Make Placement and Environmental Alterations

Course: Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques

Goal: Reducing Stress
  1. Clean up your life. If you live and work in a messy environment, you are asking for stress to take hold of you.
  2. Prepare yourself for the day ahead and take your morning a little bit more slowly.
  3. Listen to calm music.
  4. Look to aromatherapy. The scent of both oranges and lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress levels.
  5. Alter your actual environment. If you can’t study or work in your specific office, try to relocate to a park or a coffee shop.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

organized my work station, got lavender candle in my bedroom, and got an organizer! At least it will reduce some stress of mine..

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