
Health care

About Me: Health Care Facility Manager

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Sara Young


Self Confidence Tips
13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy
Quit Suffering, Stop Stressing, & Relax
Deal With Anxiety In Daily Life

Pending tasks weigh you down like a pocket full of rocks as you carry on throughout the day. Completing all these little pesky tasks earlier rather than later actually relieves stress, alleviates the feeling of being weighed down, and immediately boosts your self-esteem.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Oh, yes. I got a pile of papers, clothes and stuffs around asking me to take care of them. I have not been cleaning up my room for last 4 days. Had to go to work and when back, I am just too tired. I have an off day tomorrow. So, I am just going to clean it up today. I don't want to spend the entire day tomorrow worrying and stressing myself.

Accept the fact that no one does everything flawlessly. To err is human, they say. Mistakes are perfectly normal. It’s up to you to make the most out of every experience, and choose to learn from it. Having an mature attitude about mistakes and learning will improve your self-confidence significantly.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you're wrong, or did something wrong.

Adam Health care

According to me, one who accepts his own mistake is brave and courageous. Also, he is trustworthy. Accepting my mistake allows me to face myself when I look into the mirror - I am not fake.

Rewarding yourself does wonders for your self-confidence because it makes you realize what your capabilities are, and it motivates you to reach your goals. Feeling a sense of accomplishment on reaching your goal will further give you encouragement to reach your next goal.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you achieve your goals.

Adam Health care

Time to reward myself for I have been very strict with myself from food, workout and deeds. I am going for makeover, some shopping an then dine out. 

Indulge yourself with a long hot shower and shave, or a relaxing bath. Feeling great about how you look in the mirror is a big boost to your confidence,

Grooming yourself is a great pick-me-up for days when your confidence is at its lowest. Don’t hold back on things that you want to wear. If that extra bracelet or necklace makes you feel prettier, by all means, wear it! Keep yourself healthy by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping right. Being sick is not going to help you feel confident about yourself, so make sure that you stay in tip-top shape.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I am in such a profession, where I cannot wear any piece f jewelry or as such. But, I do take care of myself. When I take a bath I use a drop of lavender essence oil to relax myself. In fact, it uplifts my mood for the rest of the day! 


I am definitely taking care of myself.

Adam Health care

Not only I advice eeryone to take care of themselves, but I also take care of myself. I maintain a daily wake up time and food time. Workout and meditation - everything.

Having a positive mindset lifts away the heavy burden of expecting failure, and it opens up your mind to possible ways of achieving success. Good results start with imagination. Imagine yourself being successful and everything else will follow. When you have a clear vision of success, it will boost your self-esteem and it will give you the confidence that you need to go after your goals.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have a goal.

Adam Health care

It is the mindset that empowers as well as weakens us. It takes a lot of courage to work out a positive mindset. Trying to create one! There has been a big gap - so got messed up! Opening the knots now.

Adam Health care

Saying this is so easy but doing it is hard. I understand. Here are 7 ways to adopt a positive mindset.

Adam Health care

Whenever, I am worried about some medical case; I end up being more tensed. When one of my patients gets discharged, I am happy. So when I am low, I end up not helping others well. Somewhere it affects my confidence. I have to work it up!

Make myself strong and positive. Coz if am positive and confident then I can radiate positivity into my patients.

Boost your self-confidence by learning the skill that you’ve been wanting or meaning to learn for a long time. The key to learning is making the first step. Just TRY. It will do wonders for your self-confidence if you are able to sign up and take the first step. Read up on books you find interesting, or watch instructional videos on YouTube. The more you know, the more confident you become.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have time and interest in something, but never tried to do it.

Adam Health care

Trying to speak French these days - it is my new hobby.

I learnt Je vous remercie (thank you), Bonjour (we all know - good morning), fille (girl), je t'aime ( I love you). It is tough yet fun.


Adam Health care

Taking lots of pictures these days.. of birds, puppies, cats, babies. Feel so happy :)

Adam Health care

I am trying to embrace my hobby of photography and learn the technical part of it. :)

Adam Health care

It is not a piece of cake to learn any new skill. So, I am taking some tips to do it faster for daring to live fully. Marelise got 30 tips ... Awesome one.

Passion is to confidence as fuel is to fire. The more you’re passionate about something in your life, the more confident you’ll be. Chase your passion.

Whether it’s a hobby, work, charity, or music: Going after your passion will do wonders for your self-esteem.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I love taking care of people around me... I feel like I am returning something to this world. Apart from that, I get excited when I am around dogs and cats. It doesn't matter if they are stray or pets. And I am passionate about writing.. so planning to write something...

Go through your To-Do List, and make sure you’re good to go. Being prepared isn’t just simply trying to avoid someone catching you off-guard; but it also builds your confidence by feeling a sense of accomplishment by having completed something on time, and being ready for whatever may come.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #12 BE PREPARED

Following to-do list is a brilliant stuff. I do it everyday and it actually boosts up my confidence level.

