Avoid Stress

Course: Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques

Goal: Reducing Stress


  1. Avoid this decided stressor. You can’t let this stressor take hold of you and alter you forever.
  2. Begin to reframe these stressors and problems. Remember that sometimes these stressors are just a part of your personal perspective.
  3. Try to say no more often.
  4. Give up tasks to others and begin to delegate.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I started off delegating tasks today. I was stressed beyond imagination. I literally have an headache today.


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Good idea! When overwhelming work create stress, delegate! Prevention is better, much better than probing for a cure..

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