How To Build Core Confidence In 5 Simple Steps Join Course
How To Build Core Confidence In 5 Simple Steps Join Course
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Building up your self confidence doesn’t happen overnight. Like a new born baby, it needs to be nurtured and grown for it to make a substantial amount of progress. Confidence building works the same way.

Theo J Ellis started his personal development journey started in 2012. After giving birth to Just Be Real, he made it his mission to share life lessons and document his experiences along the way. Not to mention inspire others to do the things they believe in without fear of criticism. He is driven to help people build the self confidence they deserve.

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Build Your Core Confidence

By not recognizing your accomplishments, you’re blind to your capabilities and talents. All that matters is you take the time to write down your accomplishments 1 by 1. Whether they were in the past, present, small or huge.

Do this often enough and you’ll be consciously aware of what you’re capable of, how great you are and how worthy you are as a human being.

So be proud and take pride in the things you do. Your self confidence will thank you for it!

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Several times per Day

You accept your flaws, every single one of them. No matter how shitty or uncomfortable you feel about it. Flaws make you human because no human being is perfect. So accept that, accept your flaws and nobody will be able to hurt you or bruise your self confidence.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have a flaw or made a mistake.

Trusting yourself builds self confidence.

Think about your best friend, partner or closest family member. You are confident that you can trust them and that’s why you feel comfortable telling them your problems. Well it works the same way for you. By trusting your own actions, decisions, promises and so on, you’ll become more independent and less dependent of others.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

So whatever you lack confidence in, practice it relentlessly and be consistent.

The same principle applies to all other areas of your life. You have to practice nonstop, relentlessly, whilst being OK with failure and making mistakes.

Don’t underestimate this point. Your confidence will suffer without it.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Several times per Day

Real confidence starts at the core, and is built up from the core. So the simple solution is to not take praise or compliments to heart. Take it lightly. When you get to caught up in either of the two, that’s when EGO starts to take over. And that’s a dangerous road that’s bound to lead you to self esteem issues.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When anyone praises or compliments you.

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