People with low self-confidence tend to be overwhelmed by big tasks and responsibilities.

it’s effective to take the larger or more complex tasks one step at a time. The idea is to look back at each milestone you’ve achieved and reaffirm to yourself that you can do the task at hand. Every big task is just a series of steps that you need to take. Don’t overwhelm yourself by looking at the big picture. Challenge yourself to take one step further, and once you’re done, look back and see what you’ve accomplished.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are doing something.

Adam Health care

Taking baby steps has always been my winning trick. I was scared of blood. I knew I had to overcome it. I took baby steps to do so and studied medical. Things has changed. Now, I am much more brave.

When you’re feeling down, or when you feel like doubting yourself, take a look back at the times when you were able to overcome your own obstacles, rise up to the occasion, and make something happen. Recall that distinct feeling of invincibility, the feeling that you can make anything happen just because you were able to overcome your self-doubt. Remind yourself that you are a resilient person, and that you’re able to overcome adversities. You have proof, because you’ve done it before. At some point in your life, you were backed into a corner and didn’t give up. It’s just a different ring, but you’re facing the same foe. You can make it happen again.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you feel down.

Adam Health care

Today, when I looked back I saw a young boy who was teased often for being emotional. A boy who was shattered for not being like others. At present, I feel proud that I was emotional. When my felllow peers took up basketball, I took up volunteering service.. I am proud I did so. Today, when my peers are frustrasted and taking pills for combating depression I am here happy and satisfied that I have found my true purpose and following. I feel accomplished and proud of my decisions.

 There’s a fine line between modesty and low self-esteem.

Having a low self-esteem however, is being dismissive of compliments regardless of the weight of your achievements.

The first person to realize your achievements will always be you. Off-handedly dismissing a compliment, whether you mean it or not, has great impact on your self-esteem.

“Thanks! I’m glad you appreciate it” or “Yes, I worked hard on that” not only makes you realize your own efforts, but it reinforces your belief in your abilities.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you recieve compliments or comments.

Adam Health care

Acceptance is a big thing - if we can't accept the basic compliments how can we accept the hardships life bring us. I love getting compliments as it boosts my spirits.

Adam Health care

This is one thing I worked on.. But, I also try to inject this into my patients. If I am telling someone you are doing I notcie how he reacts. If he is graciously accepting it then he is actually having a positive mindset! 

 Having an empty wallet can drag your self-confidence down. It’s tough to keep your self-confidence high on days when you struggle to pay your own bills. Saving up is not just for rainy days, it’s to keep you from the burden of worrying about financial problems. You can’t build much confidence if you know that there are money problems to worry about. If you owe someone, make an effort to pay them outright. Once you’re done paying your debts, you can start saving up to prevent having to borrow from someone again. Having savings provides you with the security to ease up your worries, and it consequently builds your confidence altogether.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Gosh. This is so true. No matter how much you earn but when you know that you have a good ssavings your approach towards life changes I see myself when a year back I was more of a person who was struggling to do something in life but now I feel much more in control of my life. Because I save the little for the last few months.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Around 10 year back due to an unexpect health issue, I lost all my savings, in fact had to take some loans. I didnt have any medical insurance that time. To be honest, I didn't save properly that time. It took me 3-4 years to get over my healthy issues. Then I started working again and paid my debt. I am also saving money - now I know it's important.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

In the last few months, I saved around three thousand dollars. I am going to invest it in fulfilling my dreams. Knowing that I have a decent amount of savings has changed my outlook and I am not feel much pressure on mysself. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Saving is an art. I have saved on commute, food and energy bills. Just reduced wastage nd planned everything out.

Unless you can definitely determine that it’s your fault, do not over think something that you might have done to upset other people. The point is, you’re not always the reason for everything wrong in this world, so don’t act like everything is on you to make it right.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are not sure whatever happened was your fault.

Adam Health care

Right! I would keep that in mind. Sometime, somethings are not in our hand! 

Give yourself much-deserved time alone. Unwind at your local bookstore, or go to the movies alone. It may be a refreshing experience for you and you may rediscover your own confidence, and not the kind that you get whenever you’re with your friends or your significant other. Venturing out into the open world alone is a scary experience at first, especially if you are used to going out with your friends or your partner. But going out alone will give you a feeling of independence and self-empowerment. Conquering a new experience alone not only improves your self-confidence, but it also improves your self-esteem as well.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Me time is so important. Though Ilive alone but I could never relax myself. Life has been stressful for the last 2 years. Today, I somehow managed to get three hours and I swiitched off my phone, emails, took a hot shower and then took a nap. I couldn't think of anything fancier. Well, I feel much better now.

Adam Health care

There are a few days in a month when even alone time can only give pain. Otherwise, I am good at being with myself.

Adam Health care

Picked up a book from the bookstore near my apartment. I will be home this evening - spending it with myself and my book. It was a hobby that I used to cherish in Uni. Things has changed so much since then so here I am.

The most common habit of healthy people is that they wake up early every morning.  

 Your body will thank you for it – our bodies were designed to sleep when it is nighttime and to be awake during the day when the sun is up. Getting up earlier, around the time the sun rises, is more in sync with our natural circadian rhythms.

