Dhyana Coburn



Adhere to the agreemenets

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a smile. Internally, it 
immediately sets good physiology into motion — muscles relax, 
your immune system perks up and you feel a surge of energy. 
Externally, others respond to your smile with encouragement and 
enthusiasm. As comedian Victor Borge once put it, “A smile is the 
shortest distance between two people.” 
All of this takes place even if you don’t feel like smiling. So 
force a smile on your face and keep it there. Just the muscular 
configuration will cause some changes in your favor. As they say in 
twelve-step recovery, it makes sense to “fake it until you make it.” 
Or to paraphrase comedian George Burns, when it comes to smiling, 
“Always be sincere, even if you have to fake it.” 12
Try it right now. Oh, go ahead. Nobody’s watching. Force a 
big smile on your face and hold it. Can you feel that subtle surge of 
energy and confidence inside? It never fails to materialize if you 
hold the smile long enough. 
Here is an exercise that will help you follow this 
commandment. If you are willing to practice this protocol at least 
once a day, I guarantee you will find it easier to smile more often. 
That’s because when you gently stretch your smile muscles, they 
become stronger and more available. Hence smiling takes less effort. 



Exercise #1: 
(1) Raise your eyebrows as high as you can on your forehead. 
Try to touch your hairline with each eyebrow. Hold for a count of 
10, then release. 
(2) Close both eyes as tightly as you can without hurting 
yourself. You want to get your cheeks involved with this maneuver. 
Hold for a count of 10, then release. 
(3) Try to touch your earlobes with the corners of your 
mouth. This should produce the biggest, broadest grin you can 
muster. Count to 10, then release. 
(4) Now try to touch the corners of your mouth underneath 
your chin, producing a huge frown. Hold for 10, then release. 
(5) Gently bring your chin down towards your chest, then 
look up at the ceiling, then slowly bring your chin back down to 
your chest. Look up and down in this fashion for six repetitions. 
(6) Carefully touch your right ear to your right shoulder, 
then your left ear to your left shoulder, and gently stretch your neck 
from side to side six times. Try to bring your ears down to your 
shoulders, rather than raising your shoulders to meet your ears. 
(7) Roll your shoulders in vertical circles, stretching your 13
chest and the muscles between your shoulder blades, for a count of
ten. This should feel like a mini-massage. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Nothing to put on forcefully. No more exercise... Just a smile, natural and vibrant.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Its been 4 days now, I have often glued a smile on my face.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I loved it.. Fake it till you make..

This commandment challenges you to live truthfully 
according to your personal priorities and values. What is the purpose 
of your life? Why are you here? Does your daily behavior reflect 
your highest priorities? Or are you trying to be something or someone 
you are not? 
Admittedly these are tough questions, but if you are going 
to rely on the Fun Factor to achieve maximum success, you’ve got 
to be clear on what’s “negotiable” and what’s not. Your humor nature 
will not fabricate on your behalf. Humor always tells the truth, 
which is why it’s so unwelcome in some segments of society. 
So if you are trying to be someone you are not, your humor 
nature will trip you up. It knows and respects you too well to 
misrepresent you. 
Your humor nature is exactly who you are. It is the part of 
you that you did not create. It is the part of you that you will never 
improve upon, because there is no need for improvement. You are 
wonderful just as you are. Why settle for less than your unique 
Be true to yourself. Trust yourself. Get in the habit of asking 
“Am I being honest with myself?” If you are not sure of the answer, 
this exercise will help: 
Exercise #2: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep, relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, any 
problems you’ve been wrestling with. About a dozen relaxing breaths 
should suffice. 
After getting as calm as possible, turn your mind inward 
and look deeply into yourself. Search every nook and cranny of 
your inner awareness, looking carefully for any attitudes, ideas, 
thoughts, or feelings that might be holding tension in you. These 
ideas and feelings usually come under headings like anger, fear, 
resentment, judgment, frustration and impatience. 
If you identify such thoughts or feelings within you, be 
willing to set them outside yourself for the next minute or two. Let 
go of any anger, even if it’s justified. The same for any fear or 
resentment you may find. Let it all go for a moment. 
Then, concentrate on love, peace, joy, compassion, patience 
and hope. Dwell on these thoughts and feelings for a moment. If, 
during this moment, doubt or self criticism creep into your 
awareness, gently set them outsside yourself with the other stress 
inducing thoughts. Give yourself a minute or two of pure 
concentration on the many positive aspects of your joyful nature. 
Complete the exercise by taking one final deep breath in and, as 
you slowly release the breath, gently open your eyes. Stretch both 
arms over your head, and then bring them down before getting up 
from the chair.

