23. Make Positive Choices

Course: Calm Down! 35 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Reclaim Inner Peace

Goal: Focus on Intention

Timing:When you have choices.


Each choice you make today will evoke feelings of joy, stress, happiness, and anger... all respectable responses. In taking the high road on the spiritual path, will you choose anger, or will you choose bliss? Today, if you are at the bank, could you choose to chat with others in line instead of silently fuming at the length of the line or the slowness of the tellers ? If your computer crashes, will you incessantly call the local computer wiz or will you exhale, knowing the computer will be returned when it is ready... at the perfect time. Both are choices, both within our rights as humans. What type of day do you want to create? Everything teaches us... the computer, the bank teller, the slow talker at the meeting who is never on subject, the cashier, your neighbor, the dog. They all gift us choices in every moment.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.