Be Grateful.

Course: 5 Minute Morning Boosters: How to create a short morning routine and supercharge your life

Goal: Boost Your Mindset in 5 Minutes

Timing:1 times per Day

  • Create a list of reasons to be grateful.

Help make people less self-centered, improve self-esteem, reduce feelings of envy, and just make you feel happier. It’s pretty powerful - and very easy to incorporate into your life.

  • Do an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness exercise.

When you can think back to the first time you ever made a decision about something, it will often unhook the power of it and start to unravel any other time you made that same call. You can quickly eliminate limiting beliefs by doing this. The Ho’oponopono exercise helps you find those decisions and unhook them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: Be Grateful.

This exercise work - at least I got a chance to revisit my old memories and forgive myself for my wrongs. 


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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: Be Grateful.

I am grateful for the sunshine, and birds chirping outside my window.

I am gateful for having my loved ones beside me.

I am grateful... :)

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