This commandment is not about losing self-respect or 
demeaning ourselves. Just the opposite — it is an act of loving 
kindness. Willingness to laugh at ourselves frees us from the 
restrictions of the unrealistic and unremittingly harsh expectations 
to which we hold ourselves when we are under duress. It gives us 
latitude to appreciate the ever-present inconsistencies and 
contradictions that are part of our makeup. 
Laughing at ourselves helps us recognize the difference 
between perfection and perfectionism. 
Perfection is what we are, and that includes all the 
inconsistencies and shortcomings. You are not perfect, but you are 
perfection because of, not in spite of, your contradictions. 
Perfection is healthy. It includes imperfection. 
Perfectionism, on the other hand, is what we think we should 
be. It is always unhealthy. It is intolerant of imperfection. When we 
are caught up in our perfectionism, we are brittle and inflexible. 
We can be broken down by change. 
So laughing at ourselves is not a form of humiliation. It is a 
way of taking ourselves lightly, while still taking our responsibilities 
seriously. Once we are able to lighten up, we become more creative 
and resourceful. When the going gets tough, the tough lighten up. 
If you are having trouble laughing at yourself, this exercise is 

Exercise #3: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep-relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
of the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, 
any problems you have been wrestling with. 
After approximately a dozen relaxing breaths, let your 
attention focus upon a trait or characteristic of yours that you do 
not like. It can be physical, mental, or social. It doesn’t matter. Just 
make sure it’s something you don’t like about yourself. 
While keeping the “unwanted” trait firmly in mind, try to 
think of a way this characteristic could be amusing. Be playful and 
gentle. Do not be unkind or mean spirited. Simply do what you can 
to see this trait in a more amusing or ridiculous light. 
After a moment, discontinue this thought pattern and simply 
take a few more deep relaxing breaths. End the exercise by taking 
one final deep breath, slowly exhaling as you open your eyes and 
stretch your arms over your head, and then bring them back down. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

It has been a serious week... I don't remember if I have laughed at any of my stupidity.... Atlast instead of taking the lift to 13 th floor I took it to 14th!! Then took the stairs..Dont know what I was thinking

Lisa Smith 1766978

All it takes... just a smile..

Lisa Smith 1766978

Today I am smiling, laughing........... From deep inside my heart, I feel life is too short to spend worrying.... I should smile and laugh and wave goodbye to the "BAD thoughts".........

Lisa Smith 1766978

Back in school, when I made weird excuses and explanations why I didn't study at home... Blah :P

And thinking those I laugh.


Lisa Smith 1766978

OK.... Seems like am always ready for a snap with some quirky action and a smile. . .

Lisa Smith 1766978

The old me started to fading away

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

A clown who makes us laugh is the most kind hearten person. He laughs at himself and also makes us laugh. How to handle situation when I am embarrassed.

Far from a license for mediocrity, this commandment is a 
formula for success. If we are to rise above our fear and pain we 
must have the energy for it. Trying to deny our mistakes and keep 
them hidden from others is a waste of that precious energy. 
As we’ve already observed, we are perfectly imperfect. 
Mistakes are inevitable, but they can be real assets if we are willing 
to learn from them. Acknowledging them freely is the first step in 
turning our perils into pearls. 
What can we learn from mistakes if we’re willing to 
acknowledge them? Of course the most obvious payoff is that they 
teach us what doesn’t work. Being wrong will often alert us to another 
perspective or point of view. Mistakes also force us to develop new 
behaviors and coping styles—expanding our repertoire. Tonight 
Show host Johnny Carson was a master at deliberately “making 
mistakes” in his nightly monologue as a way of exercising his adlibbing 
Learning what doesn’t work, seeing additional perspectives, 
or developing new coping skills are all priceless assets when we are 
going through inevitable changes in our lives. And when it comes 
to expanding repertoires and gaining new perspectives, we have no 
greater resource than humor. 
To practice “welcoming” your mistakes, try this exercise: 
Exercise #4: 
Be like Johnny Carson. Make mistakes on purpose. 
Ask dumb questions. Wear mismatched socks. Push the 
elevator button after it’s already lit. 
I call this deliberate foolishness. Acting in this way provides 
many benefits:

1. You will get used to feeling foolish. It’s an exhilarating feeling. 
2. You will enjoy knowing that others will misjudge you and feel a 
false sense of superiority over you. 
3. Being foolish is a good stress reliever. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Gosh I made some stupid mistakes today.. Don't ask me what.. I smiled at it and let it got and dint let anyone understand how much I got tensed that moment. Just broke the ICE with an "oops - excuse me"

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

No one is perfect... I try hard in certain thins to achieve my dreams, but they just seem to be out of my reach.. I don't know if I allow my certain mistakes how will I be able to live my dreams.

Lisa Smith 1766978

From when I started to let go of my mistakes,..... Ah I think I am not making any mistakes as such. That's a relief. Feel like more confident.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Practicing exercise, looks to me more of a rule that I am bound to follow. Foolishly I just practiced this exercise. And not stressed. I simply made tea.. in place of sugar added salt... :P

Lisa Smith 1766978

Friends, you really helped me with your advices. Now I'm going easy with it. I feel like a bird, hibernating so long.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Should I do mistakes or stupid acts intentionally ??

Lisa Smith 1766978

Back to my childhood... Acknowledging my mistakes "no homework done" or "I forgot" were the most common.. But I feel good about it now.. :)

The most difficult thing to do when we are faced with 
stressful challenges is to listen very carefully. Yet it is a fact that our 
listening skill is our greatest asset for success. 
Most people find listening difficult because they think of it 
as a passive state. Careful listening may be a quiet activity, but it is 
certainly not passive. It requires the activation of every sense— our 
ears, of course, but also our eyes, our touch and especially our hearts. 
The goal is to first understand, before seeking to be 
If we are willing to listen fully to what we are hearing, we 
will discover information that will make us more successful. Quite 
often others will give us clues to the response that will be most 
Not only that, but when we listen intently, we will become 
aware of the humor in a situation that might otherwise be overlooked. 
This plays right into our commitment to have as much fun as possible 
at all times. 
The following exercise, performed daily, will increase the 
sensitivity of all your observational senses:

Exercise #5: 
Read the newspaper twice. 
The first time read the news, comics and whatever else 
interests you. Then go back through looking for “funny” headlines 
and captions. 
Practice focusing just on the choice and positioning of words, 
and nothing more. Suddenly amusing variations will become 
apparent. You can have fun with these variations, which will be 
missed by the majority of those who read them. 
To give you an idea of what awaits you, here are a few 
examples of headlines that I have found in my local newspaper: 

Lisa Smith 1766978

The newspaper exercise seems to be a real hard game.. I couldn't find anything for the last two days. However I am able to pick up few humorous clues from what I hear.

