13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy Join Course
13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy Join Course
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In this book I give you 13 little habits that you can add into your lifestyle so that you naturally and painlessly lose weight and keep it off. Thirteen may seem like a lot but here’s the rub – you will adopt each one individually, at your own pace. In fact, I insist that you do not rush it – this process should take no less than two weeks at the very least.

Linda Westwood is a #1 Best Selling author of various books about weight loss, dieting, exercise programs, and everything nutrition. Residing in San Francisco, California, Linda has been in the nutrition field for over 15 years, and has now begun sharing her knowledge and educating people around the world about living a healthy lifestyle. In her books, Linda provides daily action plans and fantastic advice on how to lose weight, burning fat in those hard to lose areas, better eating habits, morning rituals that lead to a healthy body, and so much more. When not writing, Linda likes to look after her two kids, read, exercise and explore the world.

External url: http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Habits-Morning-Weight-Energized/dp/1508470707/ref=la_B00RPX66US_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1429290911&sr=1-4

Tags: Morning Habits

13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

The most common habit of healthy people is that they wake up early every morning.  

 Your body will thank you for it – our bodies were designed to sleep when it is nighttime and to be awake during the day when the sun is up. Getting up earlier, around the time the sun rises, is more in sync with our natural circadian rhythms.

Better sleep leaves you more able to deal with the stresses of the day. By not getting enough sleep, you are putting stress on your body and more cortisol is produced.  

 More cortisol means two of the hormones that help regulate appetite – Leptin and Ghrelin – begin to function ineffectively.


  1.  This is best started immediately. If you have a big day coming up or are worried about being tired, schedule it to start over a weekend instead.  
  2. Decide on what time is early in your part of the world and count back 8 hours from there. This is your new target bedtime.  
  3. About an hour before bedtime, you want to switch off your laptop, TV and cell phone. If possible, dim the lights in the house. (If you don’t have a dimmer, wear a pair of sunglasses – yes, seriously!) Artificial light is very stimulating to the brain and interferes with your body’s production of melatonin – the hormone that makes you sleepy.  
  4. Do something relaxing leading up to bedtime like reading a book – just not a best seller.
  5.  Go to bed when you are feeling sleepy – if you do not fall asleep within about 15 minutes either get up and start reading again (don’t forget the sunglasses) or, if you are able to, just relax in bed. It is important not to get caught up in how much sleep you are getting.  
  6. Set the alarm early and disable the snooze button.  
  7. When the alarm goes off, jump out of bed, open your curtains and bask in the sunlight. If possible, go outside for five minutes as well.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Woke at 6.30 am. I am probably worst at doing the best things.. Still yawning!

Adam Health care

Bang On! This is great habit. I wake up but, keep on delaying it for 5 minutes to 10 minutes.. I am going to put it in to action from tonight only.

The next one is super easy.   Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning – use water that is tepid, not boiling, and use fresh lemons.


  1. You will need half a fresh lemon a day, so unless you have a lemon tree in your garden, get a few. (No more than 4 – they are better fresh).  
  2. As soon as you have said hello to the sun, pour yourself a glass of tepid water – not too hot or too cold, just right!  
  3. Cut your lemon in half and reserve one half for tomorrow. Squeeze as much juice as you can manage from the other one.  
  4. Bottoms up! I find that downing it is best. I have a sweet tooth so I didn’t enjoy it at first – you quickly get used to it. Now I can feel the difference if I skip my lemon water. 

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I have been drinking lemon water for 5 months now. I works great. I always prefer a healthy green lifestyle and this is something that puts me on the right track at the very morning...

Adam Health care

Really.. Relxing. Nothing can compare normal water no juice or beverage.


Adam Health care

EWWW!!! How do they have lemon water in the morning. I wonder why they had to do it? But, offcourse I came to know the reasons. So, I ought to give it a try myself. If I wasn't warned earlier of the taste.... I would have thrown it off.. But, I was prepared..

Would try for few days to see what difference it brings to me?

 Okay… now... stretch!  

Do it right now – raise your hands above your head as far as you can. Feels good, doesn’t it?  

Our bodies were born to move – it is essential for all the systems in our body.

We all need to move more - so now we are going to incorporate stretching into our day – it will get your blood circulating and your lymphatic system up and ready for action. The proper functioning of the lymphatic system relies on us being active – if you are sluggish, so is your lymphatic system.


