Identify the bad habits

Course: Mindset - Time for Change: Secrets reveal ways to help create good habits

Goal: Get rid of bad Habits

The first step to start making some changes in your habits is to constantly be aware of them. This means to be here and now and keep the track of what we do at the moment and be mindful not to do it automatically. To accomplish this, it may be very difficult and it takes a lot of practice. But doing this, you will be able to detect the bad, unnecessary habits and begin to look for causes.

  • Waiting for the future mindset - in the style of thinking "I'll change when timing is good or favorable..." is one of the bad habits that are the easiest to acquire. It is problematic because it puts too much emphasis on the circumstances.
  • Playing the victim mindset – there are people who tend to function from this perspective that life is always difficult and beyond their control, thus feeding a sense of helplessness, and so they do not make effort to do anything to feel better. Unfortunate event do happen to everyone sometimes, but it is also important not to let this setback affect your life. You will have control over your life and destiny as long as you are willing to do something about it.
  • Pessimism mindset - in addition to causing resentment, the problem is that pessimism can sometimes become self-fulfilling prophecy: if you expect bad things, it is more likely that they will occur. Pessimistic thoughts are difficult to resolve until you realize that they have no logic. Force yourself to perceive facts as they really are, and you will see that things are not nearly as bad as it seems. Learn to be able get over it, accept the reality and move on. We must learn to turn a problem into opportunity. Problem happens for a reason, this is a platform that will can learn new solution so that the next time we ever encounter the same problem, we will know how to avoid it.
  • Comparison mindset - jealousy and being envious goes hand in hand, so if you are constantly comparing with others, changes for the better will never occur. If you are not currently satisfied with your life, you have to start making the changes gradually on the things you do on a daily basis. Anyway all of us are not born equal, let’s to make the best of everything we do and be grateful for what we can do. You will know your result at the end of the rainbow.
  • Hiding problems mindset – successful people are responsible for their actions. When they make mistake, they admit it. Unsuccessful people perceive problems as a threat and they are trying to hide them. When ignored, their problems only get bigger. This will in turn push us into the mindset of a victim. When face with problem, we must address them up front, look for ways to overcome it. As mentioned, problem come for a reason, it is a way of making us stronger and be able to take on more challenges.
  • Failure to thrive mindset - as they are pessimistic, unsuccessful people feel they often do not have no control over their life, they tend to wait for something to happen instead of taking up the challenge to address it. They do not set goals, do not learn, do not advance and all this time wondering why things never change? Why not be bold about it, find the root cause for the failure, set your goal and most importantly a mindset change and stay focus with lots of commitment to see it till the end. You will be surprise what you can achieve when you put your heart and soul to it. If you recognize some of these indicators in your behavior, it may be time to start looking out for any bad habits and start changing them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.