Stay Focused, But Flexible

In Bill N.'s plan


This sounds like an assignment for a contortionist. Focused 
and flexible? Aren’t they opposites? 
Let me put it this way. We all know the shortest distance 
between two points is… usually under construction. That’s right. 
The theoretical straight line does not exist in real life. 
We are challenged to keep our goals and priorities clearly in 
focus, while remaining flexible enough to accommodate the 
inevitable surprises. At times life resembles a game of “Twister.” 
That’s why humor is so valuable. 
Balance is the issue. If focus overrides flexibility, we become 
stubborn, rigid and bull-headed. If flexibility eclipses focus, we are 
left aimless and vulnerable. Humor helps us avoid these extremes. 
When it comes to flexibility, your humor nature offers a 
win/win situation. Flexibility stimulates your sense of humor and 
humor will keep you more flexible. 
If you are having trouble with this seemingly oxymoronic 
“commandment,” here’s an exercise that might help: 


Exercise #8: 
Keep humor props with you at all times. Props are very 
helpful in keeping focus and perspective. 
For example, one prop I find indispensable in rush hour 
traffic is my red clown nose. When caught in a “logjam”, I put on 
the nose and wave to people in the other cars. 
Incidentally, if you should ever want to try this, I will warn 
you right now that half the people who see you do this won’t like it. 
They’ll look away quickly, so as not to encourage you at all. But the 
other 50 percent love it. They laugh, wave, and tell me I’m #1 - at 
least I think that’s what that finger means. 
The point is that, regardless of the effect it has on others, 
the prop helps me stay focused on the big picture, which keeps the 
small frustrations in perspective

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Read these lines somewhere:

"Love Fiercely, be flexible in the manifestation.
Create Fiercely, flex with the flow.
Live Fiercely, be flexible on the path.
Journey Fiercely, be flexible about the destination.

Fierce can be a mother’s love, an artist’s work, and a warrior’s heart.
We embody all.

To be fierce and flexible is to be totally alive, to experience the full range of human emotion…to be powerful enough to stand in the light of our own humanity and divinity.

Fierce knows no age, it flexes with time and maturity.
Fierce knows no gender, no race, no weight, no limits.

Be fierce and flexible, and you will be free."

And honestly am touched....

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Lisa Smith 1766978

A flexible mind is a happy mind. With a rigid mind we tend to see ourselves as a victim and keep ourselves surrounded by the old past and old same.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Am a trainee staff of the store. Standing for the whole with a smile glued to my face. My cheeks are paining. Ohhhhh.. But jolly good. I have to begin somewhere. And this is my first day............... I will keep my eyes fixed and spirits high..

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I got the job....... This is awesome. I would be joining from monday. I am so excited but yes I would be focused... I am just so happy. :)

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Lisa Smith 1766978

While I am focused on my goal, I am also very specific about being sympathic and passionate person. There is seriously no alternative to it. . .

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I am focused on my goal while moving towards it I need to be flexible too. They are contrary at times. It’s hard to strike a equilibrium between them. But at last, I am able to be.

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