MH #8 – The Crucial Habit To Weight Loss Success

Course: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

Goal: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy

Weigh yourself in the morning!  

There is a lot of information out there on the Internet and in the media about how you should only weigh yourself once a week so that you aren’t as obsessed with your weight.

The key is to weigh yourself at the same time EVERY MORNING – that is the only true way to keep track of how you are progressing.


  1.  An electronic scale is more accurate and weighs parts of kilograms as well. If you do not have one, try and get one.
  2. Start showing your scale some love. Dust it off and put is somewhere that you’ll notice it first thing in the morning.  
  3. Do make sure that the scale is on a level surface.  
  4. Don’t put it where you can stub your toe or injure yourself – scales can be hard on toes.
  5. Download a fitness app that allows you to track your weight. I personally like “Calorie Counter” by FatSecret. It is free and easy to use and it never forgets - I have stats going back two years on there. There is a whole lot more it can
  6. Alternatively, go old-school and buy a notepad to record the results.  
  7. It is important to write them down immediately or you will forget. It’s not so hard to remember that you weigh 85kg, for example. But is it 85.6kg or 85.8?  
  8. Yes, the differences matter!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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Adam Health care

I have an electronic scale. And, I use in once in a week. But never maintained a journal. I would make it a habit to weigh myself sametime every morning and record the weight.

Let's see if anything changes. Indeed, it is great morning habit.

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