Get Through Each Task

Course: Organize Your Day - 10 Strategies to Manage Your Day and De-clutter Your Life

Goal: One Task at a Time

Work your way through every task slowly and carefully because this is going to allow you to get where you want to be personally and professionally. When you work with one task you’ll be able to devote all of your time and energy to that one task. You can also be sure that you have enough time and attention to devote to the task. 

If you spend a set amount of time on one task you will actually spend more time and effort trying to do several things at once. That’s because you have to spend some time working hard at your tasks and you’re likely to get confused when you’re trying to work from one task to a different one. Instead, complete the first task completely and then move on to the next task. You can then devote the same type of attention to the next task.

Tags: Devotion, Effort

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