Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you're talking to someone else about their achievements.


Trying to exceed someone’s personal best, or simply trying to live up to someone else’s achievements is always a sinker for self-esteem. It may give your self-esteem a short-term boost when you’re able to surpass someone, particularly a rival or someone you’re not fond of. However, there will come a time that you’ll end up comparing yourself again to someone who is “better” by your standards, and this will make you feel rotten.

You are completely unique, and you should appreciate your unique combination of traits instead of focusing only on one or two and how these size up against somebody else. It’s a losing battle.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

By comparing to other who are slightly weaker than me, I am feeding my pride. This is no good.. One should be kind helpful. This is actually a sign of weakness. 

And comparing to the weakers, would never help me progress in life.

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Adam Health care

Comparison motivates but when compared all the time - it means you don't have confidence in yourself. From there it leads to several more complications.

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Adam Health care

Comparison makes you feel inferior even if you are not. I don't compare myself much but I think may be sometime I end up doing without knowing. I couldn't get this task, he did it so well. So I looked up for a guide.. found it on becomingminimalist.com. Should have done it way ago!

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