The Joy of Life: Your Guide to Finding More Joy in Your Daily Life Join Course
The Joy of Life: Your Guide to Finding More Joy in Your Daily Life Join Course
Finding more joy in your daily life Terrifying experiences, such as cancer, a heart attack or a life threatening accident can profoundly change your values and view on life. You may start appreciating different things than before, stop being negative, resentful or ungrateful and complain less about unimportant matters. You will feel more joy of life! You can feel it now without a life threatening experience Imagine finding more joy in your daily life without having a terrifying life threatening experience first! That is exactly what this book will help you to do! You will learn to live by choice and not by chance. You will go from “black and white to full colour”.

Ingrid Johansson, PhD, was born in Sweden and lives in Stockholm. In 1997 she completed her doctoral thesis in Education at the University of Stockholm and then worked as a senior lecturer for 12 years at Mälardalen University. Her main research interests concern older people in working life, older people in general and intergenerational relations. Among other things she was involved in a project comparing the daily lives of older people in Sweden and Japan. In 1999-2000 she was an academic visitor at the University of Sheffield in the UK and carried out a comparative study on younger managers with older subordinates in Sweden and the UK.

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Find More Joy in Your Daily Life

Distinguish between what you do and who you are

- Start every day by writing down 3-5 good things that you will achieve in the course of the day.

- In the evening, write down what you did especially well that day.

Record your strengths and weaknesses.

To increase your confidence and self-esteem you need to have something to look forward to and know that you have what it takes to get there. Think about the good qualities other people say you have. Could they be right and you wrong? If you start believing that you are going in the right direction. Trust your intuition. Associate with positive people and act enthusiastically. You will then train your brain to be more enthusiastic.  You must also realize that you are not the only one who makes mistakes and has flaws.

To increase your self-confidence you also have to give yourself permission to be exactly as you are right now. Find peace with who you are. Make a list of 10-20 things that you have achieved in your life. Be proud of all you have accomplished so far. You can also list your qualities and strengths to help create more self-confidence. Remember that your potential is almost unlimited and that you can more or less be the person you want to be.

Once you know what your main passions are you can start living them. You use them as a filter in your life, meaning that whenever you’re faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, you choose in favor of your passions.

When you have a purpose in your life, when your life and what you do feel meaningful to you, then your zest for life and wish to live increase and you will experience more joy of life. But to find purpose and meaningfulness you have to be open to change.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r

I thought of blogging, gardening, and hand craft project. I have always wished to be a creative person, I used to be good at sketching, writing poems but I have lost my flair now.


I tried writing today. I wrote some motivational pieces. It was nice and well appriciated on my FB page.

Briana Regrg r

I started my Sunday, with a to do list. And, I am going to bed. I just looked back on what I have done. Glad I have done all what I wanted to accomplish today.


Feeling so happy!

Briana Regrg r

I just got my journal out - and started off writing about what I want to do - what I really wish to do..

And at the end of the day I actually looked back on my day. I thought of writing a blog and finally I am one step towards it. I know I want to fill my leisure hours with something more fruitful.. 

For day 1, I am happy and content.

  • The first step is to be aware of a need or wish to change.
  • The next step is to decide what to change to, which can be difficult. It can also happen that you have conflicting ideas about where or what you want to be after the change. You should create a picture of the outcome.

Have role models.

We get in our own way and sabotage ourselves because of limiting beliefs and habits that are not good for us, something we all do at times. You can also write down some of your beliefs and start questioning them. Your attitude towards yourself is associated with your limiting beliefs. When you believe that other people think positively about you, you will act differently to how you would behave if you believe they have a negative opinion of you. Seeing an opportunity in the difficulties you are faced with and having a positive and optimistic outlook on life will enable you to be happier and stop complaining.

Be optimistic.

Think about your vocabulary and how much it matters. The words we use have an influence on how we think, so watch what you say.