In life, as in juggling, success depends less on what we catch 
than on how quickly we can let go. Failure to let go of what we have 
already lost increases our suffering and ineffectiveness during life’s 19
inevitable transitions. 
Now, suppose you are an innocent recipient of misfortune 
or abuse. You did nothing to deserve the loss. You have a right to be 
resentful and angry. If you accept it gracefully, you may feel like 
you are endorsing an injustice or letting somebody or something 
off too easily. 
Nonetheless, it’s still advisable to let go and “forgive” as 
quickly as you can. Do this for one reason only — it’s good for you. 
Harboring resentment, no matter how justified it may be, imprisons 
the resenter, while making no impact on the situation. It drains 
energy and limits options. Letting go is something we do for the 
benefit of no one but ourselves. 
But it is not easy. The more important the loss, the harder it 
is to release our grip. This is where the issue of priorities, raised 
earlier, becomes important. We must not allow difficulty in letting 
go of the more important issues to stand in the way of our releasing 
what we can. Every little bit helps free us to be more resourceful 
and effective in our responses. 
Humor nature provides an effective and practically effortless 
way of letting go — laughter. We cannot laugh without letting go. 
Believe me, I’ve tried and it gave me a hernia. 
If you are able to let go, it may be only for today. Tomorrow 
may require a renewed effort, since resentments have a way of 
building back up, with or without justification. 
Perhaps you will find this exercise helpful: 

Exercise #6: 
Begin by letting the little things go. There may be things in 
your life that you can’t forgive right now. That’s certainly 
understandable, but it doesn’t have to stop you. 
To practice this exercise, all we really need is the willingness 
to release the things that we can. Each little bit helps. Every time we 
let go of a small resentment we increase the likelihood of eventually 
being free of our bigger ones. 
Start with the easy ones and work your way up

This a crucial “commandment,” because most of the fear 
we experience in life relates to assumptions we make based on past 
experience or the counsel of others (usually some form of hearsay). 
We are tireless assumers. Drop us into any situation and the first 
thing we’ll do, whether or not we know the facts, is begin to make 
assumptions. We are not deterred by ignorance of the facts. 
Whenever we don’t know, we simply make more assumptions, more 
Most of our assumptions go unchecked. Soon we begin to 
treat them as fact and assign them the power of truth. 
There’s only one problem with all of this. Most of our 
assumptions are wrong! Our batting average is so poor it’s a miracle 
our species has made it this far. 
In order to survive life’s challenges successfully, we need the 
capacity to challenge our assumptions frequently enough to stop us 
from veering too far off course. Humor nature is our best resource 
for this. Challenging prevailing assumptions is the chief mechanism 
of all humor. 
Challenge the assumption that you are sufficiently diligent 
in riding herd on your assumptions by practicing this exercise: 


Exercise #7: 
Playing the “What if?” game is a good habit to develop. 
What and if are the two words that usually begin any assault on 
your assumptions. “What if ..” is a wake up call to your humor 
nature. Even when you are certain of your facts, “What if ..” is still 
a good habit, because it will stimulate your creativity (eg. What if 
two plus two did not equal four?) 
Practice playing “What if ...” with common every day 
objects. Look around the room right now and try it with anything 
you see. What if this pen wasn’t a pen? What else could it be? A 
microphone ... a miniature space craft ... a jumbo lipstick tube? 
What if that wasn’t my hat? Would it be a frisbee made of cloth ... a 
lunch box ... a potholder? 
Please don’t try to be funny in this exercise. There’s no need 
for it. Simply let your imagination run free. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

7 steps to challenge my assumptions... Making it lot more easier to me...

never thought that it can be explained so well..

Lisa Smith 1766978

For sometime I suppose I have been very negetive assuming a lot of things. That wasn't necessary. The time when I challenged and questioned myself "what if" everything just changed. Sometime some challenges are great.

Lisa Smith 1766978

What if game has been really helpful one... whenever I fail to get a hold of myself and assume something. I just aask myself "What if?" And then in a fraction of second I find myself giving it a second thought

Lisa Smith 1766978

Built a roadblock of assumptions till now. Broke it at one go. Freed my imagination, freed my mind.. I let it run.

