MH #2 – The Morning Drink That Will Change Your Life

Course: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

Goal: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

The next one is super easy.   Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning – use water that is tepid, not boiling, and use fresh lemons.


  1. You will need half a fresh lemon a day, so unless you have a lemon tree in your garden, get a few. (No more than 4 – they are better fresh).  
  2. As soon as you have said hello to the sun, pour yourself a glass of tepid water – not too hot or too cold, just right!  
  3. Cut your lemon in half and reserve one half for tomorrow. Squeeze as much juice as you can manage from the other one.  
  4. Bottoms up! I find that downing it is best. I have a sweet tooth so I didn’t enjoy it at first – you quickly get used to it. Now I can feel the difference if I skip my lemon water. 

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

I have been drinking lemon water for 5 months now. I works great. I always prefer a healthy green lifestyle and this is something that puts me on the right track at the very morning...

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Adam Health care

Really.. Relxing. Nothing can compare normal water no juice or beverage.


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Adam Health care

EWWW!!! How do they have lemon water in the morning. I wonder why they had to do it? But, offcourse I came to know the reasons. So, I ought to give it a try myself. If I wasn't warned earlier of the taste.... I would have thrown it off.. But, I was prepared..

Would try for few days to see what difference it brings to me?

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