Fill Positivity in Your Life; It’s Free

Course: Be Happy With 13 Happy Principles

Goal: Apply Happy Principles

Timing:1 times per Day


Isolate the positives in your situation. Change or add to the activity to make it more enjoyable. Let’s say you are drinking a cup of tea while working on an assignment for class. You should remember to ask yourself if you are enjoying the moment, and you should realize if you are not.

It’s not enough to simply do something on your list so you can cross it off. You must do it and be immersed enough in the activity to enjoy it thoroughly. If you didn’t enjoy doing it, then it doesn’t count. Be honest with yourself. Don’t put something on there because you want to enjoy doing it. Only put something on your list if you know that you actually find that activity pleasurable. Take your time here, because this exercise will only be effective if your list truly reflects your own desires. You should regularly update it with new items as you think of them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Sadly, this is the only thing missing from my life now. Feels like mechanical schedule. No passion, no persuasion! 

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

We are so much bothered with the negative events, troubles and fear than we miss out that life is so beautiful despite of all the darkness. I try.. my best to include as much positivity as possible.

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