This sounds like an assignment for a contortionist. Focused 
and flexible? Aren’t they opposites? 
Let me put it this way. We all know the shortest distance 
between two points is… usually under construction. That’s right. 
The theoretical straight line does not exist in real life. 
We are challenged to keep our goals and priorities clearly in 
focus, while remaining flexible enough to accommodate the 
inevitable surprises. At times life resembles a game of “Twister.” 
That’s why humor is so valuable. 
Balance is the issue. If focus overrides flexibility, we become 
stubborn, rigid and bull-headed. If flexibility eclipses focus, we are 
left aimless and vulnerable. Humor helps us avoid these extremes. 
When it comes to flexibility, your humor nature offers a 
win/win situation. Flexibility stimulates your sense of humor and 
humor will keep you more flexible. 
If you are having trouble with this seemingly oxymoronic 
“commandment,” here’s an exercise that might help: 


Exercise #8: 
Keep humor props with you at all times. Props are very 
helpful in keeping focus and perspective. 
For example, one prop I find indispensable in rush hour 
traffic is my red clown nose. When caught in a “logjam”, I put on 
the nose and wave to people in the other cars. 
Incidentally, if you should ever want to try this, I will warn 
you right now that half the people who see you do this won’t like it. 
They’ll look away quickly, so as not to encourage you at all. But the 
other 50 percent love it. They laugh, wave, and tell me I’m #1 - at 
least I think that’s what that finger means. 
The point is that, regardless of the effect it has on others, 
the prop helps me stay focused on the big picture, which keeps the 
small frustrations in perspective

Lisa Smith 1766978

Read these lines somewhere:

"Love Fiercely, be flexible in the manifestation.
Create Fiercely, flex with the flow.
Live Fiercely, be flexible on the path.
Journey Fiercely, be flexible about the destination.

Fierce can be a mother’s love, an artist’s work, and a warrior’s heart.
We embody all.

To be fierce and flexible is to be totally alive, to experience the full range of human emotion…to be powerful enough to stand in the light of our own humanity and divinity.

Fierce knows no age, it flexes with time and maturity.
Fierce knows no gender, no race, no weight, no limits.

Be fierce and flexible, and you will be free."

And honestly am touched....

Lisa Smith 1766978

A flexible mind is a happy mind. With a rigid mind we tend to see ourselves as a victim and keep ourselves surrounded by the old past and old same.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Am a trainee staff of the store. Standing for the whole with a smile glued to my face. My cheeks are paining. Ohhhhh.. But jolly good. I have to begin somewhere. And this is my first day............... I will keep my eyes fixed and spirits high..

Lisa Smith 1766978

I got the job....... This is awesome. I would be joining from monday. I am so excited but yes I would be focused... I am just so happy. :)

Lisa Smith 1766978

While I am focused on my goal, I am also very specific about being sympathic and passionate person. There is seriously no alternative to it. . .

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am focused on my goal while moving towards it I need to be flexible too. They are contrary at times. It’s hard to strike a equilibrium between them. But at last, I am able to be.

The best ideas are merely intellectual curiosities until put 
into action. Success is measured by action. Life is not a spectator 
We must have a plan of action. Even if it calls for us to do 
nothing for now, planned passivity is better than immobilization by 
despair. Yes, there is risk involved in taking action. In fact, there is 
a certain degree of risk in every breath we take. But if we are willing 
to be bold in putting our humor nature into action, we will find 
that the risks have been vastly overrated. Others are surprisingly 
receptive and supportive, once we take the initiative. 
Which brings us to the second aspect of this 
“commandment” — interacting. Nobody achieves success without 
help from others. Even the Lone Ranger, the quintessential symbol 
for going it alone, had Tonto at his side. 
Have you noticed that your sense of humor becomes stronger 
the moment it connects with another person? Amusing yourself is 
better than nothing. Sharing your humor with others is the best. 
You will find that if you make the effort to reach out with humor, 
others will be eager to meet you more than half way. 
Here’s an exercise to help with this challenge: 


Exercise #9: 
Reach out. Engage other people at every opportunity. 
A childlike, playful spirit is the best approach. Despite the impersonal 
tendencies of modern technology, there are many everyday situations 
in which we find ourselves in close proximity to other people. Do 
we interact? Usually not. 
A prime example is a ride in an elevator. Here we have a 
small room, many people, and no windows. So what do we do with 
this golden opportunity to interact? We stare silently at the numbers 
over the door. 
Don’t ever let this happen to you again. Say something - 
anything. Break the silence. 
My favorite ploy is to announce, “If I’d known so many 
were coming to this meeting, I’d have reserved a bigger room.” Then 
I’ll ask for somebody to give the treasurer’s report. Someone usually 
“volunteers”, and has some fun with it. I’ll ask departing passengers 
how they want to vote on the upcoming merger issue. Newcomers 
are greeted with, “You missed the first part of the meeting, but 
don’t feel left out. We elected you president.” By the time we’ve 
gone a few floors, everybody’s smiling and having fun. It’s silly. But 
it’s better than staring at the numbers. 
There are many similar situations. It’s ludicrous to be thrown 
into face-to-face contact and have nothing to say to each other. 
Don’t let it happen. Reach out. You never know whom you might 


Lisa Smith 1766978

While interacting I realised how I can influence others and make a good impression.. I have been just worried thinking about all these.. till I cam across this theory. Very helpful for my workplace.

Lisa Smith 1766978

It would be a gala time... with friends... Oh!! Funny and weird acts.... Looking forward to rock every moment.

Lisa Smith 1766978

It's fun to act childish.. I feel confident everytime I practise this with strangers. Typing mails chatting on facebook or tweeting is okay.. you don't know everyone there personally. But, when I intereact anyone face to face, it is my body-language, my smile that works half for me.. and then my words.

I learn a lot from it.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have never been a good communicator. Speaking to stranger ooooooo...... Nopes!! However, things are different nowadays. In fact I have been reading on how to communicate with strangers. Here's what I found interesting.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Surprise!!! For the first time after so many days here's a natural :) for all of you...

