Timing:1 times per Day
Do you worship God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha or another Ultimate Source? I encourage you to pursue this connection through prayer. Think about your Source frequently. Pray frequently. Keep open channels and maintain a running conversation with God. Nothing helps more than to have someone on whom you can unload all your worries and fears. At the same time, your joy is increased as you express gratitude toward your Source when things go well.
Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.
I do it every night before hitting the bed. It detoxifies my soul. I feel relieved. I don't ask for myself though. There are many more needuy people around than me. If I cannot help all of them, atleast I can whisper a pray for them.
I pray, but not for myself. I does work for me like some spiritual therapy. Feels at calm. Now it is more of a morning ritual incorporated in my daily life.