Be Thankful for What You Have

In Ryan W's plan
Goal: Apply Happy Principles

Rather than complain about anything, be grateful that you have not lost everything.

Learning to appreciate these things and moments play a huge role in creating a peaceful and happy life. Although the things themselves may be small, failing to appreciate them has really big ramifications! Rather than seeing and experiencing the perfection of a divine plan, most of it is largely disregarded by people. The wonder and awe of life is diminished, the feelings associated with appreciation and gratitude are missed, and, perhaps more than anything, you will be sweating the small stuff all the time. The reason this happens is that your attention is not on what is right, beautiful and special. It is on what is wrong, what is irritating, and what is missing. Your focus of attention will encourage you to be “on edge” and on the lookout for problems instead of the small things that bring big joy and are right there in front of you. When the bulk of your attention is on what’s right with your life, what’s precious and special, the payoff is enormous. You’ll re-experience the feeling that life is magical and every moment is to be treasured. Instead of complaining about the litter on the side of the road, you’ll notice the colors of the trees and plants. Again, your attention will feed on itself and, over time, you’ll notice more and more things to be grateful for and your habit becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of happiness.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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