MH #4 – Start Moving ASAP

Course: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

Goal: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

You knew this one was coming – why did you think I started with waking up earlier in the morning?   Now we are going to add a cardio workout.  

Why Exercise Now?  

Cardio on an empty stomach is good for you and really kicks your body into a fat-burning mode.

Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stay with the exercise program and lose more weight than those that wait until later in the day.

Get exercise done before you’ve had your breakfast and coffee (you may not even need the coffee anymore!).   Exercise boosts your levels of energy and gets your blood pumping – it’s better than coffee and healthier too.

All it takes to keep your body happy is 30 minutes of cardio a day (you can take Sundays off, if you really want to). You don’t even have to do it all at once – break it up into 10-minute chunks if that makes it easier.


  1. If you are currently very unfit or on medication, have a chat with your doctor first about suitable exercises for you.
  2. Do some research about cardio exercises and strength training and find something that you find appealing. There are tons of exercise DVDs that you can use in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
  3. After stretching, change into your workout clothes if necessary, and get going.  
  4. Get started and commit to exercising every day – even just for 10 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

Got a twitch.. Even stretching doesn't help. I am takng the medicines and it is getting better. Need a couple of days..

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Adam Health care

Just a few minutes..Jumping jack so that I get the blood running .......................

Yawning, and that snooze button takes the rush out of my life and makes me lazy. I know it's not good for me.. So.. few seets of jumping jack, plunges, push ups, squats and I get set for the day..

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Adam Health care

I don't devote specific time to workout, just skip the elevator or go the local store walking..

So to began little bit of workout inside the home.. But, soon was out of breath.. And, decided it was fine for the day.. So went to the daily routine of mine.. Shower and breakfast!


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