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of the optimistic little boy 
who, when confronted with a room full of horse manure, dove 
right in, exclaiming, “With all this manure, there’s got to be a pony 
in here somewhere!” Although I don’t think I want to hug him 
right now, I think the little fellow’s got it right. 
No matter how big a pile of “manure” life dumps in your 
path, looking for the pony is the best response. Even if there is no 
pony, digging in with enthusiasm is better for us than being burdened 
with reluctance and resentment. Between you and me, there usually 
is a pony, but we miss it because we’re not looking for it. 
When you opened your eyes this morning, you were already 
breathing. If not, I don’t think you should be reading this. 
If you went on to check the obituaries and didn’t find your 
name, you’re apparently alive. That’s a miracle. Celebrate it. 
Celebration is made up of two elements — gratitude and 
joy. Remember, joy is the most natural state for us humor beings. If 
you want more joy in your life, begin each moment with gratitude. 
Gratitude is the essence of celebration. It doesn’t have to be noisy or 
raucous. A quiet “thank you” to a special person in your life can be 
an effective form of celebration. 
If you have not been celebrating everything, try this exercise: 
Exercise #10: 
Get in the habit of listening for the sounds of laughter 
constantly going on all around you. I call these sounds the Symphony 
of Laughter. 
Whenever you are out in a public place, such as the mall, an 
airport, or a theater lobby, you can hear laughter, because that’s the 
way we communicate when we have no imposed agenda. Whether 
it’s a giggle right beside you or a guffaw from across the room, the 
sound will lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face. 

Soon one more laugh will be heard—yours. 
There you have my Ten Commandments of Fun, each a 
practical strategy for bringing forth your humor nature in all its 
strength and glory. Notice that all of them are focused on you, rather 
than the things going on around you. That’s because, if you’re aiming 
to focus on fun, you must look to yourself first. As selfish as that 
may sound, it’s simply the way it is. 
The roots of fun do not lie in the circumstances or things 
that surround you. They are deeply embedded within your being. 
If you catch yourself thinking thoughts like, “I could have more 
fun, if I had more money” or “My job would be more fun if the 
boss would get off my back,” you’re focusing in the wrong direction. 
Fun starts inside you and works its way out. It doesn’t happen 
the other way. 
The best way to remember how fun works is to “take” my 
Ha Ha Ha Prescription. Whereas most doctors say, “Open wide 
and say AH,” I say, “Open wide and say HA HA HA.” 
The first HA is Humor Attitude. This is where fun begins. 
Attitude is a 100 percent inside job. Our attitude may be the only 
thing in life over which we have total control. If we cultivate an 
attitude of willingness to be light and playful, to appreciate all the 
absurdities swirling around us all the time and to laugh whenever 
we can, we have done our part. 
The next step happens automatically, without any effort 
from us. Our Humor Attitude creates a Humor Atmosphere around 
us. That is the second HA. It just “oozes” from us. Others may not 
know what to call it, but they know it’s there. They can feel it. They 
are drawn into it. It’s irresistible. They want to be near us and hear 
what we have to say. They are eager to share their positive thoughts 
with us. They want to “play” with us. 
Once this is accomplished, what follows is a no-brainer. 
The very next thing we do will be fun. That’s the last HA—a Humor 
Action. Humor Action does not require anyone to be witty or funny.

There is no pressure to perform or to make anything happen. It is
merely a trustworthy natural outcome. 
Because we have the tendency to mistakenly think that 
success produces fun instead of the other way around, we often find 
ourselves trying to apply the HA HA HA Prescription backwards. 
We attempt to say or do something funny (Humor Action) hoping 
that our “performance” will stimulate laughter (Humor Atmosphere) 
and thus lighten the mood of everyone present (Humor Attitude). 
It doesn’t work that way. Even when it seems to, it’s only a 
transient phenomenon, hardly a dependable basis for lasting success. 
Sustained excellence comes only from having fun first, and that 
begins, not ends, with attitude. 
With the HA HA HA Prescription and the Ten 
Commandments of Fun under our belts, we are now ready to 
consider how to build the Fun Factor back into our lives. Let’s begin 
by looking at the most basic social structure we encounter in life— 
our family. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebration is sooooooo obvious.. I have been busy the while day preparing for the surprise b'day party for Jenn... I love you hun..........

Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebrating life, celebrating the new happy me.

Lisa Smith 1766978

This has been a busy week.. My lil brother's 5th birthday. Have been really busy with the preparation. Theme and decoration, menu, food, invites and at last the big day. Now after weeks while following the agreements I notice the changes. As a human being I have changed. I AM HAPPY..... :):)

Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebrating with a wide smile. :) Reason doesn't matter any more.

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Moon Tinh 03 preparing the home for market 768x768

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents est

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents establish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.

Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.

In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of money that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.

Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.

With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

ablish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.
Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.
In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of mo

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents establish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.

Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.

In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of money that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.

Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.

With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

Read more how to sell a house!

ney that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.
Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.
With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

Weighttraining Blog image topfitness 1 1

Beginning Weight-Lifting Programs for Women Over 40


Having strong muscles is part of looking and feeling better at any age, but after age 40 your muscles decrease by 10 percent every decade. It is valuable for women to adopt a stable program of weight training along with cardiovascular exercise to retain strength and increase bone density and metabolism. Strength training reduces the risk of health conditions that sometimes develop after menopause, such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.


