Improve Employee Management

In Lewis C's plan
Goal: Improve Productivity

Timing:When you need to improve the productivity.


Create workplace environment

1. Make each employee’s anniversary with your company an achievement and a special occasion. When employee anniversaries are celebrated, coworkers are excited and overall employee morale is boosted. Employee happiness is critical to the success of your business.

2. Employee motivation, a path for growth, and a flexible family work environment also build the strength of a small, family-oriented company.

3. Turnover is not necessary a bad thing. So it is important to get the bad employees out of the company so that they do not destroy your company.

4. An employee handbook is one of the first introductions that an employee will have to the general policies and procedures in a company. Make sure your employee handbook gives clear and precise guidelines on expectations from your employees. Most large companies or businesses should have an employee management committee or a human resources department.

Improve Employees’ Productivity

1. Ensure adequate new employee orientation.

2. Provide meaningful feedback.

3. Provide your employees adequate tools to perform their jobs.

4. Train employees on a safe work environment.

5. Design employee incentives.

6. Keep employees and managers accountable.

7. Identify areas that need improvement.

8. Identify areas for employee advancement.

9. Keep your employees informed and educated about new products.

10. Share performance data.

11. Allow some flexibility with work hours.

12. Train employees on how to handle difficult customers.

13. Invest in formal training programs.

14. Model the behavior you want to see in your employees.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Your Entries:
Lewis C Dsafsf

Yes, I need to train my team on interacting with clients. So important for I myself cannot be everywhere so I need to have my others hands. Thinking to take a few mock sessions as well. I will get an idea how they are going to perform before they hit the pitch. 

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