Tell the Truth

In Dhyana Coburn's plan


This commandment challenges you to live truthfully 
according to your personal priorities and values. What is the purpose 
of your life? Why are you here? Does your daily behavior reflect 
your highest priorities? Or are you trying to be something or someone 
you are not? 
Admittedly these are tough questions, but if you are going 
to rely on the Fun Factor to achieve maximum success, you’ve got 
to be clear on what’s “negotiable” and what’s not. Your humor nature 
will not fabricate on your behalf. Humor always tells the truth, 
which is why it’s so unwelcome in some segments of society. 
So if you are trying to be someone you are not, your humor 
nature will trip you up. It knows and respects you too well to 
misrepresent you. 
Your humor nature is exactly who you are. It is the part of 
you that you did not create. It is the part of you that you will never 
improve upon, because there is no need for improvement. You are 
wonderful just as you are. Why settle for less than your unique 
Be true to yourself. Trust yourself. Get in the habit of asking 
“Am I being honest with myself?” If you are not sure of the answer, 
this exercise will help: 
Exercise #2: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep, relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, any 
problems you’ve been wrestling with. About a dozen relaxing breaths 
should suffice. 
After getting as calm as possible, turn your mind inward 
and look deeply into yourself. Search every nook and cranny of 
your inner awareness, looking carefully for any attitudes, ideas, 
thoughts, or feelings that might be holding tension in you. These 
ideas and feelings usually come under headings like anger, fear, 
resentment, judgment, frustration and impatience. 
If you identify such thoughts or feelings within you, be 
willing to set them outside yourself for the next minute or two. Let 
go of any anger, even if it’s justified. The same for any fear or 
resentment you may find. Let it all go for a moment. 
Then, concentrate on love, peace, joy, compassion, patience 
and hope. Dwell on these thoughts and feelings for a moment. If, 
during this moment, doubt or self criticism creep into your 
awareness, gently set them outsside yourself with the other stress 
inducing thoughts. Give yourself a minute or two of pure 
concentration on the many positive aspects of your joyful nature. 
Complete the exercise by taking one final deep breath in and, as 
you slowly release the breath, gently open your eyes. Stretch both 
arms over your head, and then bring them down before getting up 
from the chair.

Copied from: Tell the Truth
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