Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques Join Course
Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques Join Course
Stress mngmnt
Maximize Your Life and Achieve Success with Proven Stress Management Techniques This book contains many different, proven techniques to fuel you down the path of better stress management. You can begin to breathe better, look at your world in a different light, and utilize your relationships for comfort and joy. You can find true solace in your environment and quit allowing your work stressors to impact your every day. Find hope in a sea of sure stress, and reach your true potential.

Nathan Bellow, My mission with this is to be able to help inspire and change the world, one reader at a time. I want to provide the most amazing life tools that anyone can apply into their lives. It doesn't matter whether you have hit rock bottom in your life or your life is amazing and you want to keep taking it to another level.

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Reducing Stress
Manage Stress Through Lifestyle
Manage Stress Through NLP Technique

Take the Stress Quiz and rule out if you are stressed or not.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Once


  1. Avoid this decided stressor. You can’t let this stressor take hold of you and alter you forever.
  2. Begin to reframe these stressors and problems. Remember that sometimes these stressors are just a part of your personal perspective.
  3. Try to say no more often.
  4. Give up tasks to others and begin to delegate.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I started off delegating tasks today. I was stressed beyond imagination. I literally have an headache today.


Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Good idea! When overwhelming work create stress, delegate! Prevention is better, much better than probing for a cure..

  1. Clean up your life. If you live and work in a messy environment, you are asking for stress to take hold of you.
  2. Prepare yourself for the day ahead and take your morning a little bit more slowly.
  3. Listen to calm music.
  4. Look to aromatherapy. The scent of both oranges and lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress levels.
  5. Alter your actual environment. If you can’t study or work in your specific office, try to relocate to a park or a coffee shop.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

organized my work station, got lavender candle in my bedroom, and got an organizer! At least it will reduce some stress of mine..

  1. Try taking a long, warm bath. A warm bubble bath will relax your already tense muscles and allow you to soothe yourself.
  2. Look to one of your past favorite hobbies to calm yourself.
  3. Alternately, find a new hobby to fill your life.
  4. Look to the natural world and go for a walk in the sunshine. Sunlight natural dissipates your depression.
  5. Try to laugh a little bit more. Laughter is the most natural cure there is.
  6. Relax with a cup of tea. People who regularly drink tea have been shown to have lower levels of stress.
  7. Go get a massage. When you get a massage, you are releasing feel-good, anti-stress hormones into your body.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I have been working for long hours and it waas too much tiring ... I decided and made a note to take 5 minutes break every half an hour. 


It was so relaxing.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

It is tricky to get away a few minutes to relax and rejuvinate ... So I am going to find out 40 ways of doing it from greatist.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I was busy preparing a presentation today.. But, there was a time when I couldn't take it anymore was having headache. I decided to make me some coffee and take a warm shower. It took me 10 minutes but helped me so much to relax. Finally, I got my presentation done. Chilling out listening to some music.

Eat the necessary healthful foods.

Some food known for their stress reducing qualities

  1. Avocado
  2. Asparagus
  3. Blueberries
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Organic beef
  6. Oranges
  7. Walnuts
  8. Cashew
  9. Chamomile tea
  10. Garlic

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

I tried some snack today made of avocado. Crispy avocado slices! Not bad at all.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

I had oatmeal banana muffins today! Deliciously healthy!

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

Trying to figure out soooome healthy food plan for a is something I really needed! It's yummy!

Find daily exercise in your schedule.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Trying maintain a workout routine...

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Every morning I work out. First it is a run then intensive workout...with some stretching exercises.

Begin to focus on your sleep schedule. Oftentimes, people skip out on sleep when they’re too stressed to do anything else.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

A glass of warm milk helps me to sleep better.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Got a muscle spasm, so having difficulty to sleep for the last couple of days.. Putting some warm bags for relief.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Don't know what happened but I lost my sleep last night. Thousands of worries no matter if they are related to me or not, just grabbed me.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

A glass of warm milk helps getting good sleep! And got some lavender essential oil... I am already sleepy!