  1. Start with preparation now. Look around online for some basic stretching exercises. The Sun Salutation, used in Yoga, is a pretty good one and stretches the entire body. You should aim to stretch for at least 5 minutes.  
  2. All you really need is yourself and space to stretch. If you need to make space, do this tonight and then you are all ready.  
  3. After drinking your lemon juice, start stretching.  
  4. Stretching is easy, you can even do it in your PJ’s – in fact the looser the clothing the better it is.
  5. Do concentrate on getting the form right – take time to get into the right position. Hurrying or getting the pose wrong can do more harm than good.  
  6. Do try to stretch as much as you can manage but not to the point of pain. If this is painful, something is wrong.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Stretching helps the body muscles to get worked up.... Blood flows and it reduces muscles spasms as well.. I suggest everyone to do it in the morning.

Adam Health care

No more back pain, or muscle pain. I stretch every morning and now I flexible with no pain at all. My morning finally is best part of the day.

Adam Health care

When I woke up, I had a back pai . It was so horrible that I could not breathe. Slowly I stretched myself.. Almist half an hour.. Then I could step out of the bed.. Stretching is important.. Yeahh. Got my blood flowing!

Adam Health care

Well, I do this every morning but to get rid of my stiff muscles. Yeah.. it must be bacause of the lower blood circulation. Anyways, I did get it right!


You knew this one was coming – why did you think I started with waking up earlier in the morning?   Now we are going to add a cardio workout.  

Why Exercise Now?  

Cardio on an empty stomach is good for you and really kicks your body into a fat-burning mode.

Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stay with the exercise program and lose more weight than those that wait until later in the day.

Get exercise done before you’ve had your breakfast and coffee (you may not even need the coffee anymore!).   Exercise boosts your levels of energy and gets your blood pumping – it’s better than coffee and healthier too.

All it takes to keep your body happy is 30 minutes of cardio a day (you can take Sundays off, if you really want to). You don’t even have to do it all at once – break it up into 10-minute chunks if that makes it easier.


  1. If you are currently very unfit or on medication, have a chat with your doctor first about suitable exercises for you.
  2. Do some research about cardio exercises and strength training and find something that you find appealing. There are tons of exercise DVDs that you can use in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
  3. After stretching, change into your workout clothes if necessary, and get going.  
  4. Get started and commit to exercising every day – even just for 10 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Got a twitch.. Even stretching doesn't help. I am takng the medicines and it is getting better. Need a couple of days..

Adam Health care

Just a few minutes..Jumping jack so that I get the blood running .......................

Yawning, and that snooze button takes the rush out of my life and makes me lazy. I know it's not good for me.. So.. few seets of jumping jack, plunges, push ups, squats and I get set for the day..

Adam Health care

I don't devote specific time to workout, just skip the elevator or go the local store walking..

So to began little bit of workout inside the home.. But, soon was out of breath.. And, decided it was fine for the day.. So went to the daily routine of mine.. Shower and breakfast!


Most people skip breakfast. This is the worst health and dieting mistake that you could possibly make.  



  1. Plan ahead – read up some more about low-GI foods and research some breakfast ideas that appeal to you.  
  2. Do any prep work that you can the night before – I will get together all the ingredients that I need for the smoothie and measure them out ready for the next morning. NO excuses. Make it as easy as possible to make your breakfast.  
  3. After your workout finish preparing your breakfast.  
  4. Sit down and enjoy.  
  5. Take some time to eat – try not to eat on the run unless you have to.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Finally, I have got my habit of skipping breakfast corrected. It's been a month or so I have been eatnig a heavy breakfast - and honestly I have better energy levels and healthier. I feel there has been some changes in my stress levels.

Adam Health care

I was in rush in the morning. Only managed toasts and tea...

Would be grabbing something later..

Adam Health care

It is okay if I skip my noon meal.. but it is the breakfast that gives me the required energy to go on with my day..

Says if you start the day right, the whole day will be right.

Pile on the protein at breakfast.  

Do you want to lose weight?  

Do you want maximum energy?  

Do you want enhanced mental function all day?  

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you need to eat a big portion of protein for breakfast. More protein with fewer carbs or no carbs at all is what you should be aiming for, especially if you are trying to build muscle.