Forty is a turning point in women's lives: their body begins to suffer the changes of perimenopause, including the risk of muscle fiber contraction, high blood pressure, loss of bone density and unwanted weight gain. These changes are intensified by inactivity. Add weight training to your health routine will help reduce body fat, tone muscles and strengthen bones while fighting the lack of energy, mood swings and insomnia. Some age-related changes are unavoidable, but the decrease in physical health related to inactivity can be reduced considerably with a diligent commitment to strength training as part of a healthy lifestyle.


When starting a weight training routine for the first time, the first challenge is to stay constant. Write down the dates of your weekly training as appointments that can not be missed. During the first weeks, learn correct techniques and practice the right way. Always start with a 10-minute warm-up of light cardio like walking or biking, and stretch your main muscle groups after your workout, keeping each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that beginners take one or two days of rest between each weight training session for weight-lifting programs for women over 40.


The type of equipment you choose will depend on your experience and availability. A safe start training can be successful whether you use machines in the gym or your own body weight, a set of weights and resistance bands in the home. Free weights require some coordination and have additional benefits over machines, because they require you to use your stabilizing muscles. They are more effective at producing muscle strength in general and are also more versatile, portable and economical. Exercise machines are sometimes easier to use than free weights if you do not have experience with weight training, because most machines have a built-in range of motion. If you belong to a gym, get help from a personal trainer until you feel comfortable practicing on your own.

Weight training program


Using a light and comfortable weight will allow most adult women to do 15 to 20 repetitions with good form; this will help you get used to performing the movement with a full range of motion. Each session should take less than 45 minutes; Within that time, point to all your muscle groups performing 10 to 12 different exercises. Perform exercises for larger muscle groups, such as the buttocks, legs, thorax, back and center, before smaller muscle groups, such as calves, shoulders, biceps and triceps, to prevent fatigue of your muscles too quickly. A full-body weightlifting program can include lunges or squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, lying, pelvic tilts, planks, shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps pulls, and calf lifts. When you can easily do 20 repetitions with good form, reduce your repetitions from 12 to 15 and add one or two more sets. When you can complete three sets, increase the weight you are using and make one to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.


It is normal to feel some muscle fatigue when doing the prescribed number of repetitions, but if you feel any pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult your doctor if it persists. It is important for beginners not to do repetitions until failure, as it could cause compression of the joints or retention of breath, which would cause dizziness, nausea or injury. Get approval from your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

Quang Moon Data?1498295729

The good news is that we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating. What we are still struggling with is: how much of it we should eat? Even when we are eating foods that are low in calories, controlling portions is very important. It teaches your body to be satisfied on less volume. The older you get, the more portions come into play because, as your metabolism slows down, you need to reduce the amount of food you eat in order to prevent that 3–5 pound weight gain every year. The reality is you just don’t need to eat that much food.
When you order a burger or a plate of spaghetti, the portions are huge. You could make those portions into 2–3 different meals. Here are a couple of strategies for healthy portioning.


     Too big. 


    Too much.

  1. Your portions should fit in the palm of your hand. One hand, not both.


       2. Use a small plate, like a coffee cup saucer.


       3.  Use a 1-cup measuring cup to determine portions. One cup of pretty much anything is plenty.

       4.  If you still feel hungry after eating a small portion, wait 15 minutes. If you are still truly hungry, have another small portion, half the size of the first.
       5.  When you order food at a restaurant, order an appetizer as your main course. The portions are much healthier.



       6.  Don’t let yourself get too hungry. It’s tempting to overeat when you are starving. 
       7.  When you do eat, eat slowly and enjoy your meal.
       8.  Drink water with every meal. It will fill you up a little — and because it’s good for you :)
            Try it for a week and give us your feedback.


Alicia Nicole Waters! Alicia profile 2

I signed up for creating my first course today and explored the platform.

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

My first activity!

First blog entry!

Speak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Impeccable means “without sin” and a sin is something you do or believe that goes against yourself.  It means not speaking against yourself, to yourself or to others.  It means not rejecting yourself.  To be impeccable means to take responsibility for yourself, to not participate in “the blame game.”

Regarding the word, the rules of “action-reaction” apply.  What you put out energetically will return to you.  Proper use of the word creates proper use of energy, putting out love and gratitude perpetuates the same in the universe.  The converse is also true.  

Impeccability starts at home.  Be impeccable with yourself and that will reflect in your life and your relationships with others.  This agreement can help change thousands of other agreements, especially ones that create fear instead of love.

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

In my profession, this is exactly what I do all the day.. being impeccable with words.. with gratitude and compassion.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Yesterday, I was chatting with my bro.. for some reason he just got angry. I think I was wrong with my words.But not my intention. He is too angry and not picking up my calls.

Don't know what to do? Can anyone help?

Lisa Smith 1766978

Gifts are not necessary to express gratitude and emotions, but it is thee words that connects and communicates the deepest feeling in your heart. Words can stab one, again can make you feel at the top of the world. Beyond the corporate world also, you need to be impeccable with your words.. Words are stronger than a sword.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Impeccable means without sin. This article really stroke me. It is interesting.

Adam Health care

Taking a deeper look.. reading the four agreements ebook.........

Adam Health care

I am always confident of wh, of what I say.. what I do.. this is how I am impeccable with mmy words as well as actions

Adam Health care

In my profession this is exactly I do all the day.. being impeccable with words.. with gratitude and compassion.