Better sleep leaves you more able to deal with the stresses of the day. By not getting enough sleep, you are putting stress on your body and more cortisol is produced.  

 More cortisol means two of the hormones that help regulate appetite – Leptin and Ghrelin – begin to function ineffectively.


  1.  This is best started immediately. If you have a big day coming up or are worried about being tired, schedule it to start over a weekend instead.  
  2. Decide on what time is early in your part of the world and count back 8 hours from there. This is your new target bedtime.  
  3. About an hour before bedtime, you want to switch off your laptop, TV and cell phone. If possible, dim the lights in the house. (If you don’t have a dimmer, wear a pair of sunglasses – yes, seriously!) Artificial light is very stimulating to the brain and interferes with your body’s production of melatonin – the hormone that makes you sleepy.  
  4. Do something relaxing leading up to bedtime like reading a book – just not a best seller.
  5.  Go to bed when you are feeling sleepy – if you do not fall asleep within about 15 minutes either get up and start reading again (don’t forget the sunglasses) or, if you are able to, just relax in bed. It is important not to get caught up in how much sleep you are getting.  
  6. Set the alarm early and disable the snooze button.  
  7. When the alarm goes off, jump out of bed, open your curtains and bask in the sunlight. If possible, go outside for five minutes as well.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Woke at 6.30 am. I am probably worst at doing the best things.. Still yawning!

Adam Health care

Bang On! This is great habit. I wake up but, keep on delaying it for 5 minutes to 10 minutes.. I am going to put it in to action from tonight only.

Most people skip breakfast. This is the worst health and dieting mistake that you could possibly make.  



  1. Plan ahead – read up some more about low-GI foods and research some breakfast ideas that appeal to you.  
  2. Do any prep work that you can the night before – I will get together all the ingredients that I need for the smoothie and measure them out ready for the next morning. NO excuses. Make it as easy as possible to make your breakfast.  
  3. After your workout finish preparing your breakfast.  
  4. Sit down and enjoy.  
  5. Take some time to eat – try not to eat on the run unless you have to.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Finally, I have got my habit of skipping breakfast corrected. It's been a month or so I have been eatnig a heavy breakfast - and honestly I have better energy levels and healthier. I feel there has been some changes in my stress levels.

Adam Health care

I was in rush in the morning. Only managed toasts and tea...

Would be grabbing something later..

Adam Health care

It is okay if I skip my noon meal.. but it is the breakfast that gives me the required energy to go on with my day..

Says if you start the day right, the whole day will be right.

Pile on the protein at breakfast.  

Do you want to lose weight?  

Do you want maximum energy?  

Do you want enhanced mental function all day?  

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you need to eat a big portion of protein for breakfast. More protein with fewer carbs or no carbs at all is what you should be aiming for, especially if you are trying to build muscle.


  1. Think about how you can incorporate more protein in your breakfast starting tomorrow. Protein is very filling so you should consider cutting down the carb content.  
  2. Make it easy for yourself – boil a few eggs to keep for tomorrow and the next day – hardboiled eggs will store well in the fridge for a couple of days.  
  3. Reconsider dinner portions as well – cook extra meat so that you have some for breakfast.
  4. In the morning, after you have exercised, eat breakfast as usual but with the added protein.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

A good heavy breakfast is a must for me - with oatmeal, two eggs, some steamed veggies, and a cup of green tea.. It is just perfect. For the rest of the day I am on no-carb light salads. I actually feel quite healthy. 

Adam Health care

I have prepared my diet chart and the menu way ahead. I have boiled eggs, cooked some meat and stored them in the refrigerator. I saved me time. All I do in the morning to make some toasts and juice. I am good to go for the rest of the day.

Adam Health care

Mouthwatering, and now more health reasons to have it. Would try cooking Turkey with some help from

Drink a cup of green tea in the morning.  

Green tea is the best health drink that there is. It is high in anti-oxidants and other nutrients and will help to, amongst other things, increase the amount of fat lost, reduce your risk of developing cancer and increase the level at which your brain functions as well.


  1. Go to the store and get some green tea.  
  2. The choice between tea bags and tea leaves is a personal one and the studies haven’t indicated that there is any difference in results. Personally, I prefer tea bags – they’re less messy.
  3. Either way, make it as you would normal tea. Allow it to brew for at least 5 minutes for the full effect.  
  4. Add a little honey if you want for flavor. Personally though, I think it tastes fine as is.
  5. Sip slowly.  
  6. The used teabags are great for the compost heap so dispose of them by tossing them in there.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I prefer green tea leaves. Not much happy with the tea bags - I don't find them strong. I used to have green tea earlier as well. But honey is the new sweet addition. Loving it.

Adam Health care

Oh! it was some blunder.. I didn't brew it well I guess. Got to get honey !! May be I am a coffee freak that i why I am facing it so hard.

Weigh yourself in the morning!  

There is a lot of information out there on the Internet and in the media about how you should only weigh yourself once a week so that you aren’t as obsessed with your weight.