  1. Think about how you can incorporate more protein in your breakfast starting tomorrow. Protein is very filling so you should consider cutting down the carb content.  
  2. Make it easy for yourself – boil a few eggs to keep for tomorrow and the next day – hardboiled eggs will store well in the fridge for a couple of days.  
  3. Reconsider dinner portions as well – cook extra meat so that you have some for breakfast.
  4. In the morning, after you have exercised, eat breakfast as usual but with the added protein.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

A good heavy breakfast is a must for me - with oatmeal, two eggs, some steamed veggies, and a cup of green tea.. It is just perfect. For the rest of the day I am on no-carb light salads. I actually feel quite healthy. 

Adam Health care

I have prepared my diet chart and the menu way ahead. I have boiled eggs, cooked some meat and stored them in the refrigerator. I saved me time. All I do in the morning to make some toasts and juice. I am good to go for the rest of the day.

Adam Health care

Mouthwatering, and now more health reasons to have it. Would try cooking Turkey with some help from Smartkitchen.com.

Drink a cup of green tea in the morning.  

Green tea is the best health drink that there is. It is high in anti-oxidants and other nutrients and will help to, amongst other things, increase the amount of fat lost, reduce your risk of developing cancer and increase the level at which your brain functions as well.


  1. Go to the store and get some green tea.  
  2. The choice between tea bags and tea leaves is a personal one and the studies haven’t indicated that there is any difference in results. Personally, I prefer tea bags – they’re less messy.
  3. Either way, make it as you would normal tea. Allow it to brew for at least 5 minutes for the full effect.  
  4. Add a little honey if you want for flavor. Personally though, I think it tastes fine as is.
  5. Sip slowly.  
  6. The used teabags are great for the compost heap so dispose of them by tossing them in there.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I prefer green tea leaves. Not much happy with the tea bags - I don't find them strong. I used to have green tea earlier as well. But honey is the new sweet addition. Loving it.

Adam Health care

Oh! it was some blunder.. I didn't brew it well I guess. Got to get honey !! May be I am a coffee freak that i why I am facing it so hard.

Weigh yourself in the morning!  

There is a lot of information out there on the Internet and in the media about how you should only weigh yourself once a week so that you aren’t as obsessed with your weight.

The key is to weigh yourself at the same time EVERY MORNING – that is the only true way to keep track of how you are progressing.


  1.  An electronic scale is more accurate and weighs parts of kilograms as well. If you do not have one, try and get one.
  2. Start showing your scale some love. Dust it off and put is somewhere that you’ll notice it first thing in the morning.  
  3. Do make sure that the scale is on a level surface.  
  4. Don’t put it where you can stub your toe or injure yourself – scales can be hard on toes.
  5. Download a fitness app that allows you to track your weight. I personally like “Calorie Counter” by FatSecret. It is free and easy to use and it never forgets - I have stats going back two years on there. There is a whole lot more it can
  6. Alternatively, go old-school and buy a notepad to record the results.  
  7. It is important to write them down immediately or you will forget. It’s not so hard to remember that you weigh 85kg, for example. But is it 85.6kg or 85.8?  
  8. Yes, the differences matter!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Adam Health care

I have an electronic scale. And, I use in once in a week. But never maintained a journal. I would make it a habit to weigh myself sametime every morning and record the weight.

Let's see if anything changes. Indeed, it is great morning habit.

Take a daily multivitamin every morning with breakfast.  You do not need to take so many supplements that you rattle, but you do need a multivitamin.


  1. Do some research and find a good supplement available in your area. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.  
  2. Don’t be swayed by the advertising. Compare the supplements according to their nutritional content and what preservatives and binders are used.  
  3. Be careful about buying in bulk – make sure that you will be able to use all the vitamins before the bottle expires.
  4. Store your vitamins in a dry, dark cupboard.  
  5. Take the required dose straight after breakfast, with some plain water. 

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I have deficiency of B12 vitamin. There are many health benefits of B12 vitamins.

Adam Health care

Started taking B12 vitamin tablets. I had a deficiency of it... Been to hospital for a week for this.

Take a fiber supplement in the morning with your breakfast. It does not matter whether or not this is in pill form or as a drink.   

You are probably not getting all the fiber that you need from your diet, especially not if you eat a lot of refined foods.  

Fiber supplement that contain psyllium (like Metamucil and Konsyl) are safe for everyday use.  

