Mindset - Time for Change: Secrets reveal ways to help create good habits Join Course
Mindset - Time for Change: Secrets reveal ways to help create good habits Join Course
This book also discuss on the most common mistakes we made during the phase of changing habits and 6 easy tips on how to overcome that. How good habits can enrich our life giving us the confidence to take on challenges, current and future ones. Habits play an important role in our everyday life and learning how to implement them successfully will help get the best possible achievement we want. Read this book if you want to have a better control in your life and start accomplishing your goals and targets that you have set for yourself. You will be amazed at the transformation into someone you never thought it is possible

Staci Gade reveals the secrets of changing a bad habit with good one

External url: https://www.amazon.com/Mindset-Change-Secrets-reveal-create-ebook/dp/B01E83Z4AU

Get rid of bad Habits
Replace the Habit

The first step to start making some changes in your habits is to constantly be aware of them. This means to be here and now and keep the track of what we do at the moment and be mindful not to do it automatically. To accomplish this, it may be very difficult and it takes a lot of practice. But doing this, you will be able to detect the bad, unnecessary habits and begin to look for causes.

  • Waiting for the future mindset - in the style of thinking "I'll change when timing is good or favorable..." is one of the bad habits that are the easiest to acquire. It is problematic because it puts too much emphasis on the circumstances.
  • Playing the victim mindset – there are people who tend to function from this perspective that life is always difficult and beyond their control, thus feeding a sense of helplessness, and so they do not make effort to do anything to feel better. Unfortunate event do happen to everyone sometimes, but it is also important not to let this setback affect your life. You will have control over your life and destiny as long as you are willing to do something about it.
  • Pessimism mindset - in addition to causing resentment, the problem is that pessimism can sometimes become self-fulfilling prophecy: if you expect bad things, it is more likely that they will occur. Pessimistic thoughts are difficult to resolve until you realize that they have no logic. Force yourself to perceive facts as they really are, and you will see that things are not nearly as bad as it seems. Learn to be able get over it, accept the reality and move on. We must learn to turn a problem into opportunity. Problem happens for a reason, this is a platform that will can learn new solution so that the next time we ever encounter the same problem, we will know how to avoid it.
  • Comparison mindset - jealousy and being envious goes hand in hand, so if you are constantly comparing with others, changes for the better will never occur. If you are not currently satisfied with your life, you have to start making the changes gradually on the things you do on a daily basis. Anyway all of us are not born equal, let’s to make the best of everything we do and be grateful for what we can do. You will know your result at the end of the rainbow.
  • Hiding problems mindset – successful people are responsible for their actions. When they make mistake, they admit it. Unsuccessful people perceive problems as a threat and they are trying to hide them. When ignored, their problems only get bigger. This will in turn push us into the mindset of a victim. When face with problem, we must address them up front, look for ways to overcome it. As mentioned, problem come for a reason, it is a way of making us stronger and be able to take on more challenges.
  • Failure to thrive mindset - as they are pessimistic, unsuccessful people feel they often do not have no control over their life, they tend to wait for something to happen instead of taking up the challenge to address it. They do not set goals, do not learn, do not advance and all this time wondering why things never change? Why not be bold about it, find the root cause for the failure, set your goal and most importantly a mindset change and stay focus with lots of commitment to see it till the end. You will be surprise what you can achieve when you put your heart and soul to it. If you recognize some of these indicators in your behavior, it may be time to start looking out for any bad habits and start changing them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

You can only change what and when you decide you want to change. Here we emphasize the importance of commitment as a necessary first step. If you do not realize what this problem is, you will not do much in the direction of changing your behavior for better. You have to be honest with yourself regarding bad habits you have, otherwise you will not go in the right direction when it comes to their removal. You can start writing down those things you want to change, and some of these information you can collect from the closest people. For example, how often you late usually, whether you overeat, whether you are lying etc. In order to increase your own motivation an open dialogue with people with whom you live can help. They will tell you the most acute characteristics of yourself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have changed myself a lot. I have overcome several problems, but I still have one problem. I think a lot mostly negative things. I need to change that now. I am sick and tired of my mind.