The experience of embracing fear increases our strength and confidence. Try to identify what distractions are problematic, for example a need to check your e-mail or mobile phone for messages. Breaking down bigger tasks into smaller ones can enable you to place greater focus on every task. Giving yourself small rewards when you accomplish things may also help you to avoid procrastinating. Calling the fear something can decrease it. Maybe what you fear is something new and unknown and therefore you are afraid.

Courage enables you to face doubt and the criticism of other people. You can “train” your courage. The more often you are courageous and look fear in the face, the more courageous you will become. First of all you may have to give yourself permission to be courageous and look upon yourself as a courageous person. Plan to reward yourself.

You should not spend much time with people who make you worry.

Create a worry period.

Ask yourself if the problem is solvable or unsolvable.

Challenge anxious thoughts.

Think about the values you wish to live your life by. Believe in yourself based on the thinking you've done about the values you're going to live your life by. Dream about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values you're going to live by.Dare to make your dreams become reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r

Life was different as a kid then when I was in college it was different.. Still I was pampered. If I wouldn't have accepted the changes I would have never been able to succed in life.

Briana Regrg r

I have schedule a worry period for 5 minutes, when I have my evening tea.

Briana Regrg r

This is my biggest problem - I cannot accept a change. I have to learn to be open to changes.

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal. Establish a daily practice in which you remind yourself of the gifts, grace, benefits and good things to enjoy.

2. Remember the Bad. By remembering how difficult life was and how far you have come, you highlight the contrast in your mind, which facilitates gratefulness.

3. Use Visual Reminders. You might need visual reminders to trigger thoughts of gratitude. The best visual reminders are other people.

4. Watch your Language. Grateful people use words like gifts, giver, blessings, blessed, fortunate and abundance.

5. Go Through the Motions. Grateful motions include smiling, saying thank you and writing letters to express one’s gratitude.

6. Think Outside the Box. Look for new situations and circumstances in which to feel grateful.


- Observe your thoughts.

- Say the two words “Thank you” as often as you can

. - Tell people you are grateful when you are, as it will increase both your own and their joy of life. Count your blessings

- Start thinking of people who have expressed their gratitude to you and remember people who have been happy because you were in their lives.

- Think of what you have and you will feel joy instead of regretting what you don’t have, which will make you feel sad.

An Exercise

1. Close your eyes. Sit somewhere when you have time on your own.

2. Take a deep breath.

3. Say or visualize the word gratitude in your mind.

4. Focus on your body.

5. Breathe a little deeper and relax.

6. Mentally review things, occurrences and people you have experienced in the last 24 hours, as well as during the last week or two. Ask yourself for what or whom you feel gratitude. Vulnerability is one reason why feeling gratitude can be frightening and thus avoided. Envy, jealousy and bitterness are other reasons.

7. When you discover something that gives you a sense of gratitude, observe what it is like.

8. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. Give yourself a pat on the back.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

I don't think we should wait for a special day (mother's day/ father's day) to tell our parent how much important they are... Me and my sister are taking them out tomorrow for family day out.. We are so excited.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

First and foremost thing that I do every morning. The right note to start my day at.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

There are so many things I am thankful for. I had a fight with my mom - I had to go out. Then I met an accident. It's 9 years back. I had a head injury - tremendous blood loss. Was unconsious for few hours. My mom dad were so scared - that day when I opened my eyes I found my parents in front of me. I am so thankful that I got another chance to tell them how much I love them.


Tip 1: Focus on the short rather than the long term.

Tip 2: Instead of worrying, prepare.

Tip 3: Acceptance is an antidote to worry.

There are many situations in life when you are confronted by a need to leave behind and move on. Gratitude and forgiveness may also help us to have fewer regrets and move forward.

Here is an exercise that may help you: Write a letter to your younger self when you were 25 or 40 years old about your present life. This letter may help you to see how far you have progressed, to let go of the past and stop you from focusing on your regrets. You will realize that you have overcome many difficulties in your life and progressed this far!