Fiber is essential if you want to lose weight and maintain the weight loss. If you are not getting enough fiber, you can have as much as 4-8lbs of undigested food sluggishly moving around in your intestines.


  1.  Go out and buy a fiber supplement.  
  2. It takes time to work so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing accidents at work.
  3. Take it as directed every morning.  
  4. You can even take it with your lemon water.  
  5. Ideally it should be taken on an empty stomach.  
  6. You can expect to experience some initial discomfort – gas and more regular bowel movements are common at first.  
  7. The discomfort usually passes in a week or two, once your body gets into a proper digestive rhythm again.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Sit down and take a couple of minutes to plan out what you will do in during the upcoming day.  

The most commonly cited reason for people not to stick to their health plan is that they were caught unawares.   If you have a plan set up, you are less likely to fail.   By planning when you’ll eat, what you eat, etc., you can make sure that the resources are in place when you need them.  

Planning healthy meals, snacks and activities will ensure that you don’t wolf down the contents of your fridge at night because you forgot to eat lunch.  

Planning for what to do when trouble strikes is good insurance as well. How will you distract yourself if a craving strikes?  

Make a plan every morning and hold yourself accountable for it.

Commit to it for that day – taking it one step at a time is used in recovery programs because it works. Committing to one day is a whole lot easier than committing your entire life.


  1.  Think about the day ahead and what you will be doing.  
  2. Are there going to be any potential risks to your health plan?  
  3. How will you deal with them if there are?  
  4. When are you going to have your meals and what are you going to have to eat?  
  5. What other actions will you take today to improve your wellness?  
  6. You can write the list out if you like and sign it or you can just commit to it mentally.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

After a long time, I got a day off today. I planned to get some of my household chores done. Then to go to a friend's place and hangout a little.

Adam Health care

I am mostly busy with practice. There is nothing much to plan.. but sometimes, it is tiring. I have started spending the first 10 minutes planning the rest.. especially, how I am going to spend some "me" time.

Adam Health care

One thing that I do while sipping my morning drink is to plan my day ahead. It helps me to get some time to recollect myself at the end of the day. 

I get to meet my friends, build relations and socialize. It is just so important to have a life beyond professional me. 

Fill up your water bottle for the day ahead.  

Having the water ready to drink is not only a visual reminder of how much you need to drink throughout the day but it makes it a lot easier for you as well.  

If the water is in front of you, you are more likely to drink it. If you have to remember to go get it, you will probably forget.

Our bodies are made up of 70% water. You can go for a couple of weeks without eating but you won’t last 3 days without water. Not being adequately hydrated can makes your brain send signals to your body. The problem is that we often mistake this as hunger and eat.  

A lot of the time, what you think is hunger is actually a sign of dehydration. When your body is short on water, it hangs on to what it’s got.   That’s why you so often lose so much weight in the first week of the diet – the body is better hydrated so it let’s go of the water it has been retaining.


  1. Get yourself a bottle to drink out of now. I prefer glass bottles – they keep the water at a more even temperature and the water seems to taste better out of glass.  
  2. Start with a 500ml bottle of water and work your way up from there.  
  3.  Fill it up and take it to work with you.  
  4. Leave it on your desk or somewhere that you can always see it.  
  5. Drink a glass of water whenever you remember to.  
  6. If it’s very hot, I often put my bottle in the freezer overnight – just don’t fill it completely - the water expands when frozen. When you take it out in the morning, add some water to get it to start melting - you’ll have nice cold water for most of the day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I add a bit of plemon jiuce, a teaspoon of sugar and salt to it and make it a god detoxifying drink. Further, it is a good energy energy drink. I often have 2 glasses of it. 

Adam Health care

Don't know why, but I have been really hungry since noon. It could be emotional crave. Well, I opt out for a grape juice. I know, when hungry one should drink lot of water. Hiunger for a cuisine seems to be more of a mental desire rather than a tummy call!

Adam Health care

But in a good way.. Lots of water, juice and smoothies..

I have a few tricks that I put in to use from time to time to fight the fatigue and other health issues. Some are ayurvedic, some been scietifically proven, but the base is drinking water. Like in fever, I increase my water intake at least 3 to 4 times.


Make healthy snacks for yourself throughout the day and keep them on hand.  

