
Course: How To Deal With Negative Opinions About Yourself

Goal: Deal With Negative Opinions About Yourself

Timing:When you face a negative opinion.


Sometimes you’ll enter in some kind of relationships with people talking bad about you. If you’re a popular guy and receive a lot of media attention. They will just talk bad about you. This is what they’re hired to do, in fact. You don’t have any other alternative than to forgive them.

Forgiveness is not easy. Especially when the inflicted hurting is occurring frequently and steadily. But it is rewarding.

Everything that comes into our life is a reflection of what we are. Everything around you is attracted by you, it is not coming into your life out of the blue. There is no hazard, there are only our wishes and the reflection of them into our lives. Forgiving is the process in which you accept and transform the negative parts in yourself too.


All in all, negative opinions are a reality that you should face. Better do it with honesty and hope. Sometimes those opinions will be just plain lies, sometimes they will be road signs that are making you great service. But they are there in your life for a reason. You might have to learn a lot of things. You’ll have to learn how to forgive, how to master your emotional response, how to direct your focus or how to forgive others and yourself.

Not everybody will like you. And you know what? That’s ok.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.