Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt Join Course
Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt Join Course
Developing self-confidence is all about becoming comfortable with who you are and what you can do, and understanding your own value. Self-confidence and self-esteem are essential to success, and people who lack these traits find it very challenging to become successful. Without self-confidence, it’s difficult to get out of your comfort zone to seek something better. Self-confidence and appearing confident are two very different things. Appearing confident can be acted out, whereas self-confidence comes from within. By focusing on improving your self-confidence with these simple yet effective tips, you will eventually develop a natural projection of confidence that requires no effort at all.

Kathleen Rao is the renowned author of some great helpful books like; Apartment FENG SHUI, The Ultimate Tea Guide, How to Interpret Dreams and many more.

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Self Confidence Tips

Savor the fact that when you’ve sold yourself short in the past, you knew that you could probably do better, but you just chose a less-challenging path. But from now on, in the future, start building your self-confidence by simply challenging yourself to do what you know you can accomplish.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have to express.

Adam Health care

It is all about pushing my limits. If I have confidence in me, then everyone will have trust me as well. Never knew self-confidence is somewhere linked with "selling short".

Pending tasks weigh you down like a pocket full of rocks as you carry on throughout the day. Completing all these little pesky tasks earlier rather than later actually relieves stress, alleviates the feeling of being weighed down, and immediately boosts your self-esteem.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Oh, yes. I got a pile of papers, clothes and stuffs around asking me to take care of them. I have not been cleaning up my room for last 4 days. Had to go to work and when back, I am just too tired. I have an off day tomorrow. So, I am just going to clean it up today. I don't want to spend the entire day tomorrow worrying and stressing myself.

Accept the fact that no one does everything flawlessly. To err is human, they say. Mistakes are perfectly normal. It’s up to you to make the most out of every experience, and choose to learn from it. Having an mature attitude about mistakes and learning will improve your self-confidence significantly.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you're wrong, or did something wrong.

Adam Health care

According to me, one who accepts his own mistake is brave and courageous. Also, he is trustworthy. Accepting my mistake allows me to face myself when I look into the mirror - I am not fake.

Rewarding yourself does wonders for your self-confidence because it makes you realize what your capabilities are, and it motivates you to reach your goals. Feeling a sense of accomplishment on reaching your goal will further give you encouragement to reach your next goal.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you achieve your goals.

Adam Health care

Time to reward myself for I have been very strict with myself from food, workout and deeds. I am going for makeover, some shopping an then dine out. 

Indulge yourself with a long hot shower and shave, or a relaxing bath. Feeling great about how you look in the mirror is a big boost to your confidence,

Grooming yourself is a great pick-me-up for days when your confidence is at its lowest. Don’t hold back on things that you want to wear. If that extra bracelet or necklace makes you feel prettier, by all means, wear it! Keep yourself healthy by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping right. Being sick is not going to help you feel confident about yourself, so make sure that you stay in tip-top shape.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I am in such a profession, where I cannot wear any piece f jewelry or as such. But, I do take care of myself. When I take a bath I use a drop of lavender essence oil to relax myself. In fact, it uplifts my mood for the rest of the day! 


I am definitely taking care of myself.

Adam Health care

Not only I advice eeryone to take care of themselves, but I also take care of myself. I maintain a daily wake up time and food time. Workout and meditation - everything.

Having a positive mindset lifts away the heavy burden of expecting failure, and it opens up your mind to possible ways of achieving success. Good results start with imagination. Imagine yourself being successful and everything else will follow. When you have a clear vision of success, it will boost your self-esteem and it will give you the confidence that you need to go after your goals.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have a goal.

Adam Health care

It is the mindset that empowers as well as weakens us. It takes a lot of courage to work out a positive mindset. Trying to create one! There has been a big gap - so got messed up! Opening the knots now.

Adam Health care

Saying this is so easy but doing it is hard. I understand. Here are 7 ways to adopt a positive mindset.

Adam Health care

Whenever, I am worried about some medical case; I end up being more tensed. When one of my patients gets discharged, I am happy. So when I am low, I end up not helping others well. Somewhere it affects my confidence. I have to work it up!

Make myself strong and positive. Coz if am positive and confident then I can radiate positivity into my patients.