Lisa Smith 1766978

SPEAK WITH GOOD PURPOSE – Speak honestly and kindly
yes we should always think before we speak and not to think and regret after we have spoken. Words spoken with a positive and best intention are impeccable as they demonstrate how sincere you are. After practising this.... everything around me has changed for good. I am really happy and blessed. Thanks Jesus!

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Going for n interview today. I really need watch out what I speak. I have studied quiet a fews things about facing interviews... but facing one in reality.. gosh I'm nervous

Lisa Smith 1766978

Today is a day where I need to be perfect.. absolutely impeccable with my each word.. but offcourse it's permissible to be lil funny sometime.. It's celebration time.. me the host and bday girl Jenn..

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

Words can both hurt and heal a heart. Had a plan to dine out with my lovely wife.. I missed it. That time I really understood the importance of flawless words. She is the most understanding friend and partner but I know she was hurt. I got to make up for this.. Any suggestion??

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am careful about my words as they are going to return-back to me like a boomerang.A word of love is always been reciprocated.No more doubts, no more fear.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Sometime it is hard to be unsullied with my words. Making someone understand my point.. specially when it is regarding my work.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Happiness seems to be associated with our words isn't it?

Lewis C Dsafsf

Yes.... Yes... Yes.. I did it.. I witnessed the difference.

I keep catching myself more often half lying to get something out of people or a situation. My wife just got accepted to law school and I pretended to be enthused, not being really honest with myself or her.

Melinda Jones File1711311980993
Help wanted

Finally a day with more integrity

Melinda Jones File1711311980993
Help wanted

This is much harder than I first thought. Seems like such a straightforward agreement

info Anonymoususer

Quasi hic doloribus quas iusto molestiae consectetur, consequatur, consequatur in optio, fuga. Incididunt odit sequi aut.

Nothing others do is because of you.  What others say and do is a projection of their own dream.  When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

We take things personally when we agree with what others have said.  If we didn't agree, the things that others say would not affect us emotionally.  If we did not care about what others think about us, their words or behavior could not affect us.

Even if someone yells at you, gossips about you, harms you or yours, it still is not about you!  Their actions and words are based on what they believe in their personal dream. 

Our personal “Book of Law” and belief system makes us feel safe.  When people have beliefs that are different from our own, we get scared, defend ourselves, and impose our point of view on others.  If someone gets angry with us it is because our belief system is challenging their belief system and they get scared.  They need to defend their point of view.  Why become angry, create conflict, and expend energy arguing when you are aware of this?

Lisa Smith 1766978

Acknowledging other's point of view is also a great way to not to take things personally. This is effective in Leadership. Since, I am getting into the corporate world, I need to know in and out of it.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Taking things perfonally, makes life too much dificult.  Earlier, I used to stay depressed all the time, prefered to stay in my room. Literally, I used to lock myself in, and sob.. WITH NO REASON. I was scared, I used to eat to get rid of it. But, nothing happened just put on 40 pounds. Then I started to follow this course, and I got some confidence in myself.. I got out and appllied for a job and infact got it. Now, I have changed. I am really amazed to see that. Today, I really don't go on thinking what he said... what did he mean and everything.. Now I smile a lot and I am controlling my diet too...

Adam Health care
Help wanted

True thing, it is very challenging. It needs a lot off discipline so that we can reach the goal. I try not to take things personally but now or then I end up taking it. With a certain thought rolling in my mind I just across www.mindbodygreen.com and discovered "Like yoga, living this truth is a discipline, a consistent practice only reached through the genuine love of self".

Adam Health care

Even it is stated in holy Bible "Don't eavesdrop on others--you may hear your servant curse you." True... if we don't pay attention to all the words; it is only going to make the life better.

Adam Health care

Ok.. Not to take anything personally.. But how... Search some easy application here it goes.

Lisa Smith 1766978

AHHHHH!! Truely anxiety, anger they are the most negative emotions.. we just spend my time and energy because we cannot handle our emotions excitement sometime... Even if we need to.. there is always a positive way to do so rather than taking everything personally and hurting ourselves.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Regained the control of my life in my own hands.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Now when I know who I am, how I am.. It really doesn't disturb me much if others thinking positive or negative. All I know if, I am good to everyone then I would be reciprocated same way..

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I am bothered all the time.. Thinking and thinking..

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I always anticipate and imagine what others belief about me. I don’t incline to; however I can’t stop thinking.

Sean Goldsmith Youngpreneur tree


Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.  Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.  With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

When we make assumptions it is because we believe we know what others are thinking and feeling.  We believe we know their point of view, their dream.  We forget that our beliefs are just our point of view based on our belief system and personal experiences and have nothing to do with what others think and feel.  

We make the assumption that everybody judges us, abuses us, victimizes us, and blames us the way we do ourselves.  As a result we reject ourselves before others have the chance to reject us.  When we think this way, it becomes difficult to be ourselves in the world.

Take action and be clear to others about what you want or do not want; do not gossip and make assumptions about things others tell you.  Respect other points of view and avoid arguing just to be right.  Respect yourself and be honest with yourself.  Stop expecting the people around you to know what is in your head.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Assumptions.... gosh... they are just confusing.. they play with my mind. Good to quit them but they seems to be pursueing you all the time

Lewis C Dsafsf

We are so busy in our daily lives, that we don't even have time to listen what other's have to say. Instead we just assume. When we don't interact we dont take an initiative to understand what is there in other person's heart. Most of the couple quarrel are centred with this issue..

Too many break ups... Sad!!