Begin to write in a journal. Simply writing out your stressful feelings from the day can help eliminate your stress and help you move forward from your past.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Maintain Journal

I noticed one thing. As I pour in my worst feeling, stress, I get free from it. It is like that memory basin Professor Dumbledore of Harry Potter had. I do write every night before going to sleep. I also write in the most beautiful moment of the day I am grateful for.

Find the benefits of your relationship. If you are currently in a relationship with someone, look to kissing, sex, and cuddling for a hormone called oxytocin.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Wow, I just found out how a couple can reduce each others' stress and that it improves their relationship. It is there in I ought to take some lessons now. 


Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Something so true.. And when you have good understanding and the relationship got frienship in it - no need of words to explain it. 


Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

When life is full of peace, love everything looks so sorted out.It feels so nice to have someone loving in life.. someone who makes me feel so special and loved.

Look to reduce stress in spiritual endeavors. People who participate in religion have been shown to have lower levels of stress.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

I never miss my Sunday Church it is like my daily booster energy and antidepressants.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

It's Sunday. I went to church. Every week, I share, acknowledge my mistakes and I get to start the week ahead with all good spirits. 

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

I make sure I go to Church every Sunday. I make it as my top priority.


Try to calm your anxious thoughts. If you’re stressed out, try to stop thinking and repeat a “mantra” or a calming word.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are anxious.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I meditate, but it is still not 100% working. I was wondering why then found the  answers to my questions "12 ways to calm your overactive mind". Now I see, I watch TV alot, not giving it my all. I am not living in present always running for a happy tomorrow. 

 I have been such a fool.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Mantra helped me to calm down a lot. Affirmation really works.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Ommmm.... there is some magic in this mantra... It calmed my mind totally. 

Accept yourself for who you are and try to feel good about yourself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I need not to prove anything to anyone just me... Whatever I do... I am questionable to myself. One rule of acceptng myself is something that I need to know.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Who am I? What am I doing? Good or bad, beautiful or ugly - whatever it is I need to accept booth my strength and weaknesses if I have to proceed ahead in my life.

  1. Guided Meditation. Guided meditation can help you formulate mental images of various situations or places that your brain perceives as relaxing.
  2. Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness meditation is based on holding greater feelings of mindfulness and understanding of the present moment.
  3. Qi Gong. Qi Gong is the combination of physical movement, breathing, meditation, and relaxation. This stems from ancient Chinese medical practices.
  4. Mantra Meditation. Mantra Meditation utilizes a single thought, word, or phrase in order to distract you from your racing thoughts or interior stress. Think of a word or phrase that initiates a sense of peace in you, and say the word over and over in order to distract yourself. Try: “Life is beautiful,” or “Peace.”
  5. Tai chi. Tai chi also stems from ancient Chinese practices. You utilize postures or movements slowly and fluidly while also breathing deeply.
  6.  Yoga. When you perform yoga in order to de-stress, you are performing a whole range of postures and exercises to yield a stress-free mind.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Gosh I never knew that meditative techniques can relief the symptoms of several conditions including cancer as well as AIDS.. I just saw it in  the medicinet article.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

After making an effort for several weeks, now I can meditate for mere 5 minutes. Still I have progressed! Happy!

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

For the last one week, I couldn't meditate. Back to the square one. I have lost my progress. Starting it over.... once again.

NLP states that you continually make “anchors” and associations between your emotional state and your various sensors: what you see, what you feel, and what you hear.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

It was too confusing to anchor... so I tried watching some anchor videos. Here is something useful... Dr. Matt Anchor Demo




Future pacing allows you to imagine a future stressful situation and see if your anchoring and meditation have worked to de-stress you. Imagine a stressful situation that usually ruins your day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Losing a clientele is my biggest fear..When I put everything at stake.. I just tried imagining such a situation.. My heart is beating at a fast pace. I am going to try this out again, I cannot give up ...

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Really hard to tame my mind! May this combination work!