The key is to weigh yourself at the same time EVERY MORNING – that is the only true way to keep track of how you are progressing.


  1.  An electronic scale is more accurate and weighs parts of kilograms as well. If you do not have one, try and get one.
  2. Start showing your scale some love. Dust it off and put is somewhere that you’ll notice it first thing in the morning.  
  3. Do make sure that the scale is on a level surface.  
  4. Don’t put it where you can stub your toe or injure yourself – scales can be hard on toes.
  5. Download a fitness app that allows you to track your weight. I personally like “Calorie Counter” by FatSecret. It is free and easy to use and it never forgets - I have stats going back two years on there. There is a whole lot more it can
  6. Alternatively, go old-school and buy a notepad to record the results.  
  7. It is important to write them down immediately or you will forget. It’s not so hard to remember that you weigh 85kg, for example. But is it 85.6kg or 85.8?  
  8. Yes, the differences matter!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Adam Health care

I have an electronic scale. And, I use in once in a week. But never maintained a journal. I would make it a habit to weigh myself sametime every morning and record the weight.

Let's see if anything changes. Indeed, it is great morning habit.

Take a fiber supplement in the morning with your breakfast. It does not matter whether or not this is in pill form or as a drink.   

You are probably not getting all the fiber that you need from your diet, especially not if you eat a lot of refined foods.  

Fiber supplement that contain psyllium (like Metamucil and Konsyl) are safe for everyday use.  

Fiber is essential if you want to lose weight and maintain the weight loss. If you are not getting enough fiber, you can have as much as 4-8lbs of undigested food sluggishly moving around in your intestines.


  1.  Go out and buy a fiber supplement.  
  2. It takes time to work so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing accidents at work.
  3. Take it as directed every morning.  
  4. You can even take it with your lemon water.  
  5. Ideally it should be taken on an empty stomach.  
  6. You can expect to experience some initial discomfort – gas and more regular bowel movements are common at first.  
  7. The discomfort usually passes in a week or two, once your body gets into a proper digestive rhythm again.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Sit down and take a couple of minutes to plan out what you will do in during the upcoming day.  

The most commonly cited reason for people not to stick to their health plan is that they were caught unawares.   If you have a plan set up, you are less likely to fail.   By planning when you’ll eat, what you eat, etc., you can make sure that the resources are in place when you need them.  

Planning healthy meals, snacks and activities will ensure that you don’t wolf down the contents of your fridge at night because you forgot to eat lunch.  

Planning for what to do when trouble strikes is good insurance as well. How will you distract yourself if a craving strikes?  

Make a plan every morning and hold yourself accountable for it.

Commit to it for that day – taking it one step at a time is used in recovery programs because it works. Committing to one day is a whole lot easier than committing your entire life.


  1.  Think about the day ahead and what you will be doing.  
  2. Are there going to be any potential risks to your health plan?  
  3. How will you deal with them if there are?  
  4. When are you going to have your meals and what are you going to have to eat?  
  5. What other actions will you take today to improve your wellness?  
  6. You can write the list out if you like and sign it or you can just commit to it mentally.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

After a long time, I got a day off today. I planned to get some of my household chores done. Then to go to a friend's place and hangout a little.

Adam Health care

I am mostly busy with practice. There is nothing much to plan.. but sometimes, it is tiring. I have started spending the first 10 minutes planning the rest.. especially, how I am going to spend some "me" time.

Adam Health care

One thing that I do while sipping my morning drink is to plan my day ahead. It helps me to get some time to recollect myself at the end of the day. 

I get to meet my friends, build relations and socialize. It is just so important to have a life beyond professional me. 

Fill up your water bottle for the day ahead.  

Having the water ready to drink is not only a visual reminder of how much you need to drink throughout the day but it makes it a lot easier for you as well.  

If the water is in front of you, you are more likely to drink it. If you have to remember to go get it, you will probably forget.

Our bodies are made up of 70% water. You can go for a couple of weeks without eating but you won’t last 3 days without water. Not being adequately hydrated can makes your brain send signals to your body. The problem is that we often mistake this as hunger and eat.  

A lot of the time, what you think is hunger is actually a sign of dehydration. When your body is short on water, it hangs on to what it’s got.   That’s why you so often lose so much weight in the first week of the diet – the body is better hydrated so it let’s go of the water it has been retaining.


  1. Get yourself a bottle to drink out of now. I prefer glass bottles – they keep the water at a more even temperature and the water seems to taste better out of glass.  
  2. Start with a 500ml bottle of water and work your way up from there.  
  3.  Fill it up and take it to work with you.  
  4. Leave it on your desk or somewhere that you can always see it.  
  5. Drink a glass of water whenever you remember to.  
  6. If it’s very hot, I often put my bottle in the freezer overnight – just don’t fill it completely - the water expands when frozen. When you take it out in the morning, add some water to get it to start melting - you’ll have nice cold water for most of the day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I add a bit of plemon jiuce, a teaspoon of sugar and salt to it and make it a god detoxifying drink. Further, it is a good energy energy drink. I often have 2 glasses of it. 