For example, the issue of smoking or excessive consumption of food: perhaps you lack some interesting content and activities to improve your mood and to replace the existing bad habits. For some people this represents facing with their own boredom or the apathy and dissatisfaction, which is compensated in this way. Activate yourself in those things that you like, and connect with others. Some of bad habits just make us feel good, and are therefore repeated. Seek for yourself the replacement that is medically or socially acceptable.

Some of our bad habits provide us with temporarily freedom from stress. Some of their causes are actually in a social setting. If your friends do not point to the fact that you are constantly late, you will never know the reason why should you change. These habits are going to find their reinforcement in the social environment. For example, a person who is late for a meeting becomes loaded with colleague’s information about what she had missed so far, thus getting her five minutes of attention and reinforcement to continue with such dramatic entry and delay.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I just don't know - am not an early riser. I am often late because of this reason. I  just cant get it right or find a reason why I still can't give up on it.

Lisa Smith 1766978

No not sure about the reason and what holding me back. No one is able to figure that out .. but I think whenever I am alone I end up doing this.. Its like my mind need to do some work.. Messed up!

You've built your bad habits for years - so do not expect them to be solve overnight. Create a reasonable schedule based on the goals that you believe you can accomplish in one week, for example. Setting overambitious goals and then failure in them in a moment of disappointment may convince you to take this as the evidence that it is "impossible" to achieve any change! And this can eventually fall into the self-pity victim mode. If you chronically late for 20 - 30 minutes to each of your meetings, set a goal of setting out early say one hour earlier so that if you ever late by 30 minutes again, at least you are still early by 30 minutes. (It will definitely create a surprise reaction instead of annoying other people.) Instead of late by half an hour, this time you will definitely be early by half an hour, and definitely it is a good change for the start!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Lisa Smith 1766978

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." 

I want to help people fight depression. I used to have chronic depression. I took medications but didn't help much then I turned towards alternative treatments and spiritual healing! 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Yeah! I am running late these days and also procrastinating things!

If you want to reach your ultimate goal, you need to have insight about how well you progress, or how well you are successful in accomplishment of smaller goals that you set for the start. This means that it is advisable to identify and put in place smaller steps. After a few days of continual success, give yourself a small reward to boost your moral. Go for a movie, buy something you fancy, in other word, make yourself happy... Do not forget to verbally praise yourself for the invested effort, especially when you accomplish one of the desired goal. This will help to raise motivation and makes you feel good.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Lisa Smith 1766978

Sometimes, it feels like why did I even try but then I feel that life is not about the destination but the journey. In these years, I have chenged for better but I never realised that. When Iactually went through my old journals I noticed. What I were on 7/8/2015 and now are two different beings - so much of changes and I didn'tfail. I have improved.

Lisa Smith 1766978

These small things act as great self motivation. But when I fail I also make sure to deprive myself from something, so that I don't repeat my mistakes. Sometimes, I feel like a kid. 

Step 1:   Consciousness

You need to find some starters, to speak, the trigger point of these bad habits. Take for example, you are lazy and messy and your kitchen sink is always filled with dirty dishes. These triggers are cunning and they can take your progress back to zero, but there is a very simple way, and it’s so easy to get rid of them.

Make a list of your problem, their triggers and the solutions. Setting your mindset for the change is very important whether you will be successful in keeping you away from undesirable temptation.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

It took me time, even to realise but finally I am able to recognize my bad habits or unproductive ones. I have successfully changed some. But some more are left. Failing at them. 

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

I am procrastinating my tasks. May be I need to prepare a report. Just because I feel it's boring I am postponing it to the last minute then staying up whole night rubbing my eyes preparing one! I understand it's bad, I just don't find the will to do it!

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

I am ready with a pen and paper to analyze my bad habits and its triggers.