The NLP swish pattern is utilized to disrupt your negative patterns of thought. Imagine something, for example, that is associated with your stressful behaviors. Imagine you pulling your hand over your hair, like you might do when you’re stressed out. Imagine yourself sweating. Imagine yourself waving your hands around in a panicked way.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When are stressed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I was sweating badly for I was about to miss a deadline. It tried NLP swish pattern and calmed down. I am not sure, if I could do it correctly, but tried. I had to take couple of deep breaths ... Then I cmade a few calls and got an extension of 3 days. 

During NLP reframing, you can begin to alter how you actually perceive an event and therefore change the meaning. As aforementioned, the way you perceive your world is the meaning of your world: it is your map. During reframing, you can alter your meaning of the world and therefore alter the way you act in that world. This involves the following six-step reframe.

1. Identify something you would rather not feel. In this case, identify your stress and your stressor. How do you act when you’re stressed? How do you feel?

2. Try to “speak” to the part of your brain that forces you to feel that way and act the way you do. Ask the part of your brain if it can communicate with you directly.

3. Ask this part of your brain what it wants when it’s forcing you to be stressed and alienated. Recognize what the part of the brain wants versus how it’s making you feel. This unconscious part of your brain has been attempting to help you; however, it’s not making you feel very good. Do not shame this part of your brain. Try to understand what it’s attempting to create in you.

4. Next, ask this part of your brain to create three other ways to achieve this outcome without making you feel so bad.

5. Ask this part of your brain to consider these three new choices and decide if they’re acceptable. Negotiate with the brain.

6. Check with other parts of your brain and body in order to make sure every part of you is okay with the new configurations.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Many times, I tried to communicate with my problematic brain.. It end up in creating more stress.. identify, ask.. this way I am getting into it.. not out of it.. Anyone, been helped with NLP by himself?

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Blog entries by followers

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

I never miss my Sunday Church it is like my daily booster energy and antidepressants.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

I tried some snack today made of avocado. Crispy avocado slices! Not bad at all.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

I had oatmeal banana muffins today! Deliciously healthy!

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

It's Sunday. I went to church. Every week, I share, acknowledge my mistakes and I get to start the week ahead with all good spirits. 

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Spiritual Endeavors

I make sure I go to Church every Sunday. I make it as my top priority.


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Wow, I just found out how a couple can reduce each others' stress and that it improves their relationship. It is there in I ought to take some lessons now. 


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

A glass of warm milk helps me to sleep better.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Healthy Food

Trying to figure out soooome healthy food plan for a is something I really needed! It's yummy!

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I need not to prove anything to anyone just me... Whatever I do... I am questionable to myself. One rule of acceptng myself is something that I need to know.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Who am I? What am I doing? Good or bad, beautiful or ugly - whatever it is I need to accept booth my strength and weaknesses if I have to proceed ahead in my life.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I meditate, but it is still not 100% working. I was wondering why then found the  answers to my questions "12 ways to calm your overactive mind". Now I see, I watch TV alot, not giving it my all. I am not living in present always running for a happy tomorrow. 

 I have been such a fool.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Mantra helped me to calm down a lot. Affirmation really works.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Trying maintain a workout routine...

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Got a muscle spasm, so having difficulty to sleep for the last couple of days.. Putting some warm bags for relief.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Gosh I never knew that meditative techniques can relief the symptoms of several conditions including cancer as well as AIDS.. I just saw it in  the medicinet article.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Every morning I work out. First it is a run then intensive workout...with some stretching exercises.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Something so true.. And when you have good understanding and the relationship got frienship in it - no need of words to explain it. 


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

It was too confusing to anchor... so I tried watching some anchor videos. Here is something useful... Dr. Matt Anchor Demo



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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I have been working for long hours and it waas too much tiring ... I decided and made a note to take 5 minutes break every half an hour. 


It was so relaxing.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

After making an effort for several weeks, now I can meditate for mere 5 minutes. Still I have progressed! Happy!

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