Cynthia, is the wonder women. She just KNOWS

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

What is realistic assumption? We're not suppose to depend on assumptions I know, but assumptions are a part of economics and insuarance. I am just getting bit perplexed. Could someone help me to clear this?

Lisa Smith 1766978

"When the assumptions prove to be wrong it is often far too late to go back and fix the ruined relationship. Sometimes, years may pass before the real reasons for one's actions are communicated and by that time there is usually a sense of regret and guilt that adds more strain on the bond between the two people"..........Read it somewhere. So true it  is.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My assumptions are always proven to be wrong. :( Nope! nothing serious, just assumed a few small things, but......

Lisa Smith 1766978

I don't want to exaggerate things with stupid baseless assumptions. It does nothing apart from making me anxious. Took me a lot hard work to not make any vague assumption.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Thinking less, worrying lesser.Not making assumptions. Smiling more.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Even if I have assumptions I tend to confirm them..

info Anonymoususer

I assume people make assumptions about my assuming. this lady laughed. I wanted to punch her

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.  Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

Doing your best means enjoying the action without expecting a reward.  The pleasure comes from doing what you like in life and having fun, not from how much you get paid.  Enjoy the path traveled and the destination will take care of itself.

Living in the moment and releasing the past helps us to do the best we can in the moment.  It allows us to be fully alive right now, enjoying what is present, not worrying about the past or the future.

Have patience with yourself.  Take action.  Practice forgiveness.  If you do your best always, transformation will happen as a matter of course.

Rabiya Manzoor Anonymoususer
 Activity: Always Do Your Best

This is so true about me. There was a time when I was not satisfied with what I had. Depression and sadness surrounded me. This did not help me in any way. Now by following this art of doing best I have learnt to be happy. No matter what the situation is I do my best to achieve what I want to. This not only gives the satisfaction of victory but happiness as well. An added benefit, isn’t it?

Lisa Smith 1766978

I don't know what could be the exact reason. But, I cannot concentrate and eventually leaving the task-in-hand incomplete. That is definitely aweful. I really cannot put it into words how I feel, just being angry....

Going to start fresh..

Can any meleaner help me? Suggest me what is wrong with me and what should I do.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I messed up whole thing.. Feeling horrible.. Too bad.. I just spoiled my lunch.. I am going to have a friend coming in any moment gosh!! I was preoccupied and messed it..

Lisa Smith 1766978

Nothing can substitute hard work!!

Lisa Smith 1766978

What if you try your best, but nothing good happens? Not once, not twice...

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I have just started with my job.. working hard.. It is more of a rush.. Rushing through the day.. get up.. get ready.. grab something to eat.. run to office.. meeting.. cups of caffiene.. then back home..

By the time I am home.. I am too tired... While doing my best for my job.. am I doing my best for myself?

Lisa Smith 1766978

A pleasant smile amplifies the effort put in.... Doing my best

Adam Health care

Always do your best. What we plant now, we would harvet later...


Adam Health care
Help wanted

We always try to create opportunities for ourselves and improve the situation we are living in. For this we just need to give our best in all our efforts.There I found out this article that states 20 ways to give the best and make the life better.

Adam Health care

I have always noticed that.. .assumptions, doubts hinders me from performing. It took me long 4 years to get a hold on myself and bring the best.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have done it. Last day I blogged that I did my best in my interview.. I am blogging today to log my result.. I got appreciated for my crisp and honest answers. I am just so glad. From the time I have been practising the course here I really felt the tremendous change in me.. it just got expressed in actual things after me succeeding in getting the job. Thanks http://www.melearni.ng


Lisa Smith 1766978

Well I am back home... It went well .. MY INTERVIEW... I think I got them impressed. FIngers crossed I just hope to get this job. . . . I was tensed but when I was actually interviewed I took it at ease and answered with a smile.

I have learnt not only to smile but also been confident. Thanks

Lewis C Dsafsf

My love Cynthia have been longing to renovate the house... Atlast I am going to get it done.. Together we.. I think it would be a best way to be with her and also my passion my work..

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

There is a say in India Mythology...Lord Krishna advised Arjun in the Mahabharat ... Karm kiye ja, phal ki chinta mat kar. Which means don't worry what would be the result, just do what you're supposed to do. . .

It touched me.......

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have been busy in an assignment. Making furniture is my passion, I love to take challenges. Do tricky things. Honestly there was a certain section where I was totally confused.. I sat down in silent corner. I had to let go what I knew, what I already did.. and give some spacefor new creation. And then....

Lewis C Dsafsf

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. . . This exercise always reminds me of Newton's third law of motion.. It touches my heart.

Lewis C Dsafsf

To my surprise I just got impatient and almost lost my temper... I took in a deep breathe count 1 to 10 and released. A childhood trick.. Did best!!

Lisa Smith 1766978

Overall, I am happy. It is no doubt a new beginning to me. Here I am confident, doing best and above all smiling.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I see my efforts paying off.. I smile, I see people around me talking to in a different way. This doesn't mean I would stop doing my best. I just started.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Nothing new.. Just wanted to share I am doing my best.

Lewis C Dsafsf

This is something I always do; living in present, giving the best of my effort, especially when it comes to my hobby or passion. But patience is amiss.

 Activity: Always Do Your Best

Kept fumbling at work non stop today. Got home and tried not to berate myself. I guess I did my best. Was reminded of the comedian routine where the guy cries at home after a hard day telling himself he did his best.


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