Timing:When you wake up.
By getting yourself moving you can boost your heart rate, making it easier to keep from falling back to sleep.
Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.
I have always failed at it. I think I neve gave it my best shot - but enough is enough. I will be up at 6 am from now.
A brilliant way to prevent my eyes from shutting down!
I remember I have been bullied around in my high school for being weak. I never participated in any sports even.. (never got selcted in the team). So this morning routine has helped me alot. I am working out and I actually look good. I feel confident to go and talk to the girls as well.
Gaining strength - it's what I wanted to do!
It really works like a miracle. Hope it works even in the fall.
It is taking me less effort to get going and not to fall asleep. I in fact feel so energized and active.16 days more to go...
There was a time, when no alarm to wake me up and now the same guy is showing up way too early. I was depressed, but things are changing for good ... and yes as soon the alarm rings I don't stay on the bed. I did hit the door couple of times but that is still okay. A hard blow that wakes me up is still appreciated!
I have kept my alarm at the other end my room - so I actually have to walk down the walk to silent it. Next to it, is my washroom. I go and get a cold splash and I am awake.
I have this problem to stay awake. Always tend fall asleep. After this activity, I could easily get to my normal morning routine without feeling tired or sleepy.
Much more flexible! It has also improved my stamina.. Not that old anymore!
I do light low-intensity work outs.
Though I generally love sit back on the couck with a cup of coffee, but I think that is where I was going wrong. I will stretch for 5 minutes as soon as the alarm rings! I promise to myself.