Get some intution & perspective.

Course: 5 Minute Morning Boosters: How to create a short morning routine and supercharge your life

Goal: Boost Your Mindset in 5 Minutes

Timing:1 times per Day

  • Tune into your intuition.

First thing in the morning is one of the best times to tap into your intuition. When you first wake up, you haven’t yet been interrupted by the day’s demands, and nothing is clouding your mind. Another great thing you can do is, before you go to bed; ask your subconscious to help you make a decision on something you’d like clarity around. When you wake up, immediately write down what comes to you.

  • Get some perspective.

If there’s something you’ve been feeling stressed about, think about the grand scheme of how it will play out in your life. Consider where you are right now. Ask yourself how big this problem will be for you in five years, three years, or even six months’ time.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Okay I have something on my mind that I want to clearify... So I am trying to tune my intuition today.. Now hitting my bed! 

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