Reduce Stress through Meditation

Course: Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques

Goal: Reducing Stress

Timing:1 times per Day

  1. Guided Meditation. Guided meditation can help you formulate mental images of various situations or places that your brain perceives as relaxing.
  2. Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness meditation is based on holding greater feelings of mindfulness and understanding of the present moment.
  3. Qi Gong. Qi Gong is the combination of physical movement, breathing, meditation, and relaxation. This stems from ancient Chinese medical practices.
  4. Mantra Meditation. Mantra Meditation utilizes a single thought, word, or phrase in order to distract you from your racing thoughts or interior stress. Think of a word or phrase that initiates a sense of peace in you, and say the word over and over in order to distract yourself. Try: “Life is beautiful,” or “Peace.”
  5. Tai chi. Tai chi also stems from ancient Chinese practices. You utilize postures or movements slowly and fluidly while also breathing deeply.
  6.  Yoga. When you perform yoga in order to de-stress, you are performing a whole range of postures and exercises to yield a stress-free mind.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Gosh I never knew that meditative techniques can relief the symptoms of several conditions including cancer as well as AIDS.. I just saw it in  the medicinet article.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

After making an effort for several weeks, now I can meditate for mere 5 minutes. Still I have progressed! Happy!

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

For the last one week, I couldn't meditate. Back to the square one. I have lost my progress. Starting it over.... once again.

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