Adam Health care

Don't know why, but I have been really hungry since noon. It could be emotional crave. Well, I opt out for a grape juice. I know, when hungry one should drink lot of water. Hiunger for a cuisine seems to be more of a mental desire rather than a tummy call!

Adam Health care

But in a good way.. Lots of water, juice and smoothies..

I have a few tricks that I put in to use from time to time to fight the fatigue and other health issues. Some are ayurvedic, some been scietifically proven, but the base is drinking water. Like in fever, I increase my water intake at least 3 to 4 times.


Make healthy snacks for yourself throughout the day and keep them on hand.  

You are bound to feel hunger pangs between meals, plan ahead and have healthy snacks ready for these times.  

Healthy snacking is actually great for weight loss – it balances out your blood sugar levels and gently stokes your metabolism.

Keeping your blood sugar levels constant is going to help you stick to your healthy eating plan.  

It is the sugar rushes from eating the wrong foods that causes the subsequent energy crash and the need to eat more.


  1. Make a list of healthy snacks that you can keep with you. Nuts and seeds are great ideas. Real fruit is also quite filling. Dried fruit is technically better for you then sweets but it still has too much sugar in it.  
  2. Watch out for snack bars that are labeled as healthy – check the ingredients, a lot of them are laden with sugar and fats.
  3. If you can discipline yourself to do so, you can have a couple of PIECES of dark chocolate – not slabs, pieces. Make sure that there is at least 80% cocoa in them.  
  4. Olives make a nice snack.  
  5. Keep an emergency stash in your drawer at work at all times.
  6. Make sure that you always have at least two snack packs handy all the time.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Okay!! I got some sandwiches... Homemade.. N some nuts to munch when I feel a bull running inside my tummy.

If you’re going to eat carbs, eat them in the morning.  

You need to stick to complex carbs that release a steady stream of energy. Anything that has a G.I. of over 50 is out.  

Complex carbs have three or more sugars and have a high fiber content. Simple carbs are mainly made up of two.  

Sweetness is usually a fair indication of how complex the carb is. Complex carbs often taste blander, although this is not always the case.

 The best way to tell is to check your energy levels and hunger after eating the carb.  

If you get a sudden rush of energy, it is more likely to be a simple carb. If you feel hungry again a couple of hours afterwards, despite having eaten your fill, it is definitely a simple carb. 

Examples of Good Carbs:  

  • Whole grains
  • Plain oats
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa Barley
  • Most vegetables  

The fiber content in complex carbs is what makes them so much healthier – this slows down the rate that the sugars in the carbs are absorbed into the blood stream.  

They will also help you to feel full longer and they are heart healthy. If you are battling to manage on breakfast until lunch, add some complex carbs.  

It is not a good idea to eat them later in the day – your body needs time to process them.  


  1. What simple carbs are you eating now? Check everything that you currently eat for breakfast and see what the G.I. rating for each food is.
  2. Choose from the list of healthy carbs. They should not compose more than a quarter of your daily diet.  
  3. Evaluate how you feel after eating them – did they give a rush of energy. Are you reaching for more a couple of hours later? If so, they are probably simple carbs.  
  4. Slowly try to cut carbs out of the diet. Do eat vegetables but start to cut back on grains. Current thinking is that our digestive tract cannot digest grains properly because they are a relatively new addition to our diets.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I have oats in breakfast, but there is no surety as I am often working. I work in rotational shifts so I have keep my diet pretty flexible and mostly on a day's count.

Adam Health care

Carbing up in the morning is a great idea. A few simple thing in morning today can save you from too much efforts tomorrow..

Carb up the required energy in the morning and you won't get exhausted for the rest of the day!

Adam Health care
Help wanted

Generally, I have oatmeal in my breakfast. Otherwise, brown bread and grilled vegetables.

I like it alot. Do, I need to make some changes in it?

Rebound every morning for 5 minutes after waking up.   Rebounding is fun and very good for you.

It will:  

  • Get the blood pumping and make you feel energized.  
  • Help with the circulation and drainage of lymph and toxins.  
  • It is good cardio exercise and is a lot easier on your body than pounding a pavement when it comes to impact stress.  
  • It helps to improve stamina and endurance.  
  • It revs up the metabolism.  
  • Did I mention that its fun?  
  • It counts as exercise, seriously.  

You get more bang for your buck – because you are basically defying gravity, you get a more intense workout than you would from running. Five minutes on the trampoline is equivalent to about double the same time running hard.

It’s relatively quiet and doesn’t take up too much space.  

The trampoline itself doesn’t cost a lot – meaning no more wasted money on a gym subscription you don’t use.  

 You can do more than just bounce around – you can run in place, skip, jump – get creative, it will never get boring.

There are even workouts DVDs that you can get to go with it.  


  1. Get yourself a mini-trampoline.  
  2. Place it where you’ll see it first thing in the morning – maybe next to the scale.
  3. Climb off your scale and onto your rebounder – before you have your lemon water or anything else.  
  4. Five minutes is harder than it sounds. Keep at it.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

That's crazy for me! I better go for a morning run!