Sign up for a membership at a gym, or go on regular morning runs. Take your dog with you. Exercise is a lot more fun than how it looks, not to mention the positive impact it has on the rest of your day from the physical high exercise brings as well as the mental stimulation, and of course the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. The best approach to exercising is making yourself aware that you’re putting the necessary work it not because you want to be accepted or adored, but because you love your body and you want to take care of it for years to come.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I have walked 3.5 kilometers in a timespan of only 38 minutes. I pushed my limit and broke the record of my previous walk both in terms of distance and pace. 

I am feeling relaxed and good!

Adam Health care

20 minutes every morning ... But I love swimming most. It relaxes me as well.

Adam Health care

Becky and me on a morning walk..... 

Feeling fresh!

Boost your self-confidence by learning the skill that you’ve been wanting or meaning to learn for a long time. The key to learning is making the first step. Just TRY. It will do wonders for your self-confidence if you are able to sign up and take the first step. Read up on books you find interesting, or watch instructional videos on YouTube. The more you know, the more confident you become.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you have time and interest in something, but never tried to do it.

Adam Health care

Trying to speak French these days - it is my new hobby.

I learnt Je vous remercie (thank you), Bonjour (we all know - good morning), fille (girl), je t'aime ( I love you). It is tough yet fun.


Adam Health care

Taking lots of pictures these days.. of birds, puppies, cats, babies. Feel so happy :)

Adam Health care

I am trying to embrace my hobby of photography and learn the technical part of it. :)

Adam Health care

It is not a piece of cake to learn any new skill. So, I am taking some tips to do it faster for daring to live fully. Marelise got 30 tips ... Awesome one.

Trying to exceed someone’s personal best, or simply trying to live up to someone else’s achievements is always a sinker for self-esteem. It may give your self-esteem a short-term boost when you’re able to surpass someone, particularly a rival or someone you’re not fond of. However, there will come a time that you’ll end up comparing yourself again to someone who is “better” by your standards, and this will make you feel rotten.

You are completely unique, and you should appreciate your unique combination of traits instead of focusing only on one or two and how these size up against somebody else. It’s a losing battle.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you're talking to someone else about their achievements.

Adam Health care

By comparing to other who are slightly weaker than me, I am feeding my pride. This is no good.. One should be kind helpful. This is actually a sign of weakness. 

And comparing to the weakers, would never help me progress in life.

Adam Health care

Comparison motivates but when compared all the time - it means you don't have confidence in yourself. From there it leads to several more complications.

Adam Health care

Comparison makes you feel inferior even if you are not. I don't compare myself much but I think may be sometime I end up doing without knowing. I couldn't get this task, he did it so well. So I looked up for a guide.. found it on Should have done it way ago!

Passion is to confidence as fuel is to fire. The more you’re passionate about something in your life, the more confident you’ll be. Chase your passion.

Whether it’s a hobby, work, charity, or music: Going after your passion will do wonders for your self-esteem.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I love taking care of people around me... I feel like I am returning something to this world. Apart from that, I get excited when I am around dogs and cats. It doesn't matter if they are stray or pets. And I am passionate about writing.. so planning to write something...

Putting a smile on your face will make you look better than any high-end brand of makeup you could put on your face. And it’s free!

Go look in the mirror. Or look back at photos of yourself. Yes, you always, without exception, look better when you’re smiling.

Don’t hold your smile back because you get self-conscious or feel awkward at first. Don’t think about it at all – just smile!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Tooday, we are much more stronger than yesterday.. We don't need to speak that to let everyone know.. Our smile does.. So SMILE...

Adam Health care

A thumb rule for me beyond any doubts..

Go through your To-Do List, and make sure you’re good to go. Being prepared isn’t just simply trying to avoid someone catching you off-guard; but it also builds your confidence by feeling a sense of accomplishment by having completed something on time, and being ready for whatever may come.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #12 BE PREPARED

Following to-do list is a brilliant stuff. I do it everyday and it actually boosts up my confidence level.

Your posture portrays a lot about your self-confidence. If you slouch often, it’s probably time to stand stand up straight and feel the empowerment it gives you.

Standing up straight, with your shoulders back and chin up, radiates an aura of confidence, authority, and self-worth. Your posture also affects how confident you seem to others.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you stand, sit or communicating with others.

Adam Health care

I tend to lean foorward while I am working on Mac. I am trying to make a habit to sit straight, Now doubt, I am having a back pain because of my own fault.

Adam Health care

Yes.... so true..As I look myself in mirror, I see a man full of compassion. I see my dreams. But, I also saw my trembling hands, as if I am scared.