Being curious and wanting to learn more is important if you wish to have more joy in your life irrespective of your age. Hope is about positive expectations and believing in the future. Being hopeful means that you want to do or achieve something that you believe might be possible, even when the situation is uncertain. Hopefulness means saying to yourself that you won’t give up, that you will keep on trying.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

I was having a regret for not being able to give much time to my parents when I was a teen. I don't regret anymore. My princess shares a great bond with her grand parents... Oxoxox

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

I had a few regrets which were a lot heavy.. a burden! I recently did something to work out my regrets. Much relieved!

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

A scientific release on the side effects of regrets!

Every reason why we should not live with a regret... 

Briana Regrg r
Help wanted
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

After reading the top 5 regrets of one on deathbed - I started valuing life and happiness. I really don't wanna die with a heavy heart.


Is there anything that you wanted badly but didn't do and you regret that???

Laughter makes you feel good and the feeling remains after you have stopped laughing. It also helps you to maintain a positive attitude when you encounter difficult situations, losses or disappointments.

A smile is difficult to give away because people tend to give it back. Smiling is a way of taking control of your emotions. You cannot feel unhappy when you choose to smile and it is difficult to frown when looking at someone who is smiling.

Humor can be dangerous to your illness!

Ask yourself the following questions:

- When did I last laugh? What did I laugh at?

- What kind of humor do I like?

- What kind of humor do I not like?

- Do I surround myself with people who have a sense of humor?

- How can I help myself to laugh and smile more?

- Have plenty of them in your life.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r

A horrible question! When did I last laugh? I am not sure! Today, I don't even have reason to laugh or smile. 

Briana Regrg r


Briana Regrg r

This makde me laugh.. sharing


Q: How do you know when a man's going to say something intelligent?

A: He starts his sentence with "My wife told me... ."

Briana Regrg r

Launghing at death.... Wow! This is terrible but I need to learn this and improve my sense of humor. Reading Reader's Digest!


Briana Regrg r

Seriously, I am hating this - I don't remember when did I last laugh!! :( 

Means I laugh so less that I don't remember it. I never wonderred what kind of humor I like.. Gosh - I am going to give it a deep thought tonight! 

  • Don’t blame others.
  • Observe and accept your own feelings, don’t judge them. Do the same with others.
  • Stop feeling sorry for people.
  • Don’t criticize others.
  • Let go of being right.
  • let go and allow the people around you to be just as they are you would feel much better and so would they.
  • Stop trying to be someone you are not.
  • Respect others and listen to them.
  • Give up labeling or rejecting people or things just because you don’t understand or know anything about them.
  • stop trying to read others’ minds and instead ask them their opinion.
  • Observe and listen to your own thoughts and self-talk. Don’t believe everything that your mind tells you. Don’t allow it to stop you!
  • Don’t allow others’ truth to become your truth.
  • Start believing in yourself and take advantage of how you can create a better life for yourself and those around you.
  • Beware of negativity around you. Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Allow yourself to find some people stupid or annoying.
  • Don’t copy others. Bee inspired by your role models.
  • Have good friends
  • Respect yourself
  • Connect with others and help them.
  • Be generous.
  • Be your own best friend.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.



  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

I am trying to be a nice person. Sometimes, it is hard to let go of what is right for everyone's happiiness. I feel defeated, but that is how I can nurture a relation right?

Briana Regrg r

I have a friend back from childhood. I never thought about it earlier but whenever we talk she is always talking negative and bad. At the end of the conversation I am filled up with sadness. I try to motivate her, but what's the use she loves to be sad and negative. I refused to answer her call today.. - I was busy doing something positive. Soon will tell her to stop it or I have to move away.

Briana Regrg r

Yes, relationships bring strength. I have seen healthy relations are like blessing that bless life with hapiness, joy and peace. 

To admit that you made a mistake, feel remorse and perhaps shame requires acting with humility and serenity. You want the aggrieved person to trust you again but trust cannot be built without demonstrating that you are sincere. If you have lied, you have to stop immediately, admit it and show that you are still worthy of trust. If the consequences of your offence and lies are severe, you may have a chance to learn from them and become a person who does not lie.

