Timing:1 times per Day
Resisting, fighting, or arguing with any reality can keep us from living well, can create tension and stress in the body, and can keep us from what we truly want.
Just remember, you’re not in charge of everything going the way you want it to all the time. Sometimes all you can do is be you, allow, and breathe!
Action Steps: 1. Whenever you are feeling discomfort, ask yourself, “What is happening now?” The answer may be “I’m mad that I can’t go to the party tonight” or “David never called me back.”
2. Simply sit still for a moment and see if you can be with what is by breathing deeply into your belly, feeling your fingers and toes, (grounding and getting present) and noticing–the moment, your surroundings, your senses. Ground yourself into this moment by observing that this is where you are now. Likely safe, likely fed. Probably warm. Alive. And that you have the power in you to find peace in any situation. You’ll learn more about this in the section called “Find Peace.”
Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.
Deep breathing was great.. I was little bit uncomfortable to concentrate at the thought .. but yes I found peace!