Add New Tasks to your List in Order of Importance

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Start With the Important

Timing:When you Day


If you are working at a job that provides you with a number of tasks every day then you should know how to add new tasks. Consider the due date of each new project and then organize them based on the importance of the task.

This will allow you to accomplish everything the right way and it’s also going to ensure that you don’t miss anything. You don’t want to miss out on a deadline or skip over an important task.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

As I fix the deadline of the task I am currently involved in, I plan what else I should be doing next. This put me under pressure to finish the job-in-hand right on time. 

I am happy with this - now I am able to finish task and not ending up wasting time doing nothing.

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