Step 2: Replacement

Now that you know your bad habits, it is time to replace them with good ones. Put the good habits that you want to replace on your list of problems i.e. bad habits. You will need to take action to achieve replacing with good habits.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Step 3: Time management

It takes, on average, a time frame period of 21 days to develop a habit. Again, 21 days in a row. You will not achieve anything if you only do it for the first three days, return to your old habit on the fourth day and then back to the new habit on the fifth day onwards. This causes a break in momentum and thus will not be effective.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Sometime some habits need much more than 21 days. Sometime even a month is not enough to change a habit. It has been a tough ourney for me - I changed some bad ones, failed at some. Sometimes, it is just to frustrating. 

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Consistence is the key to adopt changes. Whenver, I fail once and break the chain, I start over again.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Rome wasn't built in a day.. So I can never expect to adapt a good habit in a day..

I am working to make it happen getting rid of my bad habits.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Acceptance needs time.. It even took me 2 years to accept ...but it did.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

It actually takes time to change or adapt a new habit. For me, it was tough to practice yoga! But, yes I did it forcefully for month then it happened as if it was meant to..


1. Trying to change more habits at the same time. This is probably the most common mistake.

Change one habit at a time. Embrace patience in order to change your life.

2. We do not give enough time for new habit to be fully adopted.

Allow yourself 60-90 days to adopt new habits or replace old bad habits.

3. Restoration of the old bad habit because of a sense of comfort.

Remind yourself of all the negativities that the old habit create and the benefits the change will bring. Determination and commitment are all that you need to overcome fear or sense of comfort.

4. Targeting perfection instead of improving.

Perfection is impossible. Remind yourself that you are not a superman each time you are tempted to give up. it is important to put in effort for the change. There may be a little loss or rhythm but you can still do make some improvement.

5. Replacing an old habit with a new one is better than removing one and creating a vacant space.

All the habits have or used to have a function in a perdon's life. When they are eliminated from the behavior, an unfulfilled space is let behind. This empty space  will eventually seek for fulfillment and unless you fill it with a new and good habit, otherwise it may find a similar behavior as per you previous bad habit and even return to your old habit.

6. learn from your own mistakes and others success

It is important to grow and prosper in life continuously, which require changes in old patterns, habits,  and behaviors. It is not easy. Avoid the most common mistakes to facilitate changing destructive habits. But you have to be patient and persistent. Learn from the mistakes of others. Why should you repeat other's mistake when you can avoid them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I had a bad habit of morning tea on empty stomach. I was taking a toll on my health. That was 3 years back. Now, I take healthy detoxifying drink that has improved my skin and health both. So, yes. One habit changed - mission successful. 

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am too much impatient. I am probably not giving enough time to my new habits.

  • Life is a game

To a successful person, they take real life as a game everyone plays. Successful people realize this fact and they set priorities to organize their time better. This life strategy opens up a space for personal growth and creativity. This helps them to not to perceive reality too seriously. It helps in increasing confidence.

  • Speaking the truth

They speak what's on their mind without the fear of condemnation. They are brave enough to think loud which helps in creating a positive mindset.

  • They transform difficulties into opportunities

Successful people go through their fear to become emotionally stronger. It is important to look for opportunities in problems. If you do this regularly, you will attract more opportunities.

  • Act in accordance to their wishes.

Don't waste time dreaming. Taking necessary measures in accordance with your wishes. They don't procrastinate to enter in relationship, or to invest money in something. They realize it is necessary to perform all the way until the door is opened.

  • Live the life they want.

They are not familiar with plan B. They know what they want and go through all the way to make their dream a reality. They try not to complain about the lack of money, love, success and joy in their lives. Regardless of personal and environmental conditions they are trying to keep the faith in a good future. They simply live the life they have imagined. Dare to Dream, Dare to take Action. You are always closer to your dream if you set your mind to accomplishing small goals.

  • They feel they deserve the best

There is always this inner beliefs these people deserve being the best in this world which help to forget most fear and at the same time to raising their standard. Anyway, they only associate with people who will treat them with respect. They know that they are worth it, and accept only the best in life. It usually affects the type of people they are attracted to, the financial success and the level of health they have.

