Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Better

In Andy McLean's plan


Smiling can make us feel better, but it's more effective when we back it up with positive thoughts, according to this study:

A new study led by a Michigan State University business scholar suggests customer-service workers who fake smile throughout the day worsen their mood and withdraw from work, affecting productivity. But workers who smile as a result of cultivating positive thoughts--such as a tropical vacation or a child's recital--improve their mood and withdraw less.

Of course it's important to practice "real smiles" where you use your eye sockets. (You've seen fake smiles that don't reach the person's eyes. Try it. Smile with just your mouth. Then smile naturally; your eyes narrow. There's a huge difference in a fake smile and a genuine smile.)

According to PsyBlogsmiling can improve our attention and help us perform better on cognitive tasks:

Smiling makes us feel good which also increases our attentional flexibility and our ability to think holistically. When this idea was tested by Johnson et al. (2010), the results showed that participants who smiled performed better on attentional tasks which required seeing the whole forest rather than just the trees.

A smile is also a good way to reduce some of the pain we feel in troubling circumstances:

Smiling is one way to reduce the distress caused by an upsetting situation. Psychologists call this the facial feedback hypothesis. Even forcing a smile when we don't feel like it is enough to lift our mood slightly (this is one example of embodied cognition).

Copied from: Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Better
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Lewis C Dsafsf

Why do people need a reason to smile..? They need not to search one.. it is there in their heart.. Like mine.

I do what I love doing, craftmanship.

My wify and junior, they complete my world.

Just planning to adopt a pup !! Should I get a Pug or a Yorkshire or a mix?


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Lewis C Dsafsf

If you have difficulty to put on that perfect smile, try these 3 facial exercises. And, you never have to struggle to put on that PERFECT CURVE.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Karen Kleiman gave me the wonderful idea of holding pencil between the teeth. Offcourse, there was not much of science to back up the therapy, but with time there are researches that supported.

Try some Smile Therapy today..I already holding one between my teeeeth!

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Lewis C Dsafsf

What a great thing.. It is so true.. Morewe smile more we gather courage to fight the tears pain...

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Gosh no sugar.. But Cynthia has showed some of her cooking skills. She makes sweet dishes without sugar awesome.. I just smile .. I dont have a sweet craving..  

Thanks to my Darling.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Keep a smile on you meditate. It reflects on your mind. Seriously, if you meditate with a stressed out expression on your face you find it hard to relax! Try it yourself to see!

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Adam Health care

Rules of School LIfe.. So true.. I just smile recalling those old days.

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Adam Health care

After finishing our Chinese food, my husband and I cracked open our fortune cookies. Mine read, “Be quiet for a little while.” His read, “Talk while you have a chance.”

That was great.. men hardly get a chance to speak.

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Adam Health care

I guess if we know how to spot a real and a fake smile then we can reduce the deep thronging pain inside with a sincere and more real smile.

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Adam Health care

This is something different.. Smilling tips.. whether for camera or anything. Which smile would your face best...!! Learn it here.

Further, here I share the Science of Smiling. :)

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Lewis C Dsafsf

I got a puppy today from a rescue home nearby.. It is a cute Shih Poo...
 Now I am sure that neither me or anyone in my home would have trouble to b happy and smile..!

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Adam Health care

Money can buy you necessities, comfurt even luxury but not smile and happiness.. When you give a Rose to your mom, a teddy to a lil' girl they would smile.. it is not the money.. it is the feeling of being special that brings smile,, feeling of being loved..

Keep Loving..

Keep Smiling..


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Adam Health care

Smiling my way out... I am trouble-free. I am HAPPY..



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Adam Health care

A smile a day, keeps the pain away.. I am smiling alot and feel the change.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

It is easy to tell if the smile is genuine.. it is there in the eyes. Does smilling really make us happy??? helping me to find the answers to my queries.

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Adam Health care

A smile that comes to face out of some positive thoughts makes me happy. Not me but with everyone. However the fake smile that I often had to glue to my face while doing some boring daily jobs.... make me especially frustrated.


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Lewis C Dsafsf

Smiles relieves us from pain. But tears lightens the heavy heart.

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Adam Health care

A single smile can straighten thousands of lines ... Lines of worries, lines of anxiety.. Come on friends smile with me.. Life is too short ... Let’s not waste any moment being unhappy. Because a moment sad is a waste.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

True... smile heals... smile from heart .. And I actually feel the difference.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Howdy to all,

Smile and cherish the moment you live. Live it to the fullest for the moment would never return. True fact a natural smile reflects in your eyes. I loved this plan.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

ok so fake it till you make it.... Yes the smiling uplifts mood. I saw  Lisa Shadow practising the exercises. I know it works. So proud of you Liz.

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