Do something fun

Course: 5 Minute Morning Boosters: How to create a short morning routine and supercharge your life

Goal: Boost Your Pleasure in 5 Minutes

Timing:1 times per Day

  • Work on a fun art project.

Work on an art project that brings out the kid in you. Even if you can’t finish an entire project in 5 minutes, you can certainly work on it. Maybe you draw, or apply glitter glue to mason jars, or paint rocks.

  • Knit.

If you’re into it, knitting can be a really fun way.

  • Dance in your car as you drive to work.

Not only will it make YOU feel better, but it might also perk up other people around you.

  • Go outside and enjoy the sunrise.
  • Bring out the kid in you.

Do something that totally delights you just for the fun of it. Depending on the weather you can blow bubbles, use a squirt gun, make snow angels, play in the rain, swing on a swing, go down a slide, or jump in leaves, just for starters.

  • Sing or play an instrument.

Music can be a total mood-shifter for people, and there are all kinds of benefits to it. It activates both sides of your brain and can be a really excellent stress reliever. If you don’t know how to sing, there’s a great site called that has a lot of free lessons. There are also tons of YouTube videos on both singing and learning new instruments.

  • Dance to a song that makes you feel alive.

Maybe you know a song that you love off the top of your head, or you can go onto http:// and do a search for other peoples’ playlists. Pick a song, dance like nobody’s watching, and have a blast! Sometimes it’s also fun to dance in a pitch black room, so you really have no reservations.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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