1. Wherever you are–standing, sitting, leaning, driving, crushed between passengers on a commuter train–wiggle your fingers and toes. Bring your attention to the very tips of your fingers and toes until you can feel them.

2. Next, consciously stop swallowing for a moment, and let your tongue float down to the bottom of your mouth. Keep it there–you’ll experience some extra saliva gathering.

3. Now go back to wiggling your fingers and toes.

 4. Finally, breathe. Breathe as deeply as you can until your whole belly fills like a balloon, and then slowly let the breath go, making a sound as you do (if possible)–as if you are blowing out a candle. Repeat this ten times: fill the low belly with air, as deeply as possible, like a balloon, and slowly exhale. Notice the shift in your stress level.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you breathe.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

This was the one last thing that I did before going to bed. I think it really helped me destress. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

Take deep breathes whenever I feel anxious. It works like magic.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

7 ling breathes and I was feeling much better. As if I have exhaled out my stress, anxiety all at once.

Just take a moment to notice everything around you with all five of your senses: touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight.

Action Steps: Begin to notice what’s around you. Answer the following questions:

1. What am I tasting right now? Is it bitter, sweet, salty? (Bitter and salty usually indicate we are under some kind of stress; sweet is a sign that we are relaxed and calm.)

2. What am I smelling right now? Is it clean, crisp, perfume or pine, several scents and odors at once?

3. What am I seeing right now? Notice the four walls around you, their color, any images or artwork on the walls; notice the windows, the people, your own clothes, how and where you are sitting.

4. What am I feeling right now? What is literally beneath my fingers? Maybe I am touching the slightly rough texture of denim or running my hands through my hair, which feels soft. Notice.

5. What am I hearing right now? Children playing outside, music on the stereo, voices down the hall, my own breathing, or my cat purring.

When you can take a moment, using all five of your senses, to really be present, you drop out of stress mode, and right into this very moment.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ N O T I C E...

World looks even more beautiful - without the stress mode. I also helps when people get stressed.

Resisting, fighting, or arguing with any reality can keep us from living well, can create tension and stress in the body, and can keep us from what we truly want.

Just remember, you’re not in charge of everything going the way you want it to all the time. Sometimes all you can do is be you, allow, and breathe!

Action Steps: 1. Whenever you are feeling discomfort, ask yourself, “What is happening now?” The answer may be “I’m mad that I can’t go to the party tonight” or “David never called me back.”

2. Simply sit still for a moment and see if you can be with what is by breathing deeply into your belly, feeling your fingers and toes, (grounding and getting present) and noticing–the moment, your surroundings, your senses. Ground yourself into this moment by observing that this is where you are now. Likely safe, likely fed. Probably warm. Alive. And that you have the power in you to find peace in any situation. You’ll learn more about this in the section called “Find Peace.”

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A L L O W...

Deep breathing was great.. I was little bit uncomfortable to concentrate at the thought .. but yes I found peace!

Action Steps:

1. Once you have practiced the step of allowing in your life, and you know how it feels in your body and have seen how much freedom it provides you, then you can acknowledge the impact this circumstance has had on your life and acknowledge your own feelings Then it’s time to do something that will help you release your feeling of disappointment or grief–rest, talk to a friend, or go for a run.

2. Decide what outcome you would like. Be clear about this.

3. Practice acceptance by finding actions with which you can move ahead.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A C C E P T...

We all need to accept life the way it is. We can only change things around when we accept the present, the life, the reality. I am checking out the wikihow article 

  1. Begin to notice your thoughts. You can do this by first grounding yourself using the breath work you’ve learned here. You can also stop and notice. And as you notice your senses, notice your mind–what is it sharing with you? What is it judging? What is it fired up about? Tuning into your thoughts takes some practice and is a little like finding a clear channel on a staticky radio. Slow down and really listen, then get to know the voice of your inner self. What’s it telling you about what’s happening?
  2.  Another way to notice your thoughts is by going in the “back door” and figuring out what you’re feeling. From there, you can do some detective work and see what thought may be creating the emotion. For example, I’m feeling panicky. Once you can identify the emotion, see if you can look to the area of your life that you think the panic may be related to.
  3. Once you can begin to do these steps with more regularity, you will begin to notice your own thoughts more clearly and easily. And, from here, a world of possibilities opens to you. You can let go of your thoughts and “lose” the story, or change the story, or even just simply notice it, which gives you infinitely more power than you had when it was beyond your awareness and you were living, instead, in unconscious reaction to it.
  4. Put your thoughts through the Self Coaching 101 model created by Life Coach Brooke Castillo, to see how your stories create the life you are living.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

This is a complicated procedure. Only those with brave hearts got the guts to ransack the troublesome emotions and judge them. Moments when I see people giving up and failing in life breaks my heart.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

I have also checked the 101 self coaching video on youtube. It is interesting but the difficiult part was to not to get bothered by the thoughts and analysing them.

