Hack Twenty-Two: Create

In Lisa Smith's plan
Goal: Feel Better Now

Timing:When you are feeling down.


Do something creative. Small acts of creation can yield amazing boosts of accomplishment, inspiration and well-being.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Copied from: Hack Twenty-Two: Create
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Sara Young Cddd

I was feeling down this Christmas. I had twisted leg, I slipped over the front door. I don't know how. I was supposed to go see my family.. but I was asked to absolute bedrest. I intended that my hubby and my daughter visits granny even if I can. Offcourse, we caught up over skype and all but still.


Anyways, I then thought of creating something but I couldn't go anywhere. So I found some cotton, a pair or socks, scissors, threads inside my bedside table and I ended up making a couple of snowmen.. It was a nice christmas decor.. My daughter loved it as she returned home and now they rest on the shelves in my daughter's room! Yeah! Creating something new made me really happy.

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