Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you are doing something.


People with low self-confidence tend to be overwhelmed by big tasks and responsibilities.

it’s effective to take the larger or more complex tasks one step at a time. The idea is to look back at each milestone you’ve achieved and reaffirm to yourself that you can do the task at hand. Every big task is just a series of steps that you need to take. Don’t overwhelm yourself by looking at the big picture. Challenge yourself to take one step further, and once you’re done, look back and see what you’ve accomplished.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

Taking baby steps has always been my winning trick. I was scared of blood. I knew I had to overcome it. I took baby steps to do so and studied medical. Things has changed. Now, I am much more brave.

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