34. Take Back Your Power

Course: Calm Down! 35 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Reclaim Inner Peace

Goal: Worth Yourself

Timing:When you have a stressful situation.


If you find yourself in the midst of such a situation, simply place both hands over your solar plexus (waist) with fingers touching in the middle. Begin to breathe into your hands as you envision a golden light filling your center of will with strength. You can do this without anyone taking too much notice of it, and it will calm you down and help you restore your sense of personal power. The solar plexus is at the top of the lower pyramidal body energies and is where we digest our food - mental, physical, and emotional.


Should a potentially stressful situation come up where you have advance notice, yet sense that you are not feeling strong enough to prevail, take a five minute break before going into the room. Go to the bathroom and into a closed stall. In the stall, perform the above exercise, but using more breath control and deeper breaths. Should you happen to have a Citrine stone handy, put the stone under your fingers as you breathe for added energy. Citrine is valuable as it is only one of two stones that never need cleansing as it does not hold negativity.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.