People with low self-confidence tend to be overwhelmed by big tasks and responsibilities.

it’s effective to take the larger or more complex tasks one step at a time. The idea is to look back at each milestone you’ve achieved and reaffirm to yourself that you can do the task at hand. Every big task is just a series of steps that you need to take. Don’t overwhelm yourself by looking at the big picture. Challenge yourself to take one step further, and once you’re done, look back and see what you’ve accomplished.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are doing something.

Adam Health care

Taking baby steps has always been my winning trick. I was scared of blood. I knew I had to overcome it. I took baby steps to do so and studied medical. Things has changed. Now, I am much more brave.

As mentioned in Tip #3, accepting your mistakes and learning from them is a critical attitude to adopt. But keep in mind, mastering the art of accepting your mistakes doesn’t mean you’re going to make any progress in the future. Acceptance is just the first phase. Then learn from them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I do this everytime, also suggest my patients. For example, if you are following a strict diet and suddenly give in to your crave. Now is the time to accept it. Not just today do it everytime and return back to what you are supposed to do.

Adam Health care

It's true... Accepting faults or mistake for a couple of times makes no changes inside.. while repeating this all the time makes a permanent change. I feel a certain peace - leading a guilt-free life.

Keep a steady stock of people who encourage, enable, and support you to be confident. Don’t shy away from people who give constructive feedback. These people may seem abrasive at first, yet their unpolished honesty may just be what you need to make changes and gain confidence.

Do everything you can to avoid people who tend to be negative.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Adam Health care

After I started avoiding those not-so positive people, my life is so peaceful.

Adam Health care

To know whom you should keep closer to your heart and life it is important to judge them. But, not make a habit to do so. That's what I learnt from life. 

How to judge one?? 

Adam Health care

I noticed that... a few whom I counted as my close buddies never pointed out where I was wrong. In fact they encouraged me. I have decided to maintain a distance with them! 

When you’re feeling down, or when you feel like doubting yourself, take a look back at the times when you were able to overcome your own obstacles, rise up to the occasion, and make something happen. Recall that distinct feeling of invincibility, the feeling that you can make anything happen just because you were able to overcome your self-doubt. Remind yourself that you are a resilient person, and that you’re able to overcome adversities. You have proof, because you’ve done it before. At some point in your life, you were backed into a corner and didn’t give up. It’s just a different ring, but you’re facing the same foe. You can make it happen again.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you feel down.

Adam Health care

Today, when I looked back I saw a young boy who was teased often for being emotional. A boy who was shattered for not being like others. At present, I feel proud that I was emotional. When my felllow peers took up basketball, I took up volunteering service.. I am proud I did so. Today, when my peers are frustrasted and taking pills for combating depression I am here happy and satisfied that I have found my true purpose and following. I feel accomplished and proud of my decisions.

Not everything you do will be awesome to everyone, and feeding your confidence over subjectivity is unhealthy. Building your opinion of yourself with the opinion of others is the opposite of self-confidence. It’s actually a manifestation of self-doubt.

While it’s great that you’ve done something awesome, don’t go out of your way to let everyone know about your accomplishments. Rather, wait and accept compliments as they come, and openly and willingly listen to comments or constructive feedback if any.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you achieve.

Adam Health care

Very true. There are many people whom I have helped in their pain, but many were still there. I couldn't help all. Neither I could give some a painfree exit. I don't find any accomplishment!

Adam Health care

I have always found it irritating when anyone went on bragging what a marvellous thing he did yesterday.. As if he was not sure whatever he did was actually great.. Seeking others' opinion to support his own thoughts. 

Well whatever I do - good or bad; I am always clear to myself. A pat on my back if it's good.. other I face it .. I prefer to face it myself..

 There’s a fine line between modesty and low self-esteem.

Having a low self-esteem however, is being dismissive of compliments regardless of the weight of your achievements.

The first person to realize your achievements will always be you. Off-handedly dismissing a compliment, whether you mean it or not, has great impact on your self-esteem.

“Thanks! I’m glad you appreciate it” or “Yes, I worked hard on that” not only makes you realize your own efforts, but it reinforces your belief in your abilities.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you recieve compliments or comments.

Adam Health care

Acceptance is a big thing - if we can't accept the basic compliments how can we accept the hardships life bring us. I love getting compliments as it boosts my spirits.

