Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you stand, sit or communicating with others.


Your posture portrays a lot about your self-confidence. If you slouch often, it’s probably time to stand stand up straight and feel the empowerment it gives you.

Standing up straight, with your shoulders back and chin up, radiates an aura of confidence, authority, and self-worth. Your posture also affects how confident you seem to others.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

I tend to lean foorward while I am working on Mac. I am trying to make a habit to sit straight, Now doubt, I am having a back pain because of my own fault.

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Adam Health care

Yes.... so true..As I look myself in mirror, I see a man full of compassion. I see my dreams. But, I also saw my trembling hands, as if I am scared.

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