Ingest something that will benefit you: supplements, a greens powder, or a shot of wheatgrass.

In Jose Taylor's plan
Goal: Boost Your Health in 5 Minutes

Timing:1 times per Day


If you know there are some supplements or green drinks you could/ should be taking, but you keep forgetting, make it a habit to take them every day. If you’re taking supplements, you can put the jars near your toothpaste so you see them every morning, or near your coffee machine, or in plain sight on your counter. For the greens powder or wheatgrass, put a cup somewhere that you’ll see every morning, and designate it for the drink or shot. When you see the cup, you’ll be reminded to get to action.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Copied from: Ingest something that will benefit you: supplements, a greens powder, or a shot of wheatgrass.
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