Adam Health care

This is one thing I worked on.. But, I also try to inject this into my patients. If I am telling someone you are doing I notcie how he reacts. If he is graciously accepting it then he is actually having a positive mindset! 

People are more likely to speak softer than usual if they’re not confident about what they are going to say. The feeling of getting judged often holds us back from saying what’s on our mind.

If you speak with confidence and conviction, and at a normal decibel level, then even people who disagree with your statement will find you respectable and appealing. At your next group meeting, class, or dinner, try to speak up more. Try to raise the volume of your voice a little bit. Don’t worry about sounding stupid, in fact, don’t even analyze what you’ve said. Instead, just be as spontaneous as you can be. Don’t worry about saying something wrong, you can always accept constructive criticism or change your opinion later. Get rid of your self-doubt by making your voice a bit more audible.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you speak.

Adam Health care

I have seen many people are unwell but not physically.. they are exhausted and in fear. It is the fear of getting wrong. I have worked hard and found they don't speak out.. either its fear or confusion or anxiety but keping things inside builds up negativity. 

Adam Health care

I remember as a child, I used to be shy. Hesitated a lot to speak in class. I was told to practice talking to myself in the mirror. It took me a year - finally, I was participating in a debate. Best part, I won it. :)

Break the gloomy cycle by seeing the good in others and complimenting them. Not only will you garner positive reception from every person you compliment, you’d also just start feeling good in general, which will increase your own self-confidence too. By looking for the best in others, as an outcome, you also see the best in yourself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you see something good in others.

Adam Health care

Complimenting others sweetest kindest face of yours... It is like a medicine that heals your soul. 

Adam Health care

This is something that I have realized myself.. Aboslutely true. A warm reception, an honest compliment makes the interaction warmer. I feel much confident about bring comfort to someone's life.


 Having an empty wallet can drag your self-confidence down. It’s tough to keep your self-confidence high on days when you struggle to pay your own bills. Saving up is not just for rainy days, it’s to keep you from the burden of worrying about financial problems. You can’t build much confidence if you know that there are money problems to worry about. If you owe someone, make an effort to pay them outright. Once you’re done paying your debts, you can start saving up to prevent having to borrow from someone again. Having savings provides you with the security to ease up your worries, and it consequently builds your confidence altogether.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Gosh. This is so true. No matter how much you earn but when you know that you have a good ssavings your approach towards life changes I see myself when a year back I was more of a person who was struggling to do something in life but now I feel much more in control of my life. Because I save the little for the last few months.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Around 10 year back due to an unexpect health issue, I lost all my savings, in fact had to take some loans. I didnt have any medical insurance that time. To be honest, I didn't save properly that time. It took me 3-4 years to get over my healthy issues. Then I started working again and paid my debt. I am also saving money - now I know it's important.

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

In the last few months, I saved around three thousand dollars. I am going to invest it in fulfilling my dreams. Knowing that I have a decent amount of savings has changed my outlook and I am not feel much pressure on mysself. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Saving is an art. I have saved on commute, food and energy bills. Just reduced wastage nd planned everything out.

Unless you can definitely determine that it’s your fault, do not over think something that you might have done to upset other people. The point is, you’re not always the reason for everything wrong in this world, so don’t act like everything is on you to make it right.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are not sure whatever happened was your fault.

Adam Health care

Right! I would keep that in mind. Sometime, somethings are not in our hand! 

Give yourself much-deserved time alone. Unwind at your local bookstore, or go to the movies alone. It may be a refreshing experience for you and you may rediscover your own confidence, and not the kind that you get whenever you’re with your friends or your significant other. Venturing out into the open world alone is a scary experience at first, especially if you are used to going out with your friends or your partner. But going out alone will give you a feeling of independence and self-empowerment. Conquering a new experience alone not only improves your self-confidence, but it also improves your self-esteem as well.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Me time is so important. Though Ilive alone but I could never relax myself. Life has been stressful for the last 2 years. Today, I somehow managed to get three hours and I swiitched off my phone, emails, took a hot shower and then took a nap. I couldn't think of anything fancier. Well, I feel much better now.

Adam Health care

There are a few days in a month when even alone time can only give pain. Otherwise, I am good at being with myself.

Adam Health care

Picked up a book from the bookstore near my apartment. I will be home this evening - spending it with myself and my book. It was a hobby that I used to cherish in Uni. Things has changed so much since then so here I am.

