Timing:When you wake up.
This should be so obvious it doesn’t need mentioning, but it’s easy to setup a habit because you feel you should rather than you really want to. Pick an investment that you’ll be really happy about waking up an hour earlier to work on.
Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.
I used to do painting as a kid. So I have decided to do a bit og workout and then paint ...
Truly inspiring!! I wanna paint something like this but totally out of practice.
Writing something on my journey so far..
I tried planting tomato with the tomato slices, scallions, carrots! They turned out so well - really happy with my organic garden!
Oops! Sorry I never shared what I have intended to do in clear words. But I have been pretty skinny, I used to avoid going out even.. However, I have never been an obese person. I decide to stop being introvert and work on my physical look as well as my confidence level. I started with workout, dietery changes and I have gained 10 pounds in last few weeks.
I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato...
Got some help from youtube !!
I started doing a bit of gardening now as well. Loved to set up small garden in my backyard.