Action Steps:

1. For five minutes a day, bring your awareness to whatever it is that you are feeling in that given moment. This alone is a step that takes some practice. We are not used to asking ourselves “What am I feeling now?” and then noticing. Sometimes words will come up; often, you will notice sensations in your body, like tension across your shoulder blades or throbbing at the back of your head.

2. Next, simply “be with” the emotion or feeling of discomfort in your body by allowing (see Allow above) the emotion to be present, and breathing into it. You become a clear channel for the emotion to pass through.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

I closed my eyes.. after a tiring day I could only feel the paining shoulders and back. As a minute passed by, I felt the wind, some music and PEACE! 

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

As I started to notice, it a bunch of feeling emotions. Initially it was all the worries that I try to put aside. May because it is the first time, so I could concentrate and surface anything positive. 

Will give it another try tomorrow.

Action Steps:

1. To bring yourself back to the moment, practice the step of noticing. Settle down, feeling your fingers and toes, letting your tongue float in your mouth, and breathing deeply. Begin noticing your surroundings and allowing your feelings to be present and also to pass.

2. With your eyes closed, look down into the inside of your cheeks, and let your vision continue to travel down to your jaw, down your throat, and into your chest.

3. Breathe into the energy of your heart. Notice the space around your heart. Continue breathing into and out of your heart, with your vision turned inward. Rest there for a moment.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.



  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I won't say these action steps bring peace, but it guides the way to do so. I felt relaxed - breathing energy, as my vision floated. These days it is hard to find peace. Worse than that, we think of finding money and not peace.

Think of something nice or relaxing for a few minutes. You could also think of things that are unrelated to your work. Of course, you need to choose your timing for this since you don’t want to phase out at inappropriate moments.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

This is something I am missing badly. I wish if I can take a couple of days off and just go on a hike!

Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

I was having a very busy schedule for last few weeks. So, I desperately needed a break as well as a mind break. I am planning to go hike. 

Far from chaos, suffering and peace, I may get back to life.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

Relaxed! This Christmas, I attended the Christmas Party but I had my Monday off so relaxing and enjoying post christmas beauty! Love it! 

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

There are 5 ways to take a mind break. No matter how I do it, it is important that I do it. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

Today, I saw an EPP. This was my first time in some major surgical procedure. I was overwhelmed. I had to give myself a break. As soon I got back from my shift I just took a warm shower, played soft music and tried to sleep. It was hard!

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

Oh, I was too tired and then I had to cook, get the laundry done and so many things to do. I got hold up at my kid's school. I got anxous. So I laid my head back, put a cushion back and closed my eyes. Oooo...I forgot I set a 10-minutes alarm. I recalled those moments when me and my daughters had a kitty party. My kitten purred all around me for a snack. The alarm rang and I found I was even asleep. Now I was feeling so good.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

Being in a medical profession this is a very practical and effective tactic that we apply in our daily life. For a break, I actually play with my pets. It energizes me.

Schedule 30-45 minutes of gym time, 3 times a week to provide you with optimum results. If you’re too busy to go to the gym or jog, you can do the following:

  • Take the stairs whenever you can.
  • Avoid sitting as much as possible.
  • Walk whenever the chance presents itself.
  • Do jumping jacks or squats or stretches when on a break from work.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

This is something that I am doing regularly. It's great I can feel all the positive changes in me. My appetite has improved. I am more active and strong.. and so I am emotionally and mentally strong.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

It doesn't matter if I ran or walk, all it matters how much sweat I shed.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

There are few exercise that can reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Here, has it covered.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

I haven't take the previous images, but I see a big difference.. no fat. Pretty toned........ Now getting free of anxiety and depression made me look good!

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

Much more flexible and better able to handle my anxiety.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

Doing it 4 times every week for 30 minutes.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

Worked out for 30 minuntes today.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Doing jumping jack and squats for 3 days. Rest of the days I am sticking to my yoga.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I have always been a calm and cmposed yoga lover but I think at times I too need some adrenaline rush! Today, as I tried some jumping jacks I found myself totally out of breath. I feel I lost my stamina not active and may be that's why I get so easily anxious! 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

I missed out working out this week. To make up for it I parked my car at the other end of the parking lot and walked all my way to my workplace. I also skipped elevators whenver I could. 

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Exercise

I am not siure if it is good to walk after lunch, but I went for a walk otherwise I would have slept for hours. I am just losing my momentum these days.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

I can't work out every day. So, I decided to take the stairs 4 times daily. Once when I get to work and to my apartment which are respectively on 7th and 5th floor. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

I never exercise, but at least I will avoid sitting down for hours as I used to do.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Meditation didn't help me much with my anxiety level. Like yes, it is low but not totally rid. I understand and accept I spend too much of time sitting down..

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Exercise

I stretch, do 2 sets of jumping jacks, squats every morning. It keeps me in form for the rest of the day.

Having a properly functioning body is also great for dealing with stress. The only thing remaining after exercise would be healthy food.