There are a lot of bad things that can result from an uncomfortable and unsatisfactory night’s sleep. A stiff neck, a sore back, a bad headache, and of course – the familiar feeling of wooziness; any of these things can potentially dictate how you get through your next day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

Had a stiff neck .... I am actually having difficult to lie doen in fact.... God knows if I can actually sleep tonight.. good sleep is out of question for the time being.

Adam Health care

Had a painful cramp in my right foot - so decided to try hot therapy treatement. I put a hot bag stuff under my ankle. In a matter of few minutes I fell asleep despite of the excruciating pain. I actually had quality sleep - I was much fresh when I woke up.

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Blog entries by followers

Adam Health care

Acceptance is a big thing - if we can't accept the basic compliments how can we accept the hardships life bring us. I love getting compliments as it boosts my spirits.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Gosh. This is so true. No matter how much you earn but when you know that you have a good ssavings your approach towards life changes I see myself when a year back I was more of a person who was struggling to do something in life but now I feel much more in control of my life. Because I save the little for the last few months.

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Adam Health care

Me time is so important. Though Ilive alone but I could never relax myself. Life has been stressful for the last 2 years. Today, I somehow managed to get three hours and I swiitched off my phone, emails, took a hot shower and then took a nap. I couldn't think of anything fancier. Well, I feel much better now.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

Around 10 year back due to an unexpect health issue, I lost all my savings, in fact had to take some loans. I didnt have any medical insurance that time. To be honest, I didn't save properly that time. It took me 3-4 years to get over my healthy issues. Then I started working again and paid my debt. I am also saving money - now I know it's important.

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Adam Health care

Trying to speak French these days - it is my new hobby.

I learnt Je vous remercie (thank you), Bonjour (we all know - good morning), fille (girl), je t'aime ( I love you). It is tough yet fun.


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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #22 SAVE UP

In the last few months, I saved around three thousand dollars. I am going to invest it in fulfilling my dreams. Knowing that I have a decent amount of savings has changed my outlook and I am not feel much pressure on mysself. 

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Adam Health care

Today, when I looked back I saw a young boy who was teased often for being emotional. A boy who was shattered for not being like others. At present, I feel proud that I was emotional. When my felllow peers took up basketball, I took up volunteering service.. I am proud I did so. Today, when my peers are frustrasted and taking pills for combating depression I am here happy and satisfied that I have found my true purpose and following. I feel accomplished and proud of my decisions.

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Adam Health care

There are a few days in a month when even alone time can only give pain. Otherwise, I am good at being with myself.

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Adam Health care

Taking lots of pictures these days.. of birds, puppies, cats, babies. Feel so happy :)

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Adam Health care

Right! I would keep that in mind. Sometime, somethings are not in our hand! 

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Adam Health care

It is the mindset that empowers as well as weakens us. It takes a lot of courage to work out a positive mindset. Trying to create one! There has been a big gap - so got messed up! Opening the knots now.

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Adam Health care

I have walked 3.5 kilometers in a timespan of only 38 minutes. I pushed my limit and broke the record of my previous walk both in terms of distance and pace. 

I am feeling relaxed and good!

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Adam Health care

It is all about pushing my limits. If I have confidence in me, then everyone will have trust me as well. Never knew self-confidence is somewhere linked with "selling short".

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Adam Health care

After I started avoiding those not-so positive people, my life is so peaceful.

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Adam Health care

I love taking care of people around me... I feel like I am returning something to this world. Apart from that, I get excited when I am around dogs and cats. It doesn't matter if they are stray or pets. And I am passionate about writing.. so planning to write something...

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Adam Health care

Complimenting others sweetest kindest face of yours... It is like a medicine that heals your soul. 

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Adam Health care

By comparing to other who are slightly weaker than me, I am feeding my pride. This is no good.. One should be kind helpful. This is actually a sign of weakness. 

And comparing to the weakers, would never help me progress in life.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: Tip #12 BE PREPARED

Following to-do list is a brilliant stuff. I do it everyday and it actually boosts up my confidence level.

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Adam Health care

Comparison motivates but when compared all the time - it means you don't have confidence in yourself. From there it leads to several more complications.

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Adam Health care

Had a stiff neck .... I am actually having difficult to lie doen in fact.... God knows if I can actually sleep tonight.. good sleep is out of question for the time being.

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