Like you forgive others, you also need to forgive yourself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you made a mistake.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

I try to practice forgive, but sometime it is way too much.. Under such scenerio, I forgive myself that I won't be able to forgive.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

My yorkie is a darling but too naughty.. Having tough time.. Sometime i forget stuff and get angry on my mistakes. But, I cannot live with that negativity.. Try to move ahead and forgive myself n my CLOWN.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

Am a busy mom! Often I find my kid and the new addition to the family CLOWN, the yorkie making a mess. I never had to prastice forgiveness so much earlier as I have to do now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

It took me several years to forgive a little girl from my school days. I broke my right foot and that year I missed my dance. I lost my chance to earn myself a scolarship. Finally, I am so happy to have such a loving family that I could forgive her.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

I really need to learn how to forgive myself. Tinybuddha article was great.. I hope I can actually be able to apply it in my life.

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Blog entries by followers

Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

I am trying to be a nice person. Sometimes, it is hard to let go of what is right for everyone's happiiness. I feel defeated, but that is how I can nurture a relation right?

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

I don't think we should wait for a special day (mother's day/ father's day) to tell our parent how much important they are... Me and my sister are taking them out tomorrow for family day out.. We are so excited.

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Briana Regrg r

A horrible question! When did I last laugh? I am not sure! Today, I don't even have reason to laugh or smile. 

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

First and foremost thing that I do every morning. The right note to start my day at.

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

I try to practice forgive, but sometime it is way too much.. Under such scenerio, I forgive myself that I won't be able to forgive.

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Express Gratitude

There are so many things I am thankful for. I had a fight with my mom - I had to go out. Then I met an accident. It's 9 years back. I had a head injury - tremendous blood loss. Was unconsious for few hours. My mom dad were so scared - that day when I opened my eyes I found my parents in front of me. I am so thankful that I got another chance to tell them how much I love them.


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Briana Regrg r

I thought of blogging, gardening, and hand craft project. I have always wished to be a creative person, I used to be good at sketching, writing poems but I have lost my flair now.


I tried writing today. I wrote some motivational pieces. It was nice and well appriciated on my FB page.

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

My yorkie is a darling but too naughty.. Having tough time.. Sometime i forget stuff and get angry on my mistakes. But, I cannot live with that negativity.. Try to move ahead and forgive myself n my CLOWN.

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

I was having a regret for not being able to give much time to my parents when I was a teen. I don't regret anymore. My princess shares a great bond with her grand parents... Oxoxox

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

I had a few regrets which were a lot heavy.. a burden! I recently did something to work out my regrets. Much relieved!

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Briana Regrg r


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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

A scientific release on the side effects of regrets!

Every reason why we should not live with a regret... 

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Briana Regrg r

This makde me laugh.. sharing


Q: How do you know when a man's going to say something intelligent?

A: He starts his sentence with "My wife told me... ."

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Briana Regrg r

Life was different as a kid then when I was in college it was different.. Still I was pampered. If I wouldn't have accepted the changes I would have never been able to succed in life.

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Practice Forgiveness

Am a busy mom! Often I find my kid and the new addition to the family CLOWN, the yorkie making a mess. I never had to prastice forgiveness so much earlier as I have to do now.

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Briana Regrg r

I have a friend back from childhood. I never thought about it earlier but whenever we talk she is always talking negative and bad. At the end of the conversation I am filled up with sadness. I try to motivate her, but what's the use she loves to be sad and negative. I refused to answer her call today.. - I was busy doing something positive. Soon will tell her to stop it or I have to move away.

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Briana Regrg r

I started my Sunday, with a to do list. And, I am going to bed. I just looked back on what I have done. Glad I have done all what I wanted to accomplish today.


Feeling so happy!

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Briana Regrg r
Help wanted
 Activity: Don’t Have Regrets

After reading the top 5 regrets of one on deathbed - I started valuing life and happiness. I really don't wanna die with a heavy heart.


Is there anything that you wanted badly but didn't do and you regret that???

    1 comment
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Briana Regrg r

Launghing at death.... Wow! This is terrible but I need to learn this and improve my sense of humor. Reading Reader's Digest!


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