my life and situations.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am bad at it that too very horribly. For this reason I prefer doing jobs that has short projects, exciting ones too. 

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

A high-impact cardio followed by a steam bath works amazingly for women! Tried and tested stress-buster! did anyone else try it?

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Okay, I am making chocolates and it is very relaxing. I tried making cinnamon chocolates, orange one, coconuty and so many more. 

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

My job gets monotonous at time but I can't drop it. Sometime I don't enjoy it get bored - STUCK! I am doing a desk job there is no challenges no creativity in it. What to do?

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I try not to blame myself but I do it all the time. This is getting SICK for me 

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

I am on Keto Diet these days and doing good. Initially, it was very hard for me but now I got it right. No carbs at all. I am actually feeling pretty healthy and fit these days and skin is glowing.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

As I eat fresh and organic food, I feel good and energetic. We need to eat healthy to be healthy.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

There is a small difference between blaming myself and taking responsibility of my actions. Yes, I must look at the circumstances before blaming. Whether it is me or someone else to be blamed! 

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I am doing 3 circuits with 7 reps these days. I have built up my strength! :)

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Whenever, I miss my morning jog I actually do the dance carido routine. I saw one on youtube. However, it was a 40 minutes vedios I could only do for 15 minutes. What a result!!

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

These days, I am pretty careful about my food. I am cooking oil-free in Phillips AirFrier. It's awesome! Tomorrow, I will be making beef steak and chips! 

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Now I am doing 3 reps this week.. There is some improvement in me I think! I need to contnue doing this for a couple of weeks before adding to it.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I give up hardwork so easily, I give up on me... Then blame. But I am now doing a strength training - though I got sore shoulders but still pushing myself hard not to discontinue. It has taught me... to not to give up is better than giving up and later on blaming myself.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have worked on the reps, weight... Initially, it couldn't do with additional weight - I played with my own body weight - like during the push ups. I am actually having my arms, shoulders sore.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I started with some cardio, then squats! It has been difficult! But I have to do it! I am not giving up.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I wanna lose some weight - I am sick of putting others' pictures. Also, I have developed severe joint pain, and I kind of snor in sleep - difficulty to breath. 

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