Apply Breath Count Technique.

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Technique Five: Breathing

Timing:When you get stuck in the Red Zone


When we are in the Red Zone our breath shortens and becomes more rapid in order to prepare us for action. The physiology of the stress response is all about getting the body in a reactive mode to fight or flight. When we incorporate mindfulness breathing we can immediately shut down the Red Zone and turn on the Green Zone. This technique can be used anytime and anyplace. 

The key in the breathing technique is the exhalation because the exhalation breaths are directly connected to the Green Zone. Take a deep breath in and let it out. On the next breath inhale to a count of ten. As you breathe in count slowly 1through10. Then hold the breath for a count of ten. Then exhale slowly to a count of ten. Repeat this pattern for two minutes or as long as it takes until you feel the calm of the Green Zone. This is a great technique before working on a project or even before entering a meeting.

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Rabiya Manzoor Anonymoususer

It is so magical, amazing. I have tried it many times after joining this course. It feels like all my stress and anxiety is been taken out with breath. It’s meditating as well. Simple but awesome!

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