You are bound to feel hunger pangs between meals, plan ahead and have healthy snacks ready for these times.  

Healthy snacking is actually great for weight loss – it balances out your blood sugar levels and gently stokes your metabolism.

Keeping your blood sugar levels constant is going to help you stick to your healthy eating plan.  

It is the sugar rushes from eating the wrong foods that causes the subsequent energy crash and the need to eat more.


  1. Make a list of healthy snacks that you can keep with you. Nuts and seeds are great ideas. Real fruit is also quite filling. Dried fruit is technically better for you then sweets but it still has too much sugar in it.  
  2. Watch out for snack bars that are labeled as healthy – check the ingredients, a lot of them are laden with sugar and fats.
  3. If you can discipline yourself to do so, you can have a couple of PIECES of dark chocolate – not slabs, pieces. Make sure that there is at least 80% cocoa in them.  
  4. Olives make a nice snack.  
  5. Keep an emergency stash in your drawer at work at all times.
  6. Make sure that you always have at least two snack packs handy all the time.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

Okay!! I got some sandwiches... Homemade.. N some nuts to munch when I feel a bull running inside my tummy.

If you’re going to eat carbs, eat them in the morning.  

You need to stick to complex carbs that release a steady stream of energy. Anything that has a G.I. of over 50 is out.  

Complex carbs have three or more sugars and have a high fiber content. Simple carbs are mainly made up of two.  

Sweetness is usually a fair indication of how complex the carb is. Complex carbs often taste blander, although this is not always the case.

 The best way to tell is to check your energy levels and hunger after eating the carb.  

If you get a sudden rush of energy, it is more likely to be a simple carb. If you feel hungry again a couple of hours afterwards, despite having eaten your fill, it is definitely a simple carb. 

Examples of Good Carbs:  

  • Whole grains
  • Plain oats
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa Barley
  • Most vegetables  

The fiber content in complex carbs is what makes them so much healthier – this slows down the rate that the sugars in the carbs are absorbed into the blood stream.  

They will also help you to feel full longer and they are heart healthy. If you are battling to manage on breakfast until lunch, add some complex carbs.  

It is not a good idea to eat them later in the day – your body needs time to process them.  


  1. What simple carbs are you eating now? Check everything that you currently eat for breakfast and see what the G.I. rating for each food is.
  2. Choose from the list of healthy carbs. They should not compose more than a quarter of your daily diet.  
  3. Evaluate how you feel after eating them – did they give a rush of energy. Are you reaching for more a couple of hours later? If so, they are probably simple carbs.  
  4. Slowly try to cut carbs out of the diet. Do eat vegetables but start to cut back on grains. Current thinking is that our digestive tract cannot digest grains properly because they are a relatively new addition to our diets.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I have oats in breakfast, but there is no surety as I am often working. I work in rotational shifts so I have keep my diet pretty flexible and mostly on a day's count.

Adam Health care

Carbing up in the morning is a great idea. A few simple thing in morning today can save you from too much efforts tomorrow..

Carb up the required energy in the morning and you won't get exhausted for the rest of the day!

Adam Health care
Help wanted

Generally, I have oatmeal in my breakfast. Otherwise, brown bread and grilled vegetables.

I like it alot. Do, I need to make some changes in it?

Take a fish oil supplement every morning with your breakfast.  

The alternative to supplementation is to have two servings of oily fish a week. Most of us don’t get that - hence the supplement.


  1. Choose a good quality supplement.  
  2. You may have to do some experimenting with different supplement ranges. I always thought that the Omega-3 thing was a bit of a waste of time. I bought the brand that I am currently taking because it was on special. After about a month on it, I could honestly say that I felt that it was making a difference.
  3. It is best to take these with meals to stop the flavor from repeating throughout the morning.  
  4. If you do not like fish, you are not initially going to like the fact that the flavor does repeat on you. But that will go away in time.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

I have started taking Vitamin D pill once a week. And Vitamin E on a regular basis.

Adam Health care

I am really not of fish loving guy. I am more fond of chicken, lamb, beef. So, Fish oil suplement is a better option for me. Went to my monthly check up.. Got the name for it. I know I can get one for myself, but being a caregiver I think it is better to consult your doctor before you take any medication..

Rebound every morning for 5 minutes after waking up.   Rebounding is fun and very good for you.

