35. Do a Temporal Tap

Course: Calm Down! 35 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Reclaim Inner Peace

Goal: Worth Yourself

Timing:When you feel like you want something. Repeat as often as you want.


Do a Temporal Tap: Using the three middle fingers of your left hand, tap around your left ear and temple, to the back of your ear, all the while verbalizing what you no longer want to do. I no longer bite my nails. Tap firmly and with conviction. Tap front to back about five times, keeping your strength and commitment intact. I no longer bite my nails… Do the same tapping on the right ear. Tap from your temple around the back of your ear while you are verbalizing what you DO want. My fingernails are growing and pleasant to look at. Tap like you mean it. Feel it as you tap front to back about five times. My fingernails are growing and pleasant to look at. Repeat this as often as feels right. The more you tap (like each morning and evening… hint, hint), the quicker you will affect your nervous system and thus your field of habits.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.