22. Just Say No

Course: Calm Down! 35 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Reclaim Inner Peace

Goal: Focus on Intention

Timing:When you don't want to do what your friends what you to.


If a friend asks you to do something, and you feel a clenching in your belly, stop and take a deep breath. Pay attention to what your gut is telling you. Just pretend you are a toddler and your time is your own. NO, it’s mine! It’s okay to say no. It’s healthy to say no. No is a strong self-care word. If you are having a hard time saying no, tell her you need some time to think about it. “I’ll get back to you tomorrow,” gives you time to think about how to take care of yourself. Remember, women have been taught to take care of everyone else. Nurturing others is a very good thing, just not at the expense of you. Say no. No. No. No. No. No, thank you for asking me.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.