Acquire Self-Knowledge.

Course: The Joy of Life: Your Guide to Finding More Joy in Your Daily Life

Goal: Find More Joy in Your Daily Life

Timing:1 times per Day


Distinguish between what you do and who you are

- Start every day by writing down 3-5 good things that you will achieve in the course of the day.

- In the evening, write down what you did especially well that day.

Record your strengths and weaknesses.

To increase your confidence and self-esteem you need to have something to look forward to and know that you have what it takes to get there. Think about the good qualities other people say you have. Could they be right and you wrong? If you start believing that you are going in the right direction. Trust your intuition. Associate with positive people and act enthusiastically. You will then train your brain to be more enthusiastic.  You must also realize that you are not the only one who makes mistakes and has flaws.

To increase your self-confidence you also have to give yourself permission to be exactly as you are right now. Find peace with who you are. Make a list of 10-20 things that you have achieved in your life. Be proud of all you have accomplished so far. You can also list your qualities and strengths to help create more self-confidence. Remember that your potential is almost unlimited and that you can more or less be the person you want to be.

Once you know what your main passions are you can start living them. You use them as a filter in your life, meaning that whenever you’re faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, you choose in favor of your passions.

When you have a purpose in your life, when your life and what you do feel meaningful to you, then your zest for life and wish to live increase and you will experience more joy of life. But to find purpose and meaningfulness you have to be open to change.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Briana Regrg r

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