It will:  

  • Get the blood pumping and make you feel energized.  
  • Help with the circulation and drainage of lymph and toxins.  
  • It is good cardio exercise and is a lot easier on your body than pounding a pavement when it comes to impact stress.  
  • It helps to improve stamina and endurance.  
  • It revs up the metabolism.  
  • Did I mention that its fun?  
  • It counts as exercise, seriously.  

You get more bang for your buck – because you are basically defying gravity, you get a more intense workout than you would from running. Five minutes on the trampoline is equivalent to about double the same time running hard.

It’s relatively quiet and doesn’t take up too much space.  

The trampoline itself doesn’t cost a lot – meaning no more wasted money on a gym subscription you don’t use.  

 You can do more than just bounce around – you can run in place, skip, jump – get creative, it will never get boring.

There are even workouts DVDs that you can get to go with it.  


  1. Get yourself a mini-trampoline.  
  2. Place it where you’ll see it first thing in the morning – maybe next to the scale.
  3. Climb off your scale and onto your rebounder – before you have your lemon water or anything else.  
  4. Five minutes is harder than it sounds. Keep at it.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

That's crazy for me! I better go for a morning run!

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Blog entries by followers

Adam Health care

Finally, I have got my habit of skipping breakfast corrected. It's been a month or so I have been eatnig a heavy breakfast - and honestly I have better energy levels and healthier. I feel there has been some changes in my stress levels.

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Adam Health care

A good heavy breakfast is a must for me - with oatmeal, two eggs, some steamed veggies, and a cup of green tea.. It is just perfect. For the rest of the day I am on no-carb light salads. I actually feel quite healthy. 

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Adam Health care

I have oats in breakfast, but there is no surety as I am often working. I work in rotational shifts so I have keep my diet pretty flexible and mostly on a day's count.

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Adam Health care

After a long time, I got a day off today. I planned to get some of my household chores done. Then to go to a friend's place and hangout a little.

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Adam Health care

That's crazy for me! I better go for a morning run!

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Adam Health care

I prefer green tea leaves. Not much happy with the tea bags - I don't find them strong. I used to have green tea earlier as well. But honey is the new sweet addition. Loving it.

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Adam Health care

Woke at 6.30 am. I am probably worst at doing the best things.. Still yawning!

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Adam Health care

Stretching helps the body muscles to get worked up.... Blood flows and it reduces muscles spasms as well.. I suggest everyone to do it in the morning.

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Adam Health care

I am mostly busy with practice. There is nothing much to plan.. but sometimes, it is tiring. I have started spending the first 10 minutes planning the rest.. especially, how I am going to spend some "me" time.

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Adam Health care

I have been drinking lemon water for 5 months now. I works great. I always prefer a healthy green lifestyle and this is something that puts me on the right track at the very morning...

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Adam Health care

I have started taking Vitamin D pill once a week. And Vitamin E on a regular basis.

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Adam Health care

I add a bit of plemon jiuce, a teaspoon of sugar and salt to it and make it a god detoxifying drink. Further, it is a good energy energy drink. I often have 2 glasses of it. 

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Adam Health care

One thing that I do while sipping my morning drink is to plan my day ahead. It helps me to get some time to recollect myself at the end of the day. 

I get to meet my friends, build relations and socialize. It is just so important to have a life beyond professional me. 

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Adam Health care

I have prepared my diet chart and the menu way ahead. I have boiled eggs, cooked some meat and stored them in the refrigerator. I saved me time. All I do in the morning to make some toasts and juice. I am good to go for the rest of the day.

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Adam Health care

I have deficiency of B12 vitamin. There are many health benefits of B12 vitamins.

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Adam Health care

Carbing up in the morning is a great idea. A few simple thing in morning today can save you from too much efforts tomorrow..

Carb up the required energy in the morning and you won't get exhausted for the rest of the day!

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Adam Health care

I was in rush in the morning. Only managed toasts and tea...

Would be grabbing something later..

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Adam Health care

Got a twitch.. Even stretching doesn't help. I am takng the medicines and it is getting better. Need a couple of days..

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Adam Health care

It is okay if I skip my noon meal.. but it is the breakfast that gives me the required energy to go on with my day..

Says if you start the day right, the whole day will be right.

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Adam Health care

Really.. Relxing. Nothing can compare normal water no juice or beverage.


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