For sugar rush, you can turn to fruits and juices or even dark chocolate with over 70% cocoa content. For caffeine, you can drink tea or drink black coffee with coconut sugar or Agave syrup.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

You are what you eat...That is why I prefer eating organic and fresh food like vegetables and fruits. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

A few things that I have included in my diet are almonds, blueberries and whole grains. There are more to it. Check out the detailed article on this.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

A few things that I have included in my diet are almonds, blueberries and whole grains. There are more to it. Check out the detailed article on this.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I avoid caffiene, alcohol, and even too much of spice. Blant food may taste blant but that definitely keeps me stressfree for the rest of the day. And at least I am eating healthy.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

Lots of fruits and vegetables in my daily diet. Nowadays, I stay vegan for 4 days every week. I think I have never been so positive before.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

I am on a raw food diet now! Organic and healthy.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Eating lots of fruits, vegetable, less oily things and drinking lots of water.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Eat Healthy

I developed some gastric problems because I used to skip my breakfast. There was a gap of 12 hours between my last and first meal of the day. But now, I eat even if it is just a boiled egg and a glass of fruit juice or bowl of oats and tea. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

It is not always possible for me to eat healthy, but I try to. I don't drink coffee or sodas. Sometime, I do have to eat out ... then I really can't put a control on the fat. 

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I love the unhealthy stuffs way too much. But, I do my best to avoid the bad fat, red meat but I really can't live without coffee. I would try the coconut sugar with it now. I never tried it so far.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Eat Healthy

I just waved goodbye to caffiene and fats today. Heard they are not good for health in longrun. May I get some energy now. I am sick and tired of being depressed and anxious.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Eat Healthy

I have lots of fruits and vegetables in my daily meal. 


Adam Health care

Acceptance is a big thing - if we can't accept the basic compliments how can we accept the hardships life bring us. I love getting compliments as it boosts my spirits.

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Adam Health care

Finally, I have got my habit of skipping breakfast corrected. It's been a month or so I have been eatnig a heavy breakfast - and honestly I have better energy levels and healthier. I feel there has been some changes in my stress levels.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Exercise

This is something that I am doing regularly. It's great I can feel all the positive changes in me. My appetite has improved. I am more active and strong.. and so I am emotionally and mentally strong.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Gosh. This is so true. No matter how much you earn but when you know that you have a good ssavings your approach towards life changes I see myself when a year back I was more of a person who was struggling to do something in life but now I feel much more in control of my life. Because I save the little for the last few months.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

This was the one last thing that I did before going to bed. I think it really helped me destress. 

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Adam Health care

Me time is so important. Though Ilive alone but I could never relax myself. Life has been stressful for the last 2 years. Today, I somehow managed to get three hours and I swiitched off my phone, emails, took a hot shower and then took a nap. I couldn't think of anything fancier. Well, I feel much better now.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Around 10 year back due to an unexpect health issue, I lost all my savings, in fact had to take some loans. I didnt have any medical insurance that time. To be honest, I didn't save properly that time. It took me 3-4 years to get over my healthy issues. Then I started working again and paid my debt. I am also saving money - now I know it's important.

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Adam Health care

Trying to speak French these days - it is my new hobby.

I learnt Je vous remercie (thank you), Bonjour (we all know - good morning), fille (girl), je t'aime ( I love you). It is tough yet fun.


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Adam Health care

A good heavy breakfast is a must for me - with oatmeal, two eggs, some steamed veggies, and a cup of green tea.. It is just perfect. For the rest of the day I am on no-carb light salads. I actually feel quite healthy. 

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

In the last few months, I saved around three thousand dollars. I am going to invest it in fulfilling my dreams. Knowing that I have a decent amount of savings has changed my outlook and I am not feel much pressure on mysself. 

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

This is a complicated procedure. Only those with brave hearts got the guts to ransack the troublesome emotions and judge them. Moments when I see people giving up and failing in life breaks my heart.

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Adam Health care

I have oats in breakfast, but there is no surety as I am often working. I work in rotational shifts so I have keep my diet pretty flexible and mostly on a day's count.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Take a Mind-Break

This is something I am missing badly. I wish if I can take a couple of days off and just go on a hike!

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Adam Health care

Today, when I looked back I saw a young boy who was teased often for being emotional. A boy who was shattered for not being like others. At present, I feel proud that I was emotional. When my felllow peers took up basketball, I took up volunteering service.. I am proud I did so. Today, when my peers are frustrasted and taking pills for combating depression I am here happy and satisfied that I have found my true purpose and following. I feel accomplished and proud of my decisions.

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Adam Health care

There are a few days in a month when even alone time can only give pain. Otherwise, I am good at being with myself.

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Adam Health care

Taking lots of pictures these days.. of birds, puppies, cats, babies. Feel so happy :)

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Adam Health care

After a long time, I got a day off today. I planned to get some of my household chores done. Then to go to a friend's place and hangout a little.

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Adam Health care

Right! I would keep that in mind. Sometime, somethings are not in our hand! 

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Adam Health care

That's crazy for me! I better go for a morning run!

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Adam Health care

I prefer green tea leaves. Not much happy with the tea bags - I don't find them strong. I used to have green tea earlier as well. But honey is the new sweet addition. Loving it.

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