NLP Reframing

Course: Stress Management: A Practical Guide to Stress Management - Relax and Enjoy Life: Stress Relief and Stress Management Techniques

Goal: Manage Stress Through NLP Technique

Timing:1 times per Day


During NLP reframing, you can begin to alter how you actually perceive an event and therefore change the meaning. As aforementioned, the way you perceive your world is the meaning of your world: it is your map. During reframing, you can alter your meaning of the world and therefore alter the way you act in that world. This involves the following six-step reframe.

1. Identify something you would rather not feel. In this case, identify your stress and your stressor. How do you act when you’re stressed? How do you feel?

2. Try to “speak” to the part of your brain that forces you to feel that way and act the way you do. Ask the part of your brain if it can communicate with you directly.

3. Ask this part of your brain what it wants when it’s forcing you to be stressed and alienated. Recognize what the part of the brain wants versus how it’s making you feel. This unconscious part of your brain has been attempting to help you; however, it’s not making you feel very good. Do not shame this part of your brain. Try to understand what it’s attempting to create in you.

4. Next, ask this part of your brain to create three other ways to achieve this outcome without making you feel so bad.

5. Ask this part of your brain to consider these three new choices and decide if they’re acceptable. Negotiate with the brain.

6. Check with other parts of your brain and body in order to make sure every part of you is okay with the new configurations.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Many times, I tried to communicate with my problematic brain.. It end up in creating more stress.. identify, ask.. this way I am getting into it.. not out of it.. Anyone, been helped with NLP by himself?

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