  • Making their own rules

Rules can be helpful, especially when they are here to protect your own security. There is a nice saying: "The rules are meant to be broken." Successful people are trying to go against the tide and make their own rules, for which they believe  will give them the freedom and opportunity to improve their lives. Furthermore, they set the rules in their minds, following them until they reach their goal.

  • They are not afraid to ask for what they want

Many of us are afraid to ask. We are afraid to ask for help, we have a fear of asking for a raise, we are afraid to ask for money and so on. This is common and unexpected behavior that makes people look weak and unsafe. Successful people are connected to their passions and express their needs without guilt, fear and shame. When they ask someone for something, they focus and expect a positive outcome. If you don’t ask you will never get an answer. Go ahead and ask your boss the pay raise.

  • They have mentors.

Successful people like to have teachers and mentors to learn something new and move in right direction.

  • They feel comfortable.

 Many people often start to do something and refuse to move forward for the fear of rejection, failure or a broken ego. The process of leaving the comfort zone is a difficult thing. Successful people feel comfortable even when they are embarrassed. Despite all the problems and matters they may feel uncomfortable  about they focus on they focus on the positive moments.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I see. Probably, I am not being comfortable with the task! But how to be comfortable? I am just getting confused - getting a headache!! OOOOh! Please help!

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Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

It took me time, even to realise but finally I am able to recognize my bad habits or unproductive ones. I have successfully changed some. But some more are left. Failing at them. 

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Sometime some habits need much more than 21 days. Sometime even a month is not enough to change a habit. It has been a tough ourney for me - I changed some bad ones, failed at some. Sometimes, it is just to frustrating. 

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Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I just don't know - am not an early riser. I am often late because of this reason. I  just cant get it right or find a reason why I still can't give up on it.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Sometimes, it feels like why did I even try but then I feel that life is not about the destination but the journey. In these years, I have chenged for better but I never realised that. When Iactually went through my old journals I noticed. What I were on 7/8/2015 and now are two different beings - so much of changes and I didn'tfail. I have improved.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I had a bad habit of morning tea on empty stomach. I was taking a toll on my health. That was 3 years back. Now, I take healthy detoxifying drink that has improved my skin and health both. So, yes. One habit changed - mission successful. 

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Lisa Smith 1766978

These small things act as great self motivation. But when I fail I also make sure to deprive myself from something, so that I don't repeat my mistakes. Sometimes, I feel like a kid. 

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Consistence is the key to adopt changes. Whenver, I fail once and break the chain, I start over again.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." 

I want to help people fight depression. I used to have chronic depression. I took medications but didn't help much then I turned towards alternative treatments and spiritual healing! 


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Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I see. Probably, I am not being comfortable with the task! But how to be comfortable? I am just getting confused - getting a headache!! OOOOh! Please help!

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

I am procrastinating my tasks. May be I need to prepare a report. Just because I feel it's boring I am postponing it to the last minute then staying up whole night rubbing my eyes preparing one! I understand it's bad, I just don't find the will to do it!

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Yeah! I am running late these days and also procrastinating things!

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Rome wasn't built in a day.. So I can never expect to adapt a good habit in a day..

I am working to make it happen getting rid of my bad habits.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I am too much impatient. I am probably not giving enough time to my new habits.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

Acceptance needs time.. It even took me 2 years to accept ...but it did.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 1: Consciousness

I am ready with a pen and paper to analyze my bad habits and its triggers.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Step 3: Give it time.

It actually takes time to change or adapt a new habit. For me, it was tough to practice yoga! But, yes I did it forcefully for month then it happened as if it was meant to..

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Lisa Smith 1766978

No not sure about the reason and what holding me back. No one is able to figure that out .. but I think whenever I am alone I end up doing this.. Its like my mind need to do some work.. Messed up!

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I have changed myself a lot. I have overcome several problems, but I still have one problem. I think a lot mostly negative things. I need to change that now. I am sick and tired